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Fun With A Slogan Generator

Boba Rhett

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An Army of Rhett.




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He Who Thinks Rhett Drinks Rhett.


As you can imagine, I find this quite amusing. Now you can too!


Just click Here to make some of your own!




I'm almost sure we've done this before but, well, who cares. :) Now get to sloganizin'!

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"Moms like you choose Jed."


Oh I think we have a winner here.

"Life Should Taste As Good As Jed."


"Feel the Jed."


"They're hungry for your BawBag."


.... wow. Creepy.


I think this one takes the cake...

"Drinka pinta Niner a day"

(Drink a pint-a Niner a day)


And this is just too brilliant to pass up

"Go On, Get Your Sith Out."


"Any Time, Any Place, Sith."

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Uhhhhhh . . .



I am Stuck on Bigteddypaul, 'Cause Bigteddypaul's Stuck on Me.


EDIT: WTF? This is like a dirty slogan thingy. My 2nd slogan


Whatever You're Into, Get Into Bigteddypaul.


EDIT AGAIN: Okay I just confirmed that this is a porn slogan generaor. 3rd try:


Have You Forgotten How Good Bigteddypaul Tastes?

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Ownage Unscripted.

An Ownage Works Wonders.

Choosy Mothers Choose Drugs.

The Drugs Goes Straight to your Head.

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Drugs.

Pork Just Feels Right.

Things Go Better with Pork.

Turn Loose The Pork.

It's Not TV. It's Socks.

The Best Part of Waking Up is Socks in Your Cup.

Smart. Beautiful. Death.

Don't Live a Little, Live a Death.

For Mash, Get Death.

Puts the Death in Britain.

If You Can't Beat Death, Join Death.

You Can Be Sure of Sausage.

You'll Look a Little Lovelier Each Day with Fabulous Pink Sausage.

Out Of The Strong Came Forth Crap.

I'm Not Gonna Pay A Lot For This Crap.

Two Hours of Sechs in Just Two Calories.

You've Got Questions. We've Got Sechs.

Better Ingredients, Better Sechs.

Come to Life. Come to Yoda.

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Wait Till We Get Our Dath Max On You.


Men Can't Help Acting On Dath Max.


A Finger of Dath Max is Just Enough to

Give Your Kids a Treat.


Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh, What a Dath Max it is!


There Ain't No Party Like A Dath Max Party.


Pride of the Dath Max For Over a Hundred Years.


Recommended By Dr. Dath Max.


Vorsprung Durch Dath Max.


Tonight, Let It Be Opal.


Top Breeders Recommend Phreak.


Pikachu Makes Everything Better.

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Let Your Curt-Man Do The Walking.


The Joy of Curt-Man.


Two Hours of Curt-Man in Just Two Calories.


I Liked The Curt-Man So Much, I Bought The Company!


best one: Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Curt-Man from the Oven.


Curt-Man: The Other White Meat.


Only Curt-Man Has The Answer.


There's Only One Curt-Man.


and now for my other nickname:


The The Shirt That Refreshes.


The The Shirt Of A New Generation.


Stimulation for Body and The Shirt.


A Finger of The Shirt is Just Enough to Give Your Kids a Treat.

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When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Rogue15 Overnight.


Please Don't Squeeze The Rogue15.


It's the Bright One, it's the Right One, that's Rogue15. (damn straight, bitches!)


Splash Rogue15 All Over. (what the ****?)


Bridge That Gap with Rogue15.


No Rogue15, No Comment.


The Rogue15 That Eats Like A Meal.


Mama's got the Magic of Rogue15.


Reach for the Rogue15.


Rogue15. It's Everywhere You Wanna Be.


Keep That Rogue15 Complexion.


Devon Knows How They Make Rogue15 So Creamy.


More Rogue15 Please.


The Joy of Rogue15.


Your Flexible Rogue15.


The Rogue15 Effect.


Just What The Rogue15 Ordered.


Only Rogue15 Can Prevent Forest Fires.


Don't Be Vague. Ask for Rogue15.

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Get the Dravis Habit.

Only Dravis Can Prevent Forest Fires.

I'm Not Gonna Pay A Lot For This Dravis.

The Dravis Of Paradise.

When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Dravis Overnight.

A Day Without Dravis is Like a Day Without Sunshine.

Exceedingly Good Dravis.

Nothing Works Better Than a Dravis.

If You've Got the Time, We've Got the Dravis.

Beware of Expensive Dravis.

Dravis Not Included.

You're Never Alone with a Dravis.

Super Dravis is Almost Here.

The Dirt says Hot, The Label says Dravis.

If Only Everything in Life was as Reliable as a Dravis.

You Need A Dravis.

We'll Leave The Dravis On For You.

Think Once, Think Twice, Think Dravis.

We're Serious About Dravis.


Bolded = most entertaining. :D


Dunno why they use a cgi script on that site though. Must be paying a lot for the bandwidth. If it was written in javascript it would be much faster... :p

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*There's First Love, and There's jebbers Love.

*The Best Part of Waking Up is jebbers in Your Cup.

Let the jebbers Begin.

Beanz Meanz jebbers.

*Sweet as the Moment When the jebbers Went "Pop" (personal moment)

*It's Shake 'n' jebbers, and I Helped.

Get the jebbers Habit.

*Don't You Just Love Being In jebbers?(eh?)




'*' = i like them the best...and some sound just obscene....but none the less funny

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"You Can Be Sure of Jon Hill."


"Turn Loose The Jon Hill."


"To Our Members, We're the Fourth Emergency Jon Hill." (that one made I laugh!)


"I am Stuck on Jon Hill, 'Cause Jon Hill's Stuck on Me." WTF?!


"Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh, What a Jon Hill it is!"


This makes less sense than a nut on steroids! what the flip is this for?


EDIT: this one is funny! "Run For The Jon Hill." like run for the hills but not.

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