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A Thread In Which We Commit Gamer Assisted Suicide (Confess Unpopular Gamer Opinions)

Boba Rhett

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Temple of Elemental Evil - Some developers at Atari (I think), had wet dreams about how much they could milk DnD nerds for if they copied the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series. Only they failed miserably at pretty much everything in the game, except the art. I remember it being pretty. But everything else was headdesk-worthy. Getting into buildings and opening things were annoying cause you had to click on a tiny symbol, movement was clunky and the UI was a joke.


In the voice of the Comicbook Guy from Simpsons: "Worst. Game. Ever."


Zork: How do I turn on the graphical version? I want to see the grue!! hehe

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TFU - So overhyped it hurts. Basically a glorified version of the RotS game. Looks pretty, but pretty shallow gameplay. And dumping on pre-existing canon doesn't help (Prime's geek cred +10 points).


ROTS game - An underrated game. A fun hack and slash with a fun duel mode.

I've always considered the ROTS game to be the spiritual successor to Jedi Power Battles, and the concept of TFU in turn being a spiritual successor to that has come up only recently. While I can't speak for TFU, I have to say that I had a lot more fun playing JPB than ROTS, primarily because of the much higher difficulty and the inclusion of a co-op mode that was actually worth playing.

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Enter the Matrix is the prime example why games based on movies shouldn't be created. For one it was very, very rushed and very dull


First off the length was very short. I beat the entire game in under three hours and felt VERY disappointed. Second it's difficulty was very easy. When you fight agents all you needed were explosives to kill them. Then all you need to do is pick up their desert eagle and one hit kill every single NPC you see.


The gameplay was the only redeeming quality of this game. It was exceptionally fun to run around the post office and just randomly kick NPCs

The main reason people hated Enter the Matrix was the fact is had broken files within the disk (or something, I forget the details) that would occasionally wipe, or even kill a memory card. The game has also been associated with the deaths of a few PS2s. Its too bad I didn't know this sooner, because I lost hundreds of hours of gametime when it wiped my first memory card, which died soon after.


The game itself is not all that bad. But the fact it was a store bought virus earned it the title of one of the worst games ever made by multiple gaming magazines.

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Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace: The one game that got me into Star Wars. Pretty great action, a whole lot of fun, loved the manual blaster deflection that was missing in JK. I don't know why so many people hate it.
Same here, people complain about the camera angles but I didn't have a problem with them while I was playing it and I put a ton of hours into this game when it came out. I really enjoyed how you actually had dialog and NPC interaction in the game instead of just being a regular action game like RotS or TFU was.


Mirror's Edge is a great example of a concept being destroyed by gunfights. Freerunning got everyone's hopes up until you realized you spent most of the game inside vents shooting people.
I didn't fire a single shot at anyone the whole game, much more fun (and at the same time frustrating) that way. I think it makes much more sense with how they established your character.


Dead Space, Resident Evil 4&5 are examples of the horrible excuses for games we now call Horror. I have not played a genuine horror survival game in almost 10 years because American and European game makers no longer know how to make Horror. The over the shoulder, tripping over ammo system we got going to appease bad gamers has ruined the horror genre for years to come.
Good thing Resident Evil is developed by a Japanese company. :p


Prince of Persia series needs to find a new name, because they have not resembled the original or the first ps2 game in awhile. This final fantasy thing they got going on has nothing to do with the series.
Well, the newest game is a reboot of the franchise, so it makes sense that it has nothing to do with the previous games.


TFU - So overhyped it hurts. Basically a glorified version of the RotS game. Looks pretty, but pretty shallow gameplay. And dumping on pre-existing canon doesn't help (Prime's geek cred +10 points).
I thought the Wii version was pretty bad but I think the 360 version is actually pretty fun. Definitely still incredibly overhyped though.


ROTS game - An underrated game. A fun hack and slash with a fun duel mode.
I agree here, that is a game I played long after it's release because of the duel mode.


NWN - A fun game in terms of dungeon crawls, but completely overrated story that sorely lacks from lame "party" NPC interaction. The predecessor Baldur's Gate is superior. Ironically I am playing NWN these days, only because I can't find my BG disks. :)
Definitely agree here too. I enjoyed NWN, but to me the original Baldur's Gate is still the best D&D RPG out there today. Probably one of the games I have put the most total hours into.


