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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/22 in all areas

  1. Tonigh I printed the designs and wrapped a box. It turned out quite nice. I don’t have time to make contents for it until August so it’s empty 😀 The border on the front is thinner then it is original, this is intentional as I made a template for making other boxes as well. As well as not putting on any labels, system information etc. The size is exact to my original LucasArts (though I know they came in many different size as well)
    5 points
  2. I don't remember this one verbatim, but if you have interacted with Spiffy in the SCUMM Bar, Guybrush will say "it's the dog from the bar" if you Look At the painting in the Governor's Mansion. Otherwise, he'll say "it's a man and a dog." (Paraphrased.)
    5 points
  3. Perfect thread to give this all the love it deserves: May not seem like a small detail, but I just LOVE how simple and yet amazing the Monkey Island logo is! (And I am soooo happy, they brought it back for “Return”. 🥰)
    4 points
  4. Someone on reddit tried to redraw guybrush from pixel to vector and tried to recreate the style of Rex Crowle. I've tried to add it to the new background and...for me it works great! Original post here
    4 points
  5. In the german version of Escape they made a funny translation error. In his introduction, Charles L. Charles claims he is the future Governor of Monkey Island™! Watching an english playthrough I suddenly remembered that small moment from 2000. Back then I didn't think it was an error at all. I was like, "Huh! Interesting!". Today I'm happy to discover that I wasn't misremembering things. Hear it for yourself in the video below
    4 points
  6. There are some things that excite me a ton, and I would consider them "small details" that we rarely talk about. Please share your favorite things from the games that make you happy. Window Lights In the town of Mêlée Island you can see some window lights turn on and off. Changing location names on the map Some location names change when you visit them the first time.
    3 points
  7. Some of the screenshots on the original Sam & Max box are different than in the published game. In particular, the Wak-A-Rat score box is missing the "Hit 20 Win" text at the top; the screenshot of Conroy Bumpus singing in Bumpusville has him (and/or the stuffed animal heads) singing "Aooooooooooo..." in a blue font; and the Mystery Vortex hallway shows Sam's hat leaping off his head in amazement, while the doors at the front of the room are green and white in color (though in the published game those particular two doors seem to be hard-coded to be red and orange for some reason). I definitely admire the work in making that facsimile box, though!
    3 points
  8. I know it's not MI, but re the logo: The level of attention to detail was so exact. (It's why the font changes in Full Throttle Remastered really bugged me.)
    3 points
  9. We take it for granted at this point, but that the coda changes if you leave Herman of if you abandon the crew is 👏.
    3 points
  10. Monkey 1 has some amazing views. I love how much of the screen they occupy.
    3 points
  11. This looks great! I think I might've said this earlier, but I would love to see Rex take on MI1 and 2 in this art style. It's also quite amazing how quickly a screenshot can feel more Monkey Island-y just by adding Guybrush into it. It's all going to sink in when we finally see him and I will drown in my own tears of happiness, mark my words.
    3 points
  12. I always find it really funny how much LeChimp looks like Homer Simpson.
    3 points
  13. Muphry's Law: You make a typo when you're pointing out someone else's mistake.
    3 points
  14. On that note, SURELY at some point in Return he'll get called Thimbleweed, right?
    3 points
  15. That top one especially really gives a sense of how big Monkey Island itself is. That's definitely something you want for a place that's meant to contain a mysterious Secret. My hope for Return is that there is a lot of unexplored areas of the island we get to see as Guybrush gets closer to uncovering the Secret and maybe revealing new mysteries.
    2 points
  16. One of the details that immediately came to my mind is the walking animation of LeChuck in Monkey Island 2. Especially in combination with the music (e.g. in the underground tunnels) it makes him super creepy! 😶 (Couldn’t find a gif unfortunately.)
    2 points
  17. Funny how even the biggest fans can't get his name right! Poor, poor Goalbrush! 😟
    2 points
  18. Oh, I was pretty certain you typed those woods. 😇
    2 points
  19. That was my typo I couldn't find a german, no-commentary playthrough with subtitles turned on, so I wrote them myself.
