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Well, I woke up today to see an official "Blizzard Warning" here where I live. They say we will have 10-14 inches by the time it is done. So I thought I would ask you Ahtonauts to share a story about the biggest snowfall you have seen or maybe your best snow story.


I used to live Up North when I was a young kid, and I remember more snow than we seem to have now. Then we moved to southern Missouri, where the snow does not accumulate near as much. One year, when I was in college, we had a 16 inch snowfall in April. I lived in the back apartment of an old house and had no shovel except for a little folding camp spade. So there I was shoveling 16 inches of snow with a camp spade. It took me two hours to make a path from my porch to the street. Classes were cancelled, so I went back inside and wrote a sonnet for my girlfriend--yes, Jae knows; it was her.


So what's your story?

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Haven't you been watching the news? You shouldn't be surprised... they've been talking about it for at least a day or two. :p Honestly I thought there'd be more myself, but it's enough to cancel classes in the public schools, so I guess I shouldn't be turning my nose at it. I remember a few years ago we had a lot more snow than this, and I was still young enough to enjoy it. Easier to enjoy two feet of snow when you don't have to drive through it...


Last year about this time, though, we had a huge snowfall. You might remember it, actually. It dumped a couple of feet down, and I had to drive the 5 mins to class. Well it took me about 20 minutes to get there, and of course class was cancelled. Wouldn't have been so bad if I lived on campus. I got really mad, because it was the only time of the year I got a really great parking spot! :p


To think, though... it was 60 degrees a couple of ays ago.

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I've been stuck in a bad blizzard while in an Inuit village in the North of Quebec once (Nunavik). It was so bad that it looked like someone had painted the windows with white paint: they were totally opaque.


The village's watertruck (there's no acqueduct there) ended up unable to do its run as there were several +- 6 feet high barriers of hard packed snow in the middle of the streets so we ran out of water. We (we were 6 people) decided to walk to the store which was about 1/4 mile away to buy some water and extra food as it was clear that the plane we were supposed to take in the afternoon wouldn't be able to land. The visibility was so bad that we couldn't even see a building 10 feet away and the wind was blowing so hard that we all fell at least once because of it (since there were no more trees at this latitude, there was nothing to stop the wind). Unfortunately one villager got lost during the blizzard and froze to death.


The blizzard lasted 3 days and when the sky became clear again, all the houses in the village looked like they were covered with thick foam panels.

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I lived in Chicago when we had the 21" snowfall in January 1999.
I remember that. Seems like ages ago, but I remember having a really good time in the snow, even though I was at the age where I really shouldn't have been playing it in anymore. :p
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Haven't you been watching the news? You shouldn't be surprised... they've been talking about it for at least a day or two. :p

We knew it was going to be a big snowmaker and were expecting the winter storm warning, but not an actual _blizzard_ warning. They said they've only issued around us about 10 of those in the last 30 years or something like that, and the last one was 3 years ago.

To think, though... it was 60 degrees a couple of ays ago.

I know. Last weekend was fabulous--who would have thought that you could put up Christmas lights in 60 degree weather at the end of November in our part of the world?



One of the big blizzards when I was a kid dumped about 20 inches on us, and we didn't have a snow blower. It was a very heavy wet snow, too, so shoveling was slow. We had to do it in layers because there was that much--shovel the top half, then get the bottom half. Then we made a huge snowhill in our backyard and made a long curving run for it for our plastic sleds. We banked the turns and poured water on the whole run to ice it and had pretty much a bobsled run for a good 8 weeks before it got warm enough to melt the snow.


Edit: You're never too old to play in snow. We just do it with more expensive toys. :D

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Hail is bad... except that my dad makes a living from it which pays my tuition... so I guess I shouldn't complain. We got hail not too long ago. In fact the night after I had a horrible nightmare that my car was destroyed by monster-sized hail. Then I woke up and saw it was fine and was relieved. Funny what an imagination can do... :p

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For Xmas, please send some snow to southern Oregon. Quit hording it. Will trade for rain.

We don't have any snow, but we've got a coldfront that's delivering some hella-cold wind that'll cut through any coat or jacket you're wearing... brrrrrrr..


Crazy TN weather... bright, sunny and wind that'll make your nose-hairs freeze :xp:

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I was in Chicago for the 2002-2003 school year. The first snowfall in my area occurred on my B-day. It was my first real snowfall. Other than that here in California we have rainstorms that send mudslids where Old Fire burned and yesterday we have a strong windstorm. It wasn't bad enough to cancel classes.

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Yeah, that reminds me of the blizzard of '96. That one was the biggest, I think, that I remember.


@ The Doctor


Yeah, I remember 2 years ago we had our first flurries on Oct 23 (my best bud's birthday) and now it's Dec 1 and nothing. We're supposed to get a little bit from Jae & Jimbo's blizzard on Monday, but it probably won't be enough to get out of anything.



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Having been raised in northeastern Indiana, I recall a blizzard way back in '77-'78(?) that has to rank as the greatest amount of snowfall that I have ever seen. I was only 4 or 5 at the time (not sure what year it was), but I can remember that there was so much snow that they couldn't plow it. They had to use front-end loaders and dump trucks to clear the highway. All of the sibs were still at home and we had so much fun because school was out for at least a week.


Does anyone from the northern Midwest (who was alive at the time:p) remember that one?

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Does it mean anything if I see "Blizzard!" and the first thing I think of is Warcraft, and not the weather? >_>

YES! ~hugz~ You're my kind of girl.


When I lived in Chicago, I remember some people got killed from the icicles hanging on skyscrapers. Big ol' chunks of ice that drop 400 feet can do some serious damage. They had to close off some city blocks IIRC. Yeah, winter was pretty bad.


But now I live in Utah where it snows in the mountains and stays mild in the valley. It's super.

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i see the title, and the only thing i'm thinking is, "great. another WoW fan thread. i guess its good to know they're doing something other than trying to level up their character." :p


anyways, about the most snow i've personally seen was a 6" accumulation over two days of snow. i was about 6 then, too. so, it was especially fun then. :D


and no, i don't call that a blizzard: just heavy snow. ;)

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Yep, we got 17 inches yesterday. Whew!! It took us 3 hours yesterday to shovel and snowblow, and that was with a neighbor doing a good chunk of our walk with his big snowblower.


Here're our cars--we have to dig them out pretty much.



Mini-Jae stands in front of the snow mound created by the snowplows. She stands about 4 ft/1.3m tall and the mound was her chin high. Getting that out of our driveway was not fun.



TotoFett 22 and Mini-Jae (who I think are very cute! No, of course I'm not biased!) sit in front of the Nativity scene. Baby Jesus got covered over with snow.


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@Aash Li: That's what I thought, but then I saw that the thread was started by Jimbo and he's too old to play WoW. :xp:


Nonsense, you are never too old to play games. :p


No snow here yet. It's been around 10°C the whole month, they say it's the warmest November in a long time. Plants and flowers seems to have started thinking it's spring already.


The most snow we've had here that I can remember was roughly 0.5 meters deep, a few years ago. I won't complain it isn't like that now, snow is just bothersome when you try to go somewhere even if it looks nice before it starts getting dirty. :)

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