SW Battlefront - Why oh why is this game so popular? Completely repetitive gameplay. Are the space battles always just about invading the other ship? Over and over again. Seriously? I swear I must me missing something...
I could go on all day about what I don't like about the Battlefront series. I have mostly played 2, and I just don't get it. I suppose it is fun once in a while, but so much in the game bugs me there is no way I could play it frequently. Most of this is very little but it really detracts from it I think.

- Jumping. I do not think the apprentice could even jump as high as the Jedi can jump in BF, and it's ridiculous for clone troopers to be able to jump better than an NBA player. Even droids can jump that high!

- Music. Sometimes it plays appropriate tracks but I think the one that bugs me the most is in the Mos Eisley map, it plays the Cantina theme which sounds ridiculous during a battle.

- Heroes battle. I do not like that you can have Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader in the same battle. Or any characters that do not make sense being together.

- Space battles. Overall I'm sure the space combat is alright, but again little things bug me, like how you can pilot a droid starfighter, when the ship itself is a droid, there is no pilot.


I could go on and on about this stuff but these are the ones that bug me the most.

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Just reiterating on what's been said about QTEs. They suddenly pop you out of the game and might as well display a message along the lines of, "Press X B Y Y to watch a movie of me playing the game for you!"
Now i will take TFU as a example. Most of the QTE are when you already defeated the boss, and to finish him you need to do a QTE, it effectively replace a cutscene where you have no controll whatsoever over whats happening.


And with that logic you woulden't want cutscense either, since you not playing them. But then i understand that it could be annoying when they pop-up suddently.


I like the way QTE (Atleast when they are used in the good way) replace cutscense where you usally just could watch, now you have a part of it. And personaly i think it's so most better that you end a boss fight with some special move instead of just killing him with one of the normal attacks

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Good thing Resident Evil is developed by a Japanese company.

Miss-spoke here.


What I meant to say is, the American audience has ruined horror. As in, the Japanese are trying to adopt American game styling (lots of shooting) into their own games and are thus ruining them. Silent Hill Homecoming and the new Resident Evils are good examples of this.


Where has survival horror disappeared to?


I didn't fire a single shot at anyone the whole game, much more fun (and at the same time frustrating) that way. I think it makes much more sense with how they established your character.

I still stand by the fact you spend most of the game in cramped spots that in no way took advantage of the system they had created.


And I know you could get through without fighting, but the fact you could ruined the feeling. Why did there need to be a combat system ready? Why give us access to guns? Why send heavy swat teams at us?


In context of the story it sort of made sense, but in the end it still failed to live up to its promise of a free runner game by turning it into a bland, frustrating shooter.


Well, the newest game is a reboot of the franchise, so it makes sense that it has nothing to do with the previous games.

A reboot is when Lara Croft gets a face lift, and so does the rest of the game.


A reboot is not creating an entirely new setting, character, story, etc and tacking on the same name for sales.


The fact you were the prince was almost entirely irrelevant throughout the game.

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The QTEs in TFU are trying to make up for poor hack-n-slash game play and at the heart of the matter, that's really what bothers me about QTEs. If the battles are satisfying and I don't feel like I'm just furiously trying to wave a saber at a rancor, sure, throw in a QTE instead of a cutscene.

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While Wii is a good technology, it's being squandered (imo) by only producing games for casual gamers. While that does tap into a market that previously wasn't buying games, it thumbs its nose at the actual supporters that Nintendo has had for 20+ years (since the NES).
I agree with that, there has been more overall casual games on the Wii. Nintendo should take part of the blame, but I also believe that third-party publishers are also churning out shovelware to cash into the casual market by copying Nintendo's attempts.

I think that the wiimote has potential, but again it's not being used as it should be.

And I've played WiiMusic. It's mindless movement that takes no skill at all. In fact, I don't even really consider it to be a video game. I'm not sure how it could be a great game.
I don't really think of it as a game in the traditional sense, it's more or less of a utility. I'm not saying that it wasn't bad, but it was fairly different than other music games. Now, don't get me wrong, there were several faults, but the overall concept was its strength.




