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Darky, Happy MOD day!

Darth Groovy

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well, looks like yet another person i have to give a hard time.


i have to keep you mods on your toes.


well.....i guess i can only give you a hard time here, over at eb i treat my fellow mod with respect!


just not over here at this corrupt place.

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Aww, thanks Dath...that's so...nice...of you...




Originally posted by ZBomber

So your saying, don't try, do it? That must mean hack into the LF database!



You are on think ice, Mr Zed (it is "Zed"..don't argue;)).


Thanks you to everyone for your congrats, it means a lot to me:)

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Originally posted by Darklighter

Aww, thanks Dath...that's so...nice...of you...






You are on think ice, Mr Zed (it is "Zed"..don't argue;)).


Thanks you to everyone for your congrats, it means a lot to me:)


its Z-- z---- z----... oh, I don't wanna get banned..... :p


Besides, I don't know hoe to hack into Lucasforums, I can't even make my own phpBB forum without help. :p

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I would congradualte you, but instead, I'll sing you a song.





he's a jolly good fellow! He's a jolly good fellow! he's a jolly good feeeellloooowwwwww.......which everyone at some point in the past has probably denied!


I mean, hey! Those aren't the words!

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Darky. Congrats. Lets see, heres a history of your life.




Born Again

5th Birthday

109th Birthday

Rewinded Time until current time.

Had A Day After Him

Had A month After Him

Turns into a mod



See Darky, you accomplished alot! Congratulations. You deserve it soooooo much. NO ONE ELSE DOES! NOT EVEN AN ADMIN! :evil2::p



*For some reason, this thread makes me wonder if I'll ever become a mod....Chewbacco said I'd make a good mod! :);)*


Again Darky, Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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Lynk is a Mod

Leemu turns into a Supa Mod

Lexx turns into a Supa Mod

and other strange things I don't know about!


It's a conspiracy I tell you! :p


Congrats. Your responsible so I'm sure you'll do fine.... you are responsible right? :D

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*cries, and leaves because of the super facist nazi admins promoting the vile bribing evil forumers who sell thier grandmother's souls for a mod position*


Damnit, it has to be a conspiracy if everyone else who has charming personallities and a heart of gold gets to be a mod but I dont!























:D You'll make a great mod, Darky!

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