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In Memory of Sam...

Aash Li

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My kitty had kidney failure, she was quite old, atleast 15 years. So, I had to have her put to sleep this morning... Ive been crying off and on all day. I was sobbing at the vets office after they gave her the sedative, crying in the car on the way back... *sigh* I got home a bit ago, and looked at my bed where she used to be found all the time, and started to cry again.


I miss her, and its only been a few hours. :(

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My dog had acute pancreatitis. It's been several years since she was put down, but it's been getting better. I'd like to get another dog... but we replaced her with 4 cats so... :p


Sounds like you had a wonderful companion in your cat and I'm sure she loved every minute of those 15 years. :)

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When we had to put my cat to sleep I cried and cried. She was older than I was, she'd always been there. It's really hard to lose a pet... it's like you'd think it wouldn't be, in a ways, but it really is. They really do get close to you. I'm sorry for your loss. You'll get over it in time: those fond memories are really important, keep them close. :)

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My kitty had kidney failure, she was quite old, atleast 15 years. So, I had to have her put to sleep this morning... Ive been crying off and on all day. I was sobbing at the vets office after they gave her the sedative, crying in the car on the way back... *sigh* I got home a bit ago, and looked at my bed where she used to be found all the time, and started to cry again.


I miss her, and its only been a few hours. :(


My cat died a few months ago by the exact same cause. But she died in the house over night. She ran off for 2 days, came back, and lasted for another 2 days. She was 17.


Our cats are now one with the Force.

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I remeber how sad it was when we had to put my first dog to sleep... And one of my family's cats is 17... it won' be long before we have to put him to sleep too...

I know it's a hard thing to deal with, but my advice is, find youself a nice, playful kitten, and start anew with a friendship with that new cat. It should eventually, at least somewhat, fill in for what your previous pet cat was to you.

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I'm really sorry about your kitty, Aash.


I've lost one cat to kidney failure and have another one who has bad kidney failure--that seems to hit cats particularly hard, for some reason. It's never easy to lose a pet, especially if they're your buddies. You got the chance to give Sam a good home for a long time. :)

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Sorry for your loss Aash, but count your blessings. Here on the ranch, if an animal needs put down, it's a do it yourself project. Not so bad when it's one of 30 horses that pass through at a given moment, but I had to put my kitty down a few months ago. Sucks for sure.


My advice, don't try to replace him, but get a new one and accept him as is rather than "the one that came after the better one died"

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so sad :(

I was listening to the radio and I heard some sad animal stories. Heres one:

So she had this cat, and that cat lived 'till 17. She left for collage the year the cat died. She came back for the holidays, and she tried to find her cat. So her mom told her that "Yeah. Umm, your father gave the cat to a farm" and she was "No, I know that she was killed" "No, she was taken to a farm" "No, she was killed"

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