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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/22 in all areas

  1. 14,000 lines of dialog? That's nothing. woodchuck jokes - 1,500 lines possible answers to Toothrot's latest zen question - 250 lines Guybrush's renewed attempt to "pick up" Kate Capsize - 500 lines Stan's latest sales pitch - 5,000 lines insult swordfighting - 200 lines Guybrush getting back together with Elaine - 143 lines Elaine breaking up with Guybrush - 1 line LeChuck explaining his latest evil plan - 6,406 lines
    6 points
  2. A while ago @Laserschwert made this blank box, which inspired me to draw a super authentic cover art! Now I really want to see more Moustache-Guybrush art.
    5 points
  3. It would be hilarious if they made a unique line for every object, but it's basically variations of "I can't pick that up." "I can't pick that up." "I can't pick that up." "I can't pick that up." "I can't pick that up."
    4 points
  4. You know, from my perspective it was more "I loved that game!! Wait... why are there so many vocal people online that hate it so much?!" First time through I just really enjoyed it - the story, humour, graphics, puzzles, music, ending - all of it. Nothing bothered me, and in many ways it seemed to be the next logical step from COMI. Sure, you can pick it apart if you want, but none of those things that kept coming up bothered me in the slightest. I had just played GF so the controls felt improved. I thought the ending was epic. And still don't know what people's problem with Monkey Kombat is (it's not really that hard to make a hexagon and write down the combinations - takes about the same amount of time as any of the insult sword fighting). I liked the 3D graphics with the 2D backgrounds. Honestly, I just think people don't like change (lots of evidence of that recently with the reaction to the graphics in RTMI). Anyways, if you want I could pick things apart about each of the MI games. They aren't perfect, but they are still my favourite series of all time. I just strongly believe that EFMI is highly underrated and overhated. It really doesn't deserve the bashing it gets.
    3 points
  5. Maybe a few thousand of those are Guybrush saying "I have ___ pieces of eight."
    3 points
  6. Ha! Ha! I love this one:
    2 points
  7. Just watched this interesting video about the history of SOMI speedrunning, and thought I may as well make a topic in case anyone else has any fun stuff to share. The only other one I could think of off the top of my head is this one of Double Fine staff inviting a speedrunner to their studio to show them some strats:
    1 point
  8. Like most people here… I love Monkey Island for its amazing music! And since I like to have everything in order (πŸ€“), I've created consistent covers for my Apple Music library (using the great visuals from Laserschwert). I'm already pretty happy with these versions - but not 100% yet. I am therefore very open to alternative suggestions. [Update: For the sake of overview I have moved the downloads to "Imgur" and replaced them with an index here.]] Links to the cover downloads All album covers with framing – Version 1: https://imgur.com/a/B0CWRVe All album covers with framing – Version 2 (as seen in overview image): https://imgur.com/a/e55iyw0 Alternate covers for MI1, MI2 and MI4 with "original" framing: https://imgur.com/a/UBFgqNE Alternate covers – with logo, without framing: https://imgur.com/a/uKNk6ee The artworks without logo or framing: https://imgur.com/a/9jMgeMy Disclaimer: For the sake of the sorting, I have decided against the more beautiful CMIs and ReMIs of this world and reduced it to MI1 - MI6 ("Threewood. Guybrush Threepwood…"). (If I have unnecessarily opened a new topic here, although this can be wonderfully integrated elsewhere, then sorry.)
    1 point
  9. Wow! That’s a great improvement! Thank you!
    1 point
  10. When I played it first, those things didn't bother me that much. I thought it was all just silly fun. But the more I was coming to love the old games, the lore and the story, the more they felt off to me. In the end it's not a bad game. It has some nice puzzles, funny dialogues and nice settings. But on the downside, it seems like the creators just always thought "Wouldn't it be funny/crazy, if...?", without thinking if it would make sense to the story. On top of that, on my last playthrough I was really annoyed by the controls. Everything took SO long. Many actions that could be done with a few clicks in the old games, in EMI you had to navigate Guybrush for ages. It may have been an improvement to GF - but definitely not to the classic P&C adventures. And the 3D graphics haven't really aged well either, unfortunately. Many of the backgrounds (though not totally bad) look very empty and lifeless. But still: not a bad game! Just not a very good Monkey Island game, in my opinion... πŸ™ƒ
    1 point
  11. I think there's a difference between "not liking change/growth" and "not expecting a game to divert from established canon and gameplay". If ReMI has Insult Swordfighting but the gameplay is turn-based RPG fighting vs wordplay puzzles, there would be backlash. With Monkey Kombat, we lost the humorous wit and it devolved into "Ook Eek Ahh". Thrilling stuff I tell ya... CMI and Full Throttle had ship battles and bike-fights but it was well part of the themes of the game (and could be skipped for those who didn't want to play them) but seeing a giant robotic monkey that came out of nowhere and contradicted the Monkey skeleton from the first game, now with Voltron vibes ( and where some monkeys can talk English all of the sudden??) was very off putting for me. Maybe if it was my first played game of the series I would be less of a nay-sayer, but it was too far of a step out of believable within the story and settings we've been shown up until that point.
    1 point
  12. Thanks! Feedback is always welcome. And it's a good point – I added a bit of background on the left and put him more in the middle.