Horror games, especially ones involving zombies, need to die. That genre is so redundant to the point of it being a bore. I have good faith that Resident Evil 5 will be just the same at its core as Resident Evil 4, 3, 2, and 1. The same thing goes for Silent Hill and Alone in the Dark; I haven't played Left 4 Dead yet, so I'll reserve judgment. Please, stop having games where you hack through an undead horde through a building. That's not scary, that's mind-numbing boredom. The only good recent example of horror done well was Dementium: The Ward for the DS. See, that game was scary, and it wasn't all about killing meatbags, it was about exploring the setting that you were in. Another thing, it's all about the scenery. Dementium had blood on the cracking wall, a piano playing in the background, with shrieks of unknown children. Now, that's the element of horror, not shooting things; it's about being scared.


KotOR II is what RPG developers should emulate in terms of dialogue quality and overall story. Unlike KotOR I's ending, which was completely predictable from the start, K2's was disarmingly unexpected, IMO. We all knew that Kreia definitely had a dark side, but seeing her as the antagonist behind all things, while she also being your closest ally, was brilliant. Bethesda and BioWare: follow Obsidian's example; create something inventive for once.

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Wii: One of the greatest devices ever for entertaining anyone and having at parties. Have company with small children or anyone else you dont want to go near? Turn on the wii and then go enjoy the rest of the day. Too drunk to play a game that requires aim or skill or really anything? Play bowling or something but make sure theres a somewhat sober person to make sure you use the wrist strap thing


Age of Empires 3: What the hell, wouldn't you expect a strategy to at least keep the formations it had in the 90s? And limited towers and castles? Max of 2 teams and teams locked? How am I supposed to betray me AI teammates when I get bored?


The Suffering: You are all wrong about undying, the suffering is the scariest game ever


Lego SW: This could have been one of my favorite games had the controls and camera not made me want to rip off my hair piece by piece in frustration


SW Battlefront: After wasting a lot of time playing it, Ive come to realize that really the only reasons I liked it were the mod maps and the people I played with. Now that the first reason is declining and the second is gone completely, I find very little entertainment from the games. I dont care about the cannon stuff that other people mentioned, I just find it low quality work, the clipping is absolutely horrible, multiplayer is a lagfest for everyone, the game is extremely poorly optomized, its filled with bugs and glitches, heroes dominate despite it being an infantry focused game, space combat gets extremely boring after a couple of rounds and some of the maps are nothing more than mad dashes to grab command posts that last 10 or so minutes


Halos: Most over hyped game, theyre fun to a point, but so are most other video games in existence.


Sins of a Solar Empire: if your gonna bother to make up a backstory at least create a small campaign for the people who enjoy single player or dont want to spend an entire month of afternoons playing the exact same battle.

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Agreed, the first time I played it, I quit it in the second chapter. I still gave it a second go, thinking that surely, I must have missed something and the game had a kinda delectable interface.


This time I quit before I could all the four animals, it was that banal.

I made it to Port Llast. Then the mediocrity of the quest-design really began to hit home, and the awful, abysmal, nauseatingly bad, faux-medieval ("I art thine Lady Aribeth, an Paladin of Tyr. Er, verily.") dialogue became too much. About the only thing I can truly say I enjoyed in the experience was Grimgnaw's ridiculous dialogue about the Long Death.


While I disagree with that presumptuous statement, I'll say that DEFCON is one hell of a quality game. Introversion's best and one of the finest indie game titles ever.


Well, all right.


Age of Mythology and Rome: Total War were, and remain, pretty fun. Unfortunately, they lack Yuri.


Disagree. To the utmost.


While Wii is a good technology, it's being squandered (imo) by only producing games for casual gamers. While that does tap into a market that previously wasn't buying games, it thumbs its nose at the actual supporters that Nintendo has had for 20+ years (since the NES).

Possibly, but if they can attract interest from my mother - who hasn't played anything except Solitaire and Freecell since Pac-Man came out, I'd say that was pretty good going. :)


Lego SW - One of the funnest SW games there is, bar none. Once you get over the fact that it is Lego and that your internet manhood can't take it, you'll realize what rich games these are with loads of features and options that rival and in many cases surpass other SW games.

Lego is awesome, full stop. Those that can't handle it ought to get off the floor and leave more space for the rest of us. Now, where was that 2x4 piece? :carms:


Lego + SW = win. And yes, the game itself is excellent - and great fun, especially multiplayer (although getting four hands to a keyboard can be tricky).