    2 points
  20. Interesting! Whereas he already has a fancy church there and religion and politics should not be mixed - not even on Monkey Island! ☝️ I'm currently playing "Tales" on the iPad (which works pretty well, actually!). Every now and then I switch to the German dubbing, just for fun. But unfortunately it's not very well done and every third sentence is chopped off because the sentences in English are shorter and no one has adjusted that. 😒
    2 points
  21. Not Breaking Bad/Saul-related, but I always found the Fusco brothers from The Return would make great (aged) Men of Low Moral Fiber.
    2 points
  22. I thought we could discuss our expectations for the next trailer a bit more deeply (and seperately from the other thread). As a basis here’s a little poll. Personally, I am very excited for the overall look & feel of the game, but just a bit more curious for Guybrush’s new look. What about you? 🧐
    1 point
  23. Yeah I noticed that too! It's one of the things that make me dread that part of the box because there aren't any good enough scans of the box out there of these so reusing scans is not an option, I'm probably gonna have to recreate those using similar screenshots as base because I want my box to look exactly like that but I also want it to be as HD as I can. It's not impossible though so it's okay.
    1 point
  24. Ronzo is a big Switch fan, so I would assume it would at least eventually make its way there. And if the Delores demo is anything to go by -- and who knows if it is or not -- Mac and Linux seem plausible. Or I could be as wrong as I was about the trailer and it'll be a Windows exclusive. 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Actually, the thing I'm most interested to see from a trailer is a release date. But that wasn't an option.
    1 point
  27. (Moved some posts about anticipating the trailer to the trailer anticipation thread.)
    1 point
  28. I'm not opening myself up to be let down again 😂
    1 point
  29. Still amazing how much subtle coloring they managed to pull out of that EGA palette (like the distance haze).
    1 point
  30. It's also really imposing for a logo so simple. That font is just striking and fits the piratey aesthetic of the games perfectly.
    1 point
  31. I'm hopeful that we'll get a better idea of the story, especially as far as the canon of all the games is concerned. Also, as much as Ron may want to keep a lot of the plot under wraps to maitain the surprise for fans, he needs to give new people to the franchise some incentive to jump on board with the rest of us. Having said that, I also think that the highlights of whatever is shown next will be Guybrush's appearance along with whatever the new interface is, so they got my vote. I would LOVE to hear LeChuck's new voice too, but I have a feeling we'll be waiting for the game to come out to hear that for the first time.
    1 point
  32. What do you mean finally?
    1 point
  33. Also: the grumpiest lookout in the Caribbean:
    1 point
  34. Some I've thought of: I haven't played EMI in 20 years, but I like Pegnose Pete, though even then I thought the duck undermined him. Monkey Island 2's tri-island chapter was too big. I spent hours looking for a lens, bored out of my mind. (I still love Monkey Island 2.) The Telltale Sam and Max outings were mostly better than Hit the Road, though I liked it for the most part.
    1 point
  35. I think Charity James gave a good performance (all the voice acting in EMI is top notch), but I think the writing for Elaine in that game wasn't especially careful. Sure, Guybrush has always been a goofball to some extent and Elaine has always been capable, but the marital dynamic there gives the impression that the writers thought it was a zero sum game: that Elaine only looks good when it's at Guybrush's expense. I think this risks making Elaine unlikable in a way that could easily have been avoided. And in a way, it makes her a dependant: If you need to make Guybrush extra stupid to underline Elaine's qualities, you're not really doing Elaine justice. A summary of how EMI views that relationship is in the game's opening cutscene. How does the game choose to recap their dynamic? With a montage of Elaine punching Guybrush in the face. It's funny in a "don't think about it" way, but also a really lame and sitcom-y distillation of the couple.
    1 point
  36. Just made a wrap for Sam & Max based on the map posted by Jake. I’ll make a box of it another day. It’s not how the original sides look but that’s how I like it 😊
    1 point
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