    1 point
  13. Thinking about how 34 actors means at LEAST 34 characters and it's likely they recorded more than one character. MI1:SE had 15 actors play about 45 characters (questionable if all of these are 'characters' - rat?) MI2:SE had 17 actors play about 40 characters (surprised this is less kinda, but see above) CMI had 29 actors play about 42 characters EMI had 40 actors play a whopping 76 characters (about 10 of these are pirate 1, pirate 2 etc, but still) EMI had by FAR the largest cast of characters of any of the games, and this has more lines recorded than that. I suspect they've gone for more people playing fewer characters, like CMI - the special editions seemed to be stretching the voice cast as far as it could go but CMI/EMI seemed to want a lower character/actor ratio and I do think it shows in the quality of some of the performances. I'm going to guess here that there are 34 actors playing about 50 characters.
    1 point
  14. Well arguably MI2 does this in both the first and second chapter Generally speaking I think the 3rd chapter of MI1 isn't particularly interesting. It has a nice sort of atmosphere, but wandering a huge island and mainly speaking to two characters (HT and the cannibals) just isn't that interesting to me. When I've been watching play throughs I've been skipping chunks of that part regularly. At least in MI2's long part 2 I get to meet lots of new characters. and its Dinky Island chapter feels fairly compressed i comparison to Monkey Island.
    1 point
  15. They recorded almost unlimited versions of β€œI can’t pick that up”.
    1 point
  16. Oh man, it would’ve been funny if they scripted it so that you can, if you lost all your money, return to the circus and do the cannon stunt again.
    1 point
  17. I LOVED that video!!! (but then again, I'm a sucker for Speedrun history vids haha) Funnily enough, the world record was snatched 2 days ago without even using the credit early strategy so I feel like in a few months, this video will already be super out of date. It makes me wonder if other adventure games speedruns in the little community that they have are as well optimized as the Monkey Island runs but I unfortunately do not have the time to learn more about it at the moment.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. This is actually pretty huge news...a count (or rough estimate) of the lines of dialog in the game! According to Mojo's Secret History article on Escape from Monkey Island, that game had about 10,000 lines of dialog, and that game was pretty big. Looks like we're in for a hefty beast of an adventure game, and after all these years waiting for a new entry, that's really good to hear.
    1 point
  20. The Ultimate Talkie Edition may have unintentionally added a new dead-end to Monkey Island 2 (not the Lite Mode). If you steal Wally's monocle and then forget to pick up the model lighthouse lens in Phatt's Library, then when Dread brings you back to Scabb at the end Wally will never be able to read the map. I think the original just silently gives back a monocle to Wally in that case, but this doesn't work in the Ultimate Talkie Edition, or something like that. My nephew actually found that… I plan on analyzing this a bit more at some point, if there's really a problem there then I'll try submitting a workaround in ScummVM. EDIT 2022-08-05: Well, that was actually an original oversight of the game, but it would only happen in the Ultimate Talkie edition because it was hidden by a second bug that the Ultimate Talkie edition fixed. So this dead-end has been fixed in ScummVM 2.7.0.
    1 point
  21. ...MAN!! πŸ‘• I beat #Mojole and all I got was this stupid t-shirt. 6/6 πŸ–€πŸ’›πŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€ πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€ πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€ πŸ’šπŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ–€ πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ–€ πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Mojole/
    1 point
  22. ooooh or the Sega CD version... on native hardware πŸ˜€ the entire run would consist of fighting loading times πŸ˜€
    1 point
  23. Indeed. And of course I couldn't resist to take a look... A lot goes on during those first frames, other than just showing the logo. The machine rating is measured, based on how long it takes to first draw the logo room - but that's not what causes the speed-up - but rather this (pseudo-SCUMM, as per usual): override skip-intro ; some stuff to wait for the music here... run-script sparkles sleep-for 1 second override skip-intro sets up where we'll go, if ESC is hit. "sparkles" is the script that does the sparkles ("run-script" means this script won't continue running until "sparkles" is done - or the override key is hit). At the beginning of the "sparkles" script: min-jiffies = 5 Yes, that's for "high frame rate". It sets the minimum jiffies (60ths of a second) for a frame to 5 - i.e. 12 frames per second. At the end of the script, when the sparkles are done, it's set back to 6 (10 frames per second - also the initial value for MI1). If you hit ESC in the meantime, the script will be stopped before it reaches the end, and "min-jiffies" will stay at 5. So you have to wait until the sparkles start - when it's set to 5 - and hit ESC before they end, when it's set back to 6.
    1 point
  24. It's true! You can use the dog insult straight away in the swordfighting bit if you get him to say this. This whole piece of conversation acts as a bit of a primer to the insult swordfighting concept, really. You can either "defeat" the troll with an insult he has no comeback for, "lose" with "Oh yeah?" (which ends the conversation) or end up with a middle result, where he gives you the insult above. It has no impact on how you get past him, of course!
    1 point
  25. I’ve never really thought about it before but I guess those doors are the first indication it’s all a theme park, where Guybrush rapidly jumps into the underground tunnels to reach the next door. Only joking. But I do know that in the MI1 demo you can use the doors to get onto the parapet(s)… Did they also have the shortcut behaviour, or did they just add that after deciding to bin the parapet? I never played this version of the demo.
    1 point
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