Consoles suck, PCs truck.

Up to a point, Lord Copper. There are two reasons why the PSX is still made of win:

Tekken 3


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Lego Star Wars: Prehaps the funniest game I have ever played. The first time punching 'fire' as Lando made him kiss Leia's hand, I laughed so hard I couldn't keep playing.


Battlefront II: Definately better than #1, but still so repetitive that I fall asleep playing it. And when I watch my sister conquer the Galaxy five times in an afternoon, I really wonder what the point is.


RotS: Very fun game. Repetitive, but still with unlimited replayability.


TFU: Despite all the bad press, it most satisfyingly lived up to the hype. An amazing storyline and versatile gameplay well worth the anticipation.


Bounty Hunter: The levels are WAY too long. And no autosave! Barbaric! The Mandalorian Rage is useless, and the jetpack is just glorified suicide.


Starfighter: Surprisingly unrepetitive gameplay, and great charaters and storyline.


The Legend of Jack Sparrow: Despite the bad voice acting and hilariously horrible graphics, an amusing game. Just the idea of playing through Jack's tall tales is worth the time to play it, but the gameplay itself isn't half bad.


At World's End (PS3): A maddeningly repetitive game. Good graphics, though.


Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Not all it's cracked up to be. Good graphics, but the gameplay is terrible.


Lord of the Rings: Return of the King: Much better than TTT. More satisfying unlockables and less repetitive enemies.


Tomb Raider: Underworld: Outstanding graphics, best music since Anniversary, and the new Lara is AMAZING!

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Addendum Redux:

Pharaoh is the best ancient city-building game ever. A beautiful shotgun marriage of RTS and city builder, it takes you throughout the history of classical Egypt, from the predynastic era to the Battle of Actium. in addition to building cities, you are also called upon to build fortifications to defend areas, drawing up an army and navy, and of course, building pyramids. Actually, the construction of pyramids was utterly horrible, due to the fact that they were so damn big. Additionally, there were also a set of local deities you had appease, on fear of plagues, earthquakes, and whatnot. Besides, this game was one of the few that actually wanted you to brew and drink mass quantities of beer. Huzzah.


B-17 Bomber was an odd yet enjoyable Intellivision classic. It was most likely the first flight combat simulator, and by this, I mean you actually get to fly an airplane, man the turrets, and bomb German targets to smithereens. Better yet, this was one of the few games the utilized the Intellivoice peripheral. This means that you have an obnoxious, digitized man yelling in your ear: "BANDIT, 12 O'CLOCK!", "WATCH OUT FOR FLAK!" and my favorite, "BOMBS AWAY!"

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TSL - Really fun game and an improvement techincally, but inferior to KOTOR due to extensive emo-ness from everybody. I like how NPCs can be trained as Jedi in 2 seconds and then never have anything to say to you again. But I guess that goes well with the motif of the final stretch where you just fight wave after wave of the same enemy with no story whatsoever. I'm glad that Revan failed in the Unknown Regions though...


*rant warning*

That is the unfortunate truth. I loved TSL until everyone stopped talking to me and the game simply... ended. To me, that was the most depressing moment in the history of gaming. Such a truly unique addition to the SW universe, ruined because of time constrains. Not that it matters what I think, but I have to say that I will never forgive LucasArts for releasing an unfinished game (they obviously knew it was unfinished), and I will never forgive Obsidian for agreeing to work under such ridicules conditions. They basically attempted to create the deepest and most unique SW game in one year, which is an insult to everything related to SW. They absolutely couldn't imagine being able to finish such a giant of a game (compared to pretty much any game nowadays) with so little time to spare. If they did, they were naive to the point of being stupid.

*end rant*


Luckily, the good modders (myself included :D:xp:)were able to somewhat fix the game by restoring (thank God Obsidian decided to leave the files on the disc) and adding content. Thanks to this, K2 is my favourite SW game, right next to K1; which I know has a fairly simple, clichéd story (the jawless Sith Lord and all), but it captures the SW feel completely. Also, some parts of the story were very good IMO (the Rakata, Sand People history, everything on Korriban, side quests [missing droid on Dantooine, the "find the murderer" quests, GenoHaradan, promised land, Taris arena...] , Jolee, HK-47...). I did hate the ending, though (live happily ever after); luckily K2 fixed it. :p

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The only games I've played (while they were new) in the past year are Rock Band 2 (at a friend's) and Wottlekay.


