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I name thee....

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So, I was thinking about people who name their kids weird things, like those morons in New Zealand who wanted to name their kid "4real" because they realized how "real" pregnancy and parenthood was.*coughidiotscough*.


But then what came to mind, were people who named their kids odd things, but more acceptable things, like strange spellings of existing names, or "Nevaeh"(Heaven backwards), which brought me to thinking about people who name their kids after movie/comic/tv characters. Now, generally such people have normal names, Clark, Lois, Luke, ect....But some of them have very particularly unreal or unusual names, like: Zelda, Leia, Anakin, ect...


So the question I have for you is: what do you think are the implications of children of (y)our generation having fictional character names? Good? Bad? Political implications? Will somebody named Kenobi Smith never get taken seriously in life while Anakin Jones will be feared that he make betray you and kill your children?


We already know a lot of people have problems discerning reality from fiction do you forsee any problems with such things as people being named Frodo or Gandalf? Or do you think these names will just integrate into society as other invented names have? Will a hundred years from now people have Mary-Sue elvish names like: Cri'sah?

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HEY! My old-enough-to-be-my-aunt cousin's name is Leia! Also IIRC, didn't one of the members here have a child named Anakin?


I think it mostly depends on the influence of pop-culture and its trends. For all we know, centuries later, everyone might be named Marklar. :xp:

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I'm not sure on the US, but a person unsatisfied with his/her name cal always legally change it here.


And as for the children (Since the first options is only available to adults), we have a system that theoretically protects them from having "weird" names. I'll admit that the system is incredibly imprecise, since you must present someone that has that "strange" name to a randomly chosen committee. How's the name deemed strange on the first place by that system is imprecise alone, seeing how the person that register the citizens do that work.


The names themselves are only names. The only bad thing I can think on when those are given to children is bullying.

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It's their actions that define them. Judging someone just by name is pretty shallow.
Shallow as it may be, when you go in for an interview and your name is "Anakin Jones" the interviewer is going to spend more time wondering why the heck you're named after a Jedi-gone-bad than focusing on your marketable skills.
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Names don't define a person.


So you're telling me a person named Adolf Hitler Johansen would not be defined as a nazi, a bad person, ect..? Heh, I'd love to go into a 7-11 or some such and meet a guy named Adolf Hitler. I mean really, how many Germans these days are named Adolf? I'm sure with their spin on WWII, it's pretty low.


It's their actions that define them. Judging someone just by name is pretty shallow.

it is, but reality is pretty shallow. And people are often rather judgmental, so judging a person by their name would not come as a surprise to me.


Always reminds me of the Johnny Cash song "A boy Named Sue"


Which reminds me of my grandfather was named Valarian. One of his daughters(my aunt) names is Valanna. But he was a military chaplin, nobody bothered him over being named "Val", which is what most people knew him as.

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Names don't define a person.

Yes. Yes they do.



OT, I think Anakin Jones will be a pretty surprising name to be taken seriously, people who get to know him will eventually forget that fact as they get closer to Anakin. For the unrelated though, a certain "Anakin Jones" may spark oodles of laughter.


And the name Anakin sucks anyway, IMO.

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Kenobi Smith


That actually sounds pretty cool. :p





But anyway...


Regarding bullying...no one bullies someone because of their name. It doesn't start with that. Sure, if you name a kid Louie, he might be called "Screwy Louie" (cookie for anyone who gets the reference ;)), but the there's the same probability that Louie will be the one doing the name calling (i.e. he actually is screwy ;)).

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Always reminds me of the Johnny Cash song "A boy Named Sue"


Aha! That takes me back. But in the story of the song, it toughened him up enough to want to kill someone. :lol:


Didn't Nicholas Cage name his son Kal-El? after Superman?

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Apple. Worst. Name. Ever. A close second is Harmony, followed by Peace, Love, and Passion.


Oh, and bleh at bullying. Kids will make fun of someone regardless of how 'strange' their name is. An unusual name is just one more piece of (incredibly small) ammunition in a bully's arsenal.


I have a fairly unusual name for my generation, as a matter of fact. Though I was named after my great grandfather - both my first and middle names - and I never minded being teased about it. I guess if it's explained to the child why they're named what they are, they may be able to be proud enough of it that they won't care.

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Meh. I narrowly dodged being named Nebuchadnezzar. Which wouldn't have been so bad, actually - nobody would ever forget it.

I have a feeling most people would probly have called you "Neb" or "Ned" or "geezer".


@JCarter, yeah, Kenobi is a name that I wouldn't mind being named or naming someone. It's obviously Star Wars, but it's still cool, if these were the 80's, Lando might fly too.

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Here's a concept Shakespeare taught indirectly through Romeo & Juliet: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."


Names are not what define a person or thing; It is their actions that define who/what they are.

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Names are not what define a person or thing; It is their actions that define who/what they are.
I wish that was true but that may differ in the eyes of others...unless you are calling to rescue your cat from a tree, I doubt you would call "Superman Jones" as your first choice when using a directory (makes a rather laughable first impression)...



Here, in Quebec, Canada (it is a matter of Provincial jurisdiction and thus, can differ from a Canadian province to another) the registrar of civil status has the power to refuse a name if it is deemed to be ridiculous or infamous...however, it is subject to judicial review and normally only succeeds in somewhat extreme cases (I believe that Anakin or Leia wouldn't really be a problem but "1aml33t" would likely be one ). However, I wish parents would think of the child's interests first rather than brag about their own sense of creativity or using their favorite movie character's name...

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Talking of silly names... Check the felon/Driver's name on this news report lol, I think Mr and Mrs Butler enjoyed a certain film in 1980 lol...



Whoa! Some people just seem to be a little bit weird. I personally don't think that I have a wacky name. Simply, Daniel. :D


Someone who wants to name their child 4real...has a...creative mind. :xp: Hey it is there life, and I guess that they can name their child anything that they want to. Beware a life of bullying though. ;)

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Didn't Nicholas Cage name his son Kal-El? after Superman?


:lol: Somehow I'm not surprised. :p


It's obviously Star Wars, but it's still cool, if these were the 80's, Lando might fly too.


As long as it's not "Lando Jones". :p


Oh, and I didn't mention this before. My initials are BBB. Yes, very unfortunate. But it hasn't seriously impacted my life. ;)

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Worry not, my dear Hymenoptera. Most of us are too dumb to come up with any clever jokes based on your (real) name. :p


Yes...the key word here is "clever" jokes. I'm sure more than enough of us can come up with a lot of really stupid and bad jokes.

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I can't really see how adults can honestly judge someone based on their name, but a ****tarded name can have a negative impact on a childhood that can leave scars for life. I guess it builds character, non?

Apple. Worst. Name. Ever.

My French teacher named her newborn daughter Berlin Coco.

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