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Poll and Debate - What do you prefer light or darkness?


Dark? Light? Grey?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Dark? Light? Grey?

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Do you love the ways of the Jedi, that bring peace and serenity to the galaxy or the ways of the dark side, with anger and power?


Please whatever you chose tell me why!


This thread was created to discuss the various sides of the Force!


What do you think its better to the galaxy? Is the dark side stronger ? Is the light side better? What should rule the galaxy?


I personnaly prefer the dark side for its power and ways, they're teaching strenghtens us while the light side weakens us!


Disagree? Got something to say about it? Post it here!


Man I look like a vendor! Well I'll leave it to you guys!

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I would like to think of myself as lightside, but inside i know that i have many faults that would prevent me from being a pure lightsider. Saying that, i know that i could not become darkside, as the thought of intentionally hurting someone and causing suffering on purpose just sickens me. So I guess it's grey side for me.

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Well, how about go to a backwater world and start a Force Religion based on the Sith Code?


To Velrogh, The real one without mispelling that is, and "torturing ppl with lighting" is quite a boring hobby. What? You flick the lights on and off continuously?


Other than that, I am mostly neutral leaning towards the darkside. Then again I believe there is no darkside, only dark intensions, and I definitely have loads of them.

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Grey here, I would walk the line by doing bad things to achieve good results (i.e. sometimes there are some folks that just need killin'...child molesters, serial killers, etc.) As much as I love Obi Wan, my fav Jedi will always be Mace becuase I think he tread on that line a little more than any other popular Jedi, and he was dang good at it.

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I'd have to say lightside. not pure light, but somewhere between that and grey. some things are just to goodygoody, and others, like intentionally causeing pain and suffering is horrible. Obiwan is my favorite. He tries to stay straight and true to the light, but has his own faults. like when he was mean to jarjar. poor frog. and when he left vader smoldering by the lava, that's horrible! he could have atleast taken the time to drill his saber through his skull. and ferris209, Mace sucks. he should have bombed the geonosian arena. he should have killed dooku when he had the chance. he should have outright killed sidious instead of arguing with skywalker. sorry. he just ticks me off. great swordsman though.

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I would go with the Grey side. The whole Sith thing of killing people cuz there not as powerful as you and only thinking about yourelf repels me. Now the Jedi...I agree with the Jedi Code- I just don't like the Jedi too well. Most of them are arrogant and they shun anyone who doesn't follow the Code to the letter (like they're perfect in some way).

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