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I saw a real life x-wing!


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Originally posted by SuicidalXWing

Damn, that's where I parked it. I couldn't remember for the life of me. I went into the grocery store and came out and totally forgot where I put it.


You didn't park it there...I crashlanded it after I hotwired it :D


R2 betrayed you...I'd get that droid checked out :p

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Indeed. There is also a Speeder Bike, Snowspeeder, and ATAT in the one in Florida.


Flordians rocks (Phreak and old bastardtly people :p)


I haven't seen the Snow Speeder.... maybe I haven't been looking hard enough? And yes, there's an AT-AT and Speeder bike that you can sit on. Don't forget about the mini Ewok village :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by ZBomber


Flordians rocks (Phreak and old bastardtly people :p)

I dunno...every time I went to florida all I saw were old people in golf carts riding around the streets and then in the cities extreemly ghetto gangs that made me think I was watching a hardcore rap video.
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