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A Thread In Which We Commit Gamer Assisted Suicide (Confess Unpopular Gamer Opinions)

Boba Rhett

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Generally I hate FPS games as I think they have ruined games, they're cheap to make, and have no plot, but sell like hot cakes.


*Half-life, Max Payne, and Battle Front are excluded from this point.

fixed. Max Payne is a third person shooter. (not like it matters much. a shooter will always be a shooter despite the perspective)


but i do have to make a couple points here.


first, shooters sell well because, when they're designed well, they're very fun and addictive (like just about any game out there). the feeling is almost akin to a roller coaster due to the heavy focus on action. and, if you think about it, that's why horror elements work so well with this genre: the action already has your heart pumping, so a couple of scare tactics will only reinforce that feeling. multiplayer is the major attraction, though. there's nothing quite like playing team deathmatch with a group of friends and coming out on top. for me, that's a rush unlike any other.


the second point is that while story can sometimes feel like an afterthought, its still a central part of the game. without story, there's no enemies to fight and no environment to play in. i think the main distinction to made here is with the storytelling. part of the reason that storytelling is a bit of a weak point in this genre has a lot to do with the action oriented gameplay. there's only so much storytelling to be had when you're in the middle of a firefight, and as such, it has to be done primarily in cutscenes or dialog. the problem is that dialog and cutscenes interrupt the pacing which is crucial to genre.


so, yeah, i can see where you're coming from, but i don't think you should brush aside all shooters for the sake of a negative stereotype. if you want a good story, there are shooters out there that do a great job of blending storytelling with the action. some examples:




Half Life 2 (along with the 2 episodes)


System Shock 2

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NEVERWINTER NIGHTS: One of the worst games ever, had useless storyline, too slow combat and ****ty dialog. And i play it every day. Why? Cause they released the game tool, and Antiworld is a great server.

It was no Baldur's Gate 2, that's for sure.

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I tried playing Halo 3 last night, and found it completely impossible. I guess after CoD4, Rainbow Six Vegas, and MoH: Airborne, I just can't go back to Halo.
wait, so you can play Airborne, but not Halo 3?? how does that work?? at least Halo 3 was a functional shooter. Airborne was just straight lousy made worse by screwing up a great concept.
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MMOs seem like the most boring kind of games to me; they're not much more than glorified level grinding parties. Also, because there's so many Player Characters, they can't have stories near as good as single-player games.


Hey, not eve. The skills train when your offline (love that). The only grinding you have to do is to get money.

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  • AD&D3.0 and above sucked. (Sorry if this isn't where it should be, but I figured Gamer...)
  • Try as I might, I just can't hate Freelancer the story isn't so good, but gameplay is actually enjoyable even once the Main Plot is finished up.
  • Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall seems to be pretty good, actually...
  • Wing Commander V: Prophecy actually isn't as bad as most die-hard Wing Commander fans would have you believe. Is it as good as the originals? Not by a long shot, but it's still pretty good.
  • Elder Scrolls: Arena bites, maybe it's just my computer, but I just can't get used to jerky gameplay!


Maybe not all of these are "unpopular" but I haven't really seen many of these stated other places, so I'll toss them in...

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MMOs seem like the most boring kind of games to me...


I have the same impression when it comes to MMOs. They can be interesting for a while, but in the end they become boring as hell with their repetitive quests. I just don't see what's so addictive about them that makes people pay a monthly fee to be able to play them (with the exception of Guild Wars, which doesn't require a monthly subscription. If I ever decide to do some serious MMOing, that's the game I'm gonna get).

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I have the same impression when it comes to MMOs. They can be interesting for a while, but in the end they become boring as hell with their repetitive quests.


True. There was a free-to-play MMO that I had a go at recently. I played it for about a month before it just got insanely boring. I despised having to try to get other players to help at points.


Now, I am conscious that a free-to-play isn't the best example, and am still prepared to have a go at the likes of TOR, in the hope that a fee-based MMO with a structured story will be superior, but based on some rants by others...I don't understand the wild appeal either.

