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Of Indiana Jones and Legos

Boba Rhett

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have they run out of ideas ???


LA: What we really want: MMOSPACESIM


Can you imagine an XWA style MMO, with XWA style gameplay, but next gen gfx... and MMO/PVP online interactvity.....played across the world...


If LA did it right.... many of us would never be seen alive again :D



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If where lucky they might do Kotor III lego style ;)


^ As others posted it looks like LA is going to milk the fat-lego cow dry untill the last drop .


It wouldn't suprise me they won't change much or anything at all , replace Luke with Indy . Or work is done !!!



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I'd point out that most little kids don't know much about Indy anymore since the last movie was awhile back
Then that is bad parenting!


Can you imagine an XWA style MMO, with XWA style gameplay, but next gen gfx... and MMO/PVP online interactvity.....played across the world...
I think they tried that. Wasn't it called Jump to Lightspeed?


But why ruin a perfectly good SW flight sim my making it an MMO?

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have they run out of ideas ???


LA: What we really want: MMOSPACESIM


Can you imagine an XWA style MMO, with XWA style gameplay, but next gen gfx... and MMO/PVP online interactvity.....played across the world...


If LA did it right.... many of us would never be seen alive again :D




Either it is a Space MMO like what you can have in SWG, o a lag-o-matic flight sim game with too many players.


Well, sction games fps/flight-sim style would suffer when it comes to too many players. Those rpg style thingy in an MMO is used fot that reason, any anyone who have played any MMO would remember those lovely lag on a 00+ people raid and stuff.


But yes, it is unfortunate that many younglings do not prefer flight sim style games now. Well, actually they do play similar games, but they are much more simplified, like ace combat.


Granted, I would love if they come up with an Ace Combat style game for star wars. Start me up as a merc, or smuggler(even better) and let me take me take missions here and there. Let me buy and sell my rides, (or steal/gamble for a new one) and maybe let me get my hands on some of those more famous types. Customizable paintjob is A MUST, as do mods being applied the ride. Yes, that means you can have your VERY OWN PINK X-WING, or get that YT-1300 and mod it to your liking, or make your Jade's Fire. Well, yes the concept is done again and again way back, and a certain famous space flight sim series actually come up with one of these games even, but the game is kinda crappy(and you will be screwed up big time unknowingly if you even fail any one of the main missions)


Multplayer mode is good. Especially if you can team up with your friends for missions WITH YOUR OWN SHIP!!! Its kinda like MHP2 in space, where players team up to fight Ai creeps :)


I know some people would suggest versus mode, but balancing would be a problem unless you restrict those to a standard ship package(or put a ship class on the restriction choice so people can buy upgrades for versus. If not just make them mock battle. Either way I am happy. I would love to see how many turbo laser turrets I can cramp up on a Havoc, or The joy of some lowrider Tie/In retrofitted with hyperdrive and gold hubcaps with dice in the mirror...

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Then that is bad parenting!


I think they tried that. Wasn't it called Jump to Lightspeed?


But why ruin a perfectly good SW flight sim my making it an MMO?


Did you play JTL! I highly doubt it... I did, and it is far from a spacesim in the likeness of the Larry Holland series :(


lag sux :(



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So the LEGO Star Wars games have done very well for LucasArts and Traveler's Tales, these games appear to be fairly easy to develop, and of course the thought occurred to at least one person at LucasArts that the success of the SW games could be expanded to Indiana Jones as well. Doesn't seem like much of a stretch though I have to agree with Rhett in that it does seem the LEGO concept is being overused. Releasing 4 LEGO-based games every year from 2005-2008 leaves me wondering why the KotOR series isn't feeling that kind of love. ;)

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Well, it looks like the lego game series is getting our Favorite Archaeologoist.


Daniel Jackson is getting his own game!? Thats... kinda wierd, actually... oh, that favourite archaeologists. Theres so many now.


LA likes to milk things for all they are worth... oh, wait... no they don't. I'm thinking of EA now... LA likes to leave us hanging.


In all seriousness, this isn't surprising, especially with the new Indy movie.

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have they run out of ideas ???


LA: What we really want: MMOSPACESIM


Can you imagine an XWA style MMO, with XWA style gameplay, but next gen gfx... and MMO/PVP online interactvity.....played across the world...


If LA did it right.... many of us would never be seen alive again :D




That right there, would be the most awesome game that has ever been unleashed to the world. It would kill Halo in my books. If LucasArts did a game like that, it would be great.



The Indy game sounds awesome, and I'm looking forward to it.

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