I also will kill all of the TOR forums members if I play the game because they make me rage and can't make a topic without it assuming that everyone else wants to be the sole saviour of the universe with a penis 12 feet long.

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Soul Calibur 4: While past instalments were good...I don't like that in this one they actually took several things away. Also, one thing the SMACKDOWN! series does that others are doing which could have made this *so* much better is a totally customizable moveset. Also I have a 360, its game controller is not designed for this type of game which makes me skeptical of the upcoming Street Fighter 4, being a longtime fan of the series (even play the original SF2 when I feel like getting my old SNES out). SC4 is not horrible but could have been so much better. I'd rent it...maybe buy when it hits the bargain bin in a year or so.


Also, why no SW stuff for custom characters? Why do you have to pay to unlock stuff already in the game??? That is complete and utter BS in a brown bag.


TWISTED METAL. When 989 took over...it was disappointing (If you're gonna have customizability it ought to be to a faily in depth and though intensive degree). However TMBlack made up for it. Haven't played head on yet--bummer developer died in the middle of the next project. TM1&2 were highlights of the '90s. Some music selections were questionable in 3&4. Rob Zombie was great, but the others left me scratching.





GTA4 was the biggest let down in a long time.

Admittedly I was a bit dissappointed in a few things of this game. However, I believe this to be an attempt in the step-up/experimental calibur of games. It's a stepping stone. What did you dislike most about it?

Saints Row 2 was the most unexpected treat in a long time.
True that.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl can go die in a fire.

Yes, an insult to all characters involved. Nintendo has finally sold out. Zero suit Samus, and Wario were the only reasons to rent this game. I liked Snake as well back in the day. However, it has become obvious to me what their true intent was for Snake and all the human shaped females and the still framing. It totally blew the dignity of characters and inevitably sealed their fates to appear as a certain "human art forms" (cough) in other types of web sites I shall not mention. As well as the whole "pervert princess" thing in the most recent mario kart installation. :tsk::tsk::tsk: If people wanna fantasize, fine--KEEP IT OUT of the young gaming realm.


God of War proved that even a mindless mash em up can be saved by an intriguing story and a -lot- of blood and boobs.

Heheheheh--she said boobs! Yes it did prove that. Excellent storyline turns any game around into awesomeness.

Turok is another one of those games that was killed by the inclusion of primarily human enemies. I want to fight Dinosaurs, not a thousand guys with guns!
Preach sista!

Playstation 3 is an embarrassment to business, gaming, and to its amazing formers.
I know. What good is a game system with capabilities if

1) most people cannot realistically AFFORD it

2) The game library for it makes up the infrastructure and fanbase of a game system--I mean DUH! I thought these developers KNEW that ad nauseum.

Xbox 360 is an embarrassment for how fragile the damn thing is compared to the tank like Xbox 1, Ps1, Ps2, and N64.<snip>

Yeah. Actually it's real finicky about even wanting to play discs and its position; down or upright. Real moody. Doesn't play all that much music without an update patch either.


Tell me about it with old systems. I went on a drunken rage once with my machete and anihlated my old PS2 (bulky first gen, one of the first ever released too) and everything else in my room :xp:. I have the motherboard in my hand right now. Save for the casing on one inductor, some connectors, and a couple capacitors--it's just fine. In fact, the husk was still mostly intact laughing at me the next day. The remains are a nice wall hanging. ;)

My 1998 PS1, still just fine, only needs a new disc reader assembly since the first one was damaged due to a home Back Yard wrestling match and I took a head dive into it being thrown off my roof into the AV table. My head actually came out the worse than the PS1.

Pong still rules you.

Damn straight. I love your style. You got a sentiment for old school eh? Join the retro gaming social club. I'd love to nerd chat about old school games sometime. ;)

Descent was essentially a first-person, free-roaming version of StarFox, and was one of the first games to have a fully 3D engine.

Ah. Played the SNES version of starfox, and the macintosh version Descent. Both still are good. Descent I liked better for its arena and tactics, Starfox for its intensive skill and timing.

The Force Unleashed was a disaster ---<snip>
'Nuff said. Exactly what I expected because of all the hype.

