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How to take down Anakin?


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Hmmm...but Pain leads to Suffering....Suffering leads to

Anger....Anger leads to Hate....Hate leads to the Darkside


(anyways, I think I'd try that to... :D )


The Dark Side leads to inability to see....Inability To See leads to Bumping Into Things, Bumping Into Things leads to lumps on the head...


Back on-topic, by making myself invisible beforehand, sneaking behind him and sabreing him in the back....

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I'd be a realist and die because he was one of the best swordsmen in the Jedi Order - not quite rivalling Mace or Yoda just yet, but well on his way. That and I'm not even wearing a name tag so what chance do I have?


Although in SW RPG, my Jedi kicked the piss out of Darth Vader and was about to kill him(we were playing post BoY, pre-BoH)...but then the platoon of Stormtroopers showed up. Lets just say that one lightsaber doesn't block thirty-some-odd blaster bolts, regardless of who you are.

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I would prepare some ancient surprise for this punk. Maybe he can stop blaster bolts but no Jedi can stop devastating bullet from old good Magnum .44 :)


Yes, "Earth" guns would prove much more effective than blasters in SW universe. HK-47 could start attacking Jedi directly then. :D

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A different angle:

As a young jedi, I know that my greatest opponents are saber wielders and force users, so I would train in a mix of guardian and consular classes, giving me an excellent understanding of the force as it relates to combat, as a result of this, my lightsaber would be designed around not causing direct damage, but disrupting my opponents saber, if Anakin attacked me, my first defense is to block his attack, as close to the base of his saber as possible, either disrupting the beam, or directly severing the hilt, that would drop him into using force powers and HtoH combat,

where I have a better chance, seeing as how his "main" area of expertise is saber combat, I get him out of his element and force him to fight the way I dictate, using a form of force boosted martial arts, wrestling, and boxing, a form that is obviously not used very often in the conflicts he's experienced...

erego the stocky rumble boy has the advantage over the skinny duelist, and in effect goes Neo on the chosen punk:cool:

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Here is my serious explanation-


Considering that the Clone Troopers would probably have blocked off every exit, I wouldn't be able to run. Me, just being me :), would have trained in probably the most exotic and rare style after I learned Form I and another Form like Form IV. I would probably be a Guardian or a Sentinel, probably a Guardian because that is probably what Anakin is and this would be more of a dueling contest than force contest. I would immediately turn on speed, valor, armor, whatever force buffs I have, not to mention Stims and a Energy Shield. I would head straight at him, force jumping to him and using Form IV to take him off balance. Then, I would use force buffs, and a lot of Medpacks to conserve my force, and then keep using stims. I would also keep trying to be on the offensive and keep switching styles to keep him off balance, and sometimes use maybe non-saber martial arts style combat I had learned as a style of defense without my lightsaber. Maybe both at the same time. Here we are fighting, and then I let him force my blade down to the ground and immediately punch and kick him in the face.


As for my non-serious explanation-


Kick him in the balls and run like hell!

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