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05.11 The Revolution begins *SPOILERS*


Are you going to see Matrix: Revolutions?  

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  1. 1. Are you going to see Matrix: Revolutions?

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... from CNN Entertainment.


The header:

"Review: 'Matrix' a waste of good technology", with the subhead "Nice video game, but where's the movie?"


And the quote: "Moreover, none of these three big-screen extravaganzas (with the possible exception of the original) has been an actual movie with character development, subplots, context, or even any content to speak of. They're video games. Oh, they're great video games! Spectacular video games! Perhaps the best video games in the history of human civilization!

But video games nevertheless."


And RottenTomatoes has it at ~29% as of now ... I hope everyone who is psyched about it enjoys it.



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Originally posted by txa1265

Just wondering (as we are of a similar age and both parents, etc) what are your opinions of the first two? Have you seen them?


Revealed, my opinion is ... ;)




Okay...I'll come clean. Besides, my flak jacket is back from the cleaners.


*dons it quickly*


The original The Matrix was a good Special FX showcase with some nice action set pieces. It was an enjoyable enough ride while it lasted...but that's really how I viewed it: more of a roller-coaster ride where you can essentially switch off part of your brain and just delight in eye-candy.


As far as the storyline and characterisation went, it was pretty shallow. Some people say it has 'deeper meanings' etc., but I tend to disagree. Just because people dress cool, talk in riddles, and there are some Zen martial artsy overtones doesn't mean it works on some higher plane. While the basic premise is good (although a little clichéd in that Virtual Reality as a concept in stories and even other movies is nothing new), it is essentially lacking in the appropriate depth.


The sequel Matrix Reloaded, instead of applying greater depth to the premise of the first movie, is actually even more shallow, and attempts at characterisation, I felt, were a bit flat and uninteresting. The characters, in a way, seem disengaged from the action - and the action has become simply a series of disjointed set pieces with no real relevance to the underlying 'story', such as it is.


Now that seems a pretty scathing view, and no doubt I'm in a minority with that view, and if other people think the movies are cool, and really like them, that's their prerogative. If we all had the same opinions about everything, the world would become a pretty boring place pretty fast.


Just in case anyone is wondering...I'm not against martial arts or action movies. I happen to enjoy both. I enjoyed the Matrix for what it was - a pure action movie. But it's certainly not a favourite film, and I can't get at all excited about yet another one. I simply feel no connection to the central characters - I essentially don't care what happens to them at all. They could all die, and I couldn't care less...and that is where the characterisation has utterly failed, IMHO.


I watched a film called Equilibrium recently...which obviously had been in part influenced by The Matrix. I have to say I enjoyed that film more, because although the effects may not have been as good...or the action set pieces not as numerous or as large - it managed to touch me on the 'human' level, and so I felt that necessary connection with the central character. It too has a clichéd premise (the old 'lone hero against the Totalitarian State' scenario), but it was well-executed, and more believable in the way it was portrayed.


So there you have it. I preferred The Matrix to it's sequel...but even then, I view it mainly as an action movie, and little else, and it didn't manage to 'capture' my interest like some other films.

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Originally posted by Darth Rythe

there are plenty out there:)


lets face it kids, most of us will die virgins.


but not me^^



more likely than not, a scary movie would be filled with single females......or maybe a chick flik..^^ I dunno. But not the matrix, heheh.

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I wasn't dissapointed, because I had low expectations after Reloaded, but I wasn't impressed either. It didn't come together very well, imo... The best performance in the movie was the Captain guy, the one who uses the battle suit...


They just didn't spend enough time on the main characters, they lacked depth. After having watched all 3 movies, I can honestly say that I didn't care what happened to them through the movie. In the first one when Neo 'dies' I felt for him, I was worried for him and wanted him to pull out of it. In this one, whenever his life was in danger I didn't really care. He wasnt a character in a movie, he was a poorly constructed plot tool.

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Bad bad bad movie, im sorry it just didnt finish it off for me, it seemed rush and hung around way too much on things, Trinity dieing was enevitable and the Oracle kinda dieing was ok, but the first 20-30 mins were rushed it made little or no sense, after watching the first two back to back this morning before watching it I saw bit from both that I never noticed, I felt robbed of my £5 it just wasnt worth it sorry guys :(




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you're all entitled to your own opinions, but I honestly couldn't be happier with this movie. There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with it at all. Fight scenes were AMAZING, the ending was ABSOLUTLEY awesome. Now maybe i'm just a crazed fan-boy, maybe I dont know what i'm talking about. But I honestly don't care, because that movie makes me happy!!!



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Originally posted by Tyrion

Could someone give a rough storyline on what happens? Mainly, the important parts.


heres what happens, major spoilertastic




neo is trapped between the matrix and the real world-

morpheus and trinity have to save him by going to the merovingian who is the only who can get neo back.

meanwhile zion is under attack from the machines - they fight.

neo meets a little girl (the mother of the matrix? maybe)

trinity frees neo - he goes to the oracle who tell him he has to stop smith to end the war.

neo decides he must go to the machine city and talk to the boss, he takes niobe's ship, trinity goes with him.

morpheus, niobe and co head to zion.

smith takes over the oracle - he now has 'the sight'

bane (aka smith) is on the same ship as neo and trinity.. they fight. neo gets blinded but then kills bane.

meanwhile in zion.. the fight between the machines and humans rages on.

neo and trinity get to the machine world but are chased by lots of sentinels.

just in time - morpheus, niobe and co get to zion and set off emp killing at the machines.. but a second wave of machines are on their way...

neo and trinity crash into the main machine building - trinity dies. neo goes to see the machine boss and makes a deal - he will stop smith if there can be peace.

showdown.. neo & smith, lots of cool fighting.. ultimately neo knows he can't beat smith by fighting.. suddenly realises want he must do.. he lets smith take over him.. sending him back to the source. the matrix is reset

the machines stop their attack on zion - there is peace



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Originally posted by Siv

heres what happens, major spoilertastic




neo is trapped between the matrix and the real world-

morpheus and trinity have to save him by going to the merovingian who is the only who can get neo back.

meanwhile zion is under attack from the machines - they fight.

neo meets a little girl (the mother of the matrix? maybe)

trinity frees neo - he goes to the oracle who tell him he has to stop smith to end the war.

neo decides he must go to the machine city and talk to the boss, he takes niobe's ship, trinity goes with him.

morpheus, niobe and co head to zion.

smith takes over the oracle - he now has 'the sight'

bane (aka smith) is on the same ship as neo and trinity.. they fight. neo gets blinded but then kills bane.

meanwhile in zion.. the fight between the machines and humans rages on.

neo and trinity get to the machine world but are chased by lots of sentinels.

just in time - morpheus, niobe and co get to zion and set off emp killing at the machines.. but a second wave of machines are on their way...

neo and trinity crash into the main machine building - trinity dies. neo goes to see the machine boss and makes a deal - he will stop smith if there can be peace.

showdown.. neo & smith, lots of cool fighting.. ultimately neo knows he can't beat smith by fighting.. suddenly realises want he must do.. he lets smith take over him.. sending him back to the source. the matrix is reset

the machines stop their attack on zion - there is peace



Well that wraps it into a nice little package doesn't it.




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