RPGs Quit making RPGs set in a medieval high fantasy setting; <snip>
TYVM!!!!! Actually, if you don't mind a mac platform and simple graphics, GOOGLE paranoid productions Odyssey: Legend of nemesis. (I know some secrets the walkthrough doesn't which I found on my own BTW). Despite a grim situation and story, it's rather engaging. Not all this fantasy stuff. I think it was set sometime after the dark ages, but it has little if anything to do with that. It's about your survival on an archipelago beset by abominable creatures, and you're set for an inevitable showdown with a very narcissistic and sadistic minded Nemesis. You are solving interesting problems, puzzles, and interacting with troubled inhabitants who don't even realize that some jerk is playing god with them. Literally. I think Nemesis would make an awesome Sith lord, too. More manipulative than Palpatine IMO.

Xbox Live: Everyone seems to praise this like the end all, be all source for gaming. Frankly, I think it should burn. I love what it does, and I absolutely adore the concept of multiplayer gaming on such a scale in your very own home, but the morons of the world ruined it. And I mean absolutely ruined it.
As is the case with any MMORPG--precisely the main reason why I'm cynnical of upcoming SW:TOR.

GTA IV: I feel that, while what a lot of you saying about it being a let down is correct, it's a step in the right direction for the franchise. At least this time around, they attempted to add depth, complexity, emotional qualities to the game, rather than just make a mindless run-and-gun. They need to retool their efforts, and work on it for the next go, but if they can achieve that, then I'm confident it'll be one hell of a good game.

IF they can achieve it. IF.

Which is basically what I was saying above RE: True Avery's comments. It's a step-up experiment.

Sony and Nintendo are dying. Hardcore loyalists, get over it. Buy a 360, or start gaming on your PCs, because, sorry, they've sunk themselves in with Sony's overpricing, and Nintendo's stupid ploy to get non-gamers to play with their console. Unless they make big changes to their current tactics, they're done, finished, oh well. I'm sick of hearing how they'll make it through, or how awesome Resistance is. IT'S ONE ****ING GAME.

Hope you're not downtalking retro. That's the BEST!


I don't like where they are headed either. The PSP is good IMO, but all else I dunno. Nintendo I think has sort of the right idea bringing back retro games from various platforms. In fact, kids currently 8-13 in my neighborhood seem to really have likings for old NES, SNES and SEGA games on their next gen systems. Imagine their shock to hear that grown ups played them as kids. However, this is being botched by many of their other things. I agree totally with Ender on this: their 'interactive' games leave something to be desired. Require little skill. They SUCK!


I want a console I can drop from a two-story building in a life-induced rage, go down, pick up, and play some K2 on for an hour to calm down.
Or in my case, be able to handle backyard wrestling calamities that occasionally spill over on them. ;)

<snip>Make your consoles less fragile.

Pong > all.

Damn straight!


ROTS game - An underrated game. A fun hack and slash with a fun duel mode.

Here, here. ROTS provides an interactive way of resolving those geeky best of the best SW prequel trilogy character arguments.


GTA - Probably the only game I know where not playing the game properly was way more fun that following the script. I'd much rather play drinking games with my friends when seeing how high I can get my threat meter or whatever before I get taken down by the cops.
YEAH MOTHA****AH! MAXIMUM MAYHEM! What's a game like GTA if you can't dink around and explode cars and stuff just for the hell of it???
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Turok is another one of those games that was killed by the inclusion of primarily human enemies. I want to fight Dinosaurs, not a thousand guys with guns!



actually, turok had more dinosaurs in it than turok: dinosaur hunter. What you're missing is the MASSIVE QUANTITIES OF GORE. Stabbing someone in the neck should reveal a large amount of blood when you pull the knife out. not fairy-dust. -_- Also, another thing that was damn disappointing: MISSING 20 WEAPONS. ATTACHMENTS DO NOT COUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turok is KNOWN for the huge aresenal of weaponry that reveal massive amounts of blood and gore. This was not the case for Turok on the 360, aside from the knife-kills on the dinosaurs.

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Halo series: lots of fun with a classic FPS feel on the consoles. its not high on innovation, but the gameplay is varied enough to keep it fun. the best part, though, is the rock solid background behind the story. evidence of this extends into the number of novels based around these games which have a ton of backstory to work with and are fairly well written to boot.


