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I mostly have been playing UT2k3. I can play that for hours. I just got Black Hawk Down and that seems really fun......though I haven't had much time to play it. I don't play JO that much anymore. I'm going to install Half Life again here soon just to get me in the mood for HL 2. :D

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I mostly have been playing Delta Force: Black Hawk Down lately. I have beaten the SP but the MP is fun and is more modern for me. It also is a good Urban Combat game with teamwork and nice sized levels. I espicially like the fact that you can go up in the Black Hawk and blow $hit up with the Mini Gun.


I've also been playing Halo, Amped, and Jedi Starfighter for my Xbox. Halo is just a lot of fun, Amped is my Extreme sports game for the while untill I get Matt Hoffman or Tony Hawk. You also may be good at THPS4 for the PC Mobius Berreta. but I would kick your a$$ on the console :D



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I haven't really played any games lately... but what I did I usually play Asheron's Call and Tribes 2. Kind of got bored of AC after 3 years... though I still plan on playing it again soon... in a few more weeks. Haven't played Tribes 2 much since the latest download corrupted my files... and it would takes hours and hours (20 or more) to redownload everything and every patch on my little 56k. I did that even.. and it just got the same problem again... So I kind of lost interest in that game... atleast until I can get broadband so I can download all the patches really easily to fix the problem.


For some reason I'm not really interested in any other online game right now... But I did just rent Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker a couple days ago. More fun then I anticipated... I'm probably just going to rent it 1 or 2 more times untill I beat the game (beats paying 50 dollars, and I don't feel like reselling it on ebay when I'm done).


But... I plan on making Planetside (http://www.planetside.com) my new MMO/FPS when it comes out later next month... It has a lot of the elements that I like in Asherons Call, and in Tribes 2.


About Planetside... most of you probably haven't heard of it yet... Its a massively multiplayer game (like SWGs) except you control your character like you would in a FPS. I mean, you can aim, jump, evade, etc at will. Its not character dependant like an RPG... but more skill dependant like JKII. It has 3 different "empires" and lots of different "empire" specific guns, vehicles, armors, cosmetic differences, etc. It's kind of like Tribes 2 or Battlefield 1942 where you capture bases rack up points (XP to earn new vehicles, armors, etc), and so on, except the game is persistant, so everything you do in the game has an impact even after you leave.


Everyone who is interested in teambased FPS games... on a never before seen gigantic scale should check out Planetside at http://www.planetside.com...

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ATM I'm playing UT2003, Jet Set Radio Future (I'm stuck on the last level grrr, so if anyone can help me out with the skyscraper district I'd be most grateful), Jedi Starfighter, Halo and Time Splitters 2. That's about it really.

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Well, since this doesn't say whether it's PC or console, I mainly play on my XBOX, since it is still cost prohibitive to update it to play certain games.....


So, it's currently V8Supercar Driver (TOCA in UK, DTM in Germany) and Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, both on the XBOX.....

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Actually, lately I've been playing a LOT of Halo, a LOT...i've been in a few tournaments and currently me and my partner are ranked first in the Rocky Mountain division......


I also am on the last level of splinter cell, play a lot of morrowind, and occasionally I bust out the JKII disc.........

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

I havent been playing games lately....

But, I usually play


Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy Games, Morrowind, Metal Gear Solid 2, and thats all for the past couple months.



ahhhhh i love Final Fantasy... i have pic of em all over my door... and Alana is on my door too :D (my gf) and about kingdom hearts im gonna buy that games since you brought it to my head :p

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