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Avatar/Sig Pic Request/Discussion Thread (Read First Post)


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So... what does everyone think of my new sig and avatar? :3 Transformers on pink-overload. hehe

Banner is far too wide... sorry. Please reduce it to 500 pixels or less.


Yes all I am the resident Sig Nazi. Sorry to be the downer here.

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Unfortunately squishing it down to 500px makes the lettering unreadable (I tried it before going down to 700). And if I enlarge the lettering it covers up the girls too much... and without the lettering its just kinda not the same...


Edit: I remade the sig, just smaller, lettering is less readable... but you can make it out be recognizing the shapes of letters I suppose. lol

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eh? and eh eh?

Those are nice, and I could probably still use them, but I'm talking about some poker chips facing up or towards the screen like these.




If you could cut those and make the backgrounds transparent that'd be just swell.

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Unfortunately squishing it down to 500px makes the lettering unreadable (I tried it before going down to 700). And if I enlarge the lettering it covers up the girls too much... and without the lettering its just kinda not the same...


Edit: I remade the sig, just smaller, lettering is less readable... but you can make it out be recognizing the shapes of letters I suppose. lol


You can try leaving it at the size that it was, and removing the two pink images on the outside, since you're using the image as your avatar, it still wouldn't go "un-noticed."



Edit @ jcoolZombie:


Here's an attempt at the Castle Ruins image, the focus was a bit large than I'm used to, but I think it came out alright:





Just within the forum limits too, I think.

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Topsite, I have an idea. Start up a game of KotOR with the avatar and make sure the resolution is at its highest (1280x1024), I think. Hit the Print-Screen key to take a screenshot and then paste it in Paint, or Photoshop etc. Then crop the image to the avatar and I'm guessing the avvy should be large enough...


(Or just give me a link to the entire screenshot, I'll handle the rest ;) )


I would have done it myself, but I uninstalled KotOR1 a long time ago. :(

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Topsite, I have an idea. Start up a game of KotOR with the avatar and make sure the resolution is at its highest (1280x1024), I think. Hit the Print-Screen key to take a screenshot and then paste it in Paint, or Photoshop etc. Then crop the image to the avatar and I'm guessing the avvy should be large enough...


I was bored so I gave it a try. I got this:



I looked for the picture using KotOR Tool. Its 64x64. The image I posted is 96x96, so the game just stretches it like photoshop would. Even at this size, its still a bit blurry.


It was worth a shot, I know it works with some games.

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Can someone make me a banner similar to KotO[REvan]'s sig, but with Revan instead of Nihilus please, I've tried to get something good but I'm rubbish at picture editing.


Here's what KotO[REvan]'s sig looks like: DarthNihilus.png


And if at all possible could the dimensions be: 180 hight x 850 width. As i said above this is a banner and it's not for a sig, so i won't be going over the size limit :p



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