Half Life series: the first one was innovative in its day because it was so immersive. there was 1 cutscene, and that was it. everything else was done by the player, and every level transition was completely seamless: just a notification that you're starting a new chapter and that's it. the story was typically basic for its day (compared to other FPS games of the time), but this is remedied in the second game to some extent.


what i didn't like was the silent protagonist and mostly weak-feeling weapons. Gordon's character is completely defined by how the world seems to present things to him which almost makes you feel like he's left with no choice in the matter which contrasts greatly with his last name of "Freeman". and all of the weapons felt weak except the shotgun and the magnum, but even those were limited (especially in the second game due to the inability to carry much ammo for them).


Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB: hands down the best game that very few people have played. yes, its based on a movie, but i dare anyone to name a movie-based game that's better. the gameplay is extremely innovative with its blend of first person stealth, melee, and shooting mechanics. its simple enough to understand it easily while having enough depth to allow you to combine different techniques. the production value is extremely high with great voice acting and a polished PC game with generally few bugs.


GTA IV: props to Rockstar for making a game with a good story populated with great characters. it was rather refreshing to have a character that actually had to go through some seriously tough moments that were conveyed extremely well. this has to be the single best improvement over all the other games combined. forget the graphics upgrade, the improvements in storyline and characterization alone made this one a better game than all the previous installments. my one and only complaint: open up more of the city by letting us get into at least one of those skyscrapers. ;)


smaller development windows: how many times have you played a game where you tell yourself, "they should've spent some more time on _____"??? i know i've said that way too many times in the past decade of gaming as development timeframes have shrunk lower and lower. the least they could do is to hire some more people to help out if not extend the development window so the games have some more polish. trust me: when the day comes that you have to patch a console game (with no new content), then its high time that developers started putting more time and effort into making a game that works right everytime.


the Wii: lets face the facts: there hasn't been one game out there on the Wii that's really made it a worthwhile purchase. this is proof that a great concept can still come up way short in execution.

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Sony and Nintendo are dying. <snip> I'm sick of hearing how they'll make it through, or how awesome Resistance is. IT'S ONE ****ING GAME.
Laughable, neither company is "dying," especially not Nintendo, heck Wii Sports just recently became the best selling game of all time. Nintendo dying? :lol: If anything Nintendo was dying with the GCN (which in itself is a stretch) and the Wii just zapped them back to life. Now for the sake of argument let's say the Wii was a failure, Nintendo and the DS would still be laughing at the thought of death. Oh and Resistance isn't that good, it's fun, but so is flicking boogers aimlessly.


Since most everything has been covered already I'll just skip to the topic that will have me discredited and verbally raped and assaulted. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: I guess I just don't get it, I'm not saying it sucked because certainly it didn't, I just don't see where it gets all this greatest game ever praise from. Maybe it's because I didn't play it when it first came out so I'm skewed...

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Half Life series: the first one was innovative in its day because it was so immersive. there was 1 cutscene, and that was it. everything else was done by the player, and every level transition was completely seamless: just a notification that you're starting a new chapter and that's it. the story was typically basic for its day (compared to other FPS games of the time), but this is remedied in the second game to some extent.


what i didn't like was the silent protagonist and mostly weak-feeling weapons. Gordon's character is completely defined by how the world seems to present things to him which almost makes you feel like he's left with no choice in the matter which contrasts greatly with his last name of "Freeman". and all of the weapons felt weak except the shotgun and the magnum, but even those were limited (especially in the second game due to the inability to carry much ammo for them).


Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB: hands down the best game that very few people have played. yes, its based on a movie, but i dare anyone to name a movie-based game that's better. the gameplay is extremely innovative with its blend of first person stealth, melee, and shooting mechanics. its simple enough to understand it easily while having enough depth to allow you to combine different techniques. the production value is extremely high with great voice acting and a polished PC game with generally few bugs.


smaller development windows: how many times have you played a game where you tell yourself, "they should've spent some more time on _____"??? i know i've said that way too many times in the past decade of gaming as development timeframes have shrunk lower and lower. the least they could do is to hire some more people to help out if not extend the development window so the games have some more polish. trust me: when the day comes that you have to patch a console game (with no new content), then its high time that developers started putting more time and effort into making a game that works right everytime.


Agreed on all accounts.

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