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  • Elder Scrolls: Arena bites, maybe it's just my computer, but I just can't get used to jerky gameplay!


Aye, it's very jerky now, wonder when somebody will make a DOSBox that can run it right. :D


Did you manage to escape the prison? If you do, you'll get to see the very extent of the game, it's unimaginably massive, more so than Morrowind and Oblivion combined. Cities are as huge as real cities, and as complex. Inhabited by thousands of citizens. Missions come by the bucketload. It's insane. :D


Generally I hate FPS games as I think they have ruined games, they're cheap to make, and have no plot, but sell like hot cakes.


Ehh disagreed to the max. I don't see how they have ruined games, for all their ease of production, they deliver some of the best bang for the buck.


So what if an FPS game doesn't have a plot? Unreal Tournament didn't have a plot, but it was a whole lot of fun and addictive as hell, just like Tetris. You won't be calling Tetris a bad game now, would you? ;)


And as Stinger notes, the sheer immersion offered by the genre is unmatched by any other, whether it is classic adventure, isometric RPG or any other. When it comes to getting you into the atmosphere, nothing better than putting you into the eyes. Hence the awesomeness of Deus Ex and VtM:B.

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The only way I can stand to play an MMO is on a free server that speeds up the process by about a zillion percent. People can call this cheating, say Im too impatient, and I probably am. But seriously, if I want to be bored, Ill go to work. If I want to play a game, I intend on doing the fun stuff in that game, be it exploring or raiding or whatever. Grinding however is not a fun thing to do. I dont want to calculate how many helldogs of thalasfklasdjfsland I have to kill in 1.745 hours in order to reach level 46 in 4.45 hours. I have a class called math in school. If I want to do math, Ill do it in that class. Not in a video game. I would have loved a private server for LOTRO. Everyone who played it said that would ruin the experience since its a player driven game. Guess what, I dont give a damn about the other players. In my 14 day trial I played with people four times, all four times were with RL friends. Other than that I had no interaction at all. I wanted to play the storyline and explore middle earth, that was it. But no, I needed to get a group of 5 other people to kill an oversized cat or some other stupid quest that was really only there to lessen the grind by 20 minutes.

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So what if an FPS game doesn't have a plot? Unreal Tournament didn't have a plot, but it was a whole lot of fun and addictive as hell, just like Tetris.


Team Fortress Classic and 2 both had no plot other than "Go over there and get that intel/control point/bomb cart, and keep the enemy from stealing ours," but Ill be damned if it isn't as addictive as hell. Also, if you happen to find a good non-laggy server with a bunch of happy, friendly people that let you swear like a proverbial sailor, the game becomes the most awesome thing ever.

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Aye, it's very jerky now, wonder when somebody will make a DOSBox that can run it right. :D


Did you manage to escape the prison? If you do, you'll get to see the very extent of the game, it's unimaginably massive, more so than Morrowind and Oblivion combined. Cities are as huge as real cities, and as complex. Inhabited by thousands of citizens. Missions come by the bucketload. It's insane. :D[/Quote]


Yeah, I did manage to get out of the prison... so, here's to DOSBox 0.73? But, thankfully, Daggerfall runs very well on DOSBox for me right now... now, if only I could get out of the Privateer's Hold.....

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playing through kotor again, i really liked how you could lose the entire game if you lost either(?) of those trials on manaan. it was like the modern equivalent of "you are eaten by a grue". the trial from the nwn2 oc had it beaten hands down in terms of dialog though, especially if your character had spent some skill points on all the speech skills, taunt in particular, although just saying "hey fight this dude and that whole arc where you investigated and became a squire and defended your innocence didn't count for anything" if you lost the trial really took something away from it.

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TSL:I like it a lot more than kotor because this is the game that influenced me to buy K1.

K1:It simply rocks.Only the story could have been more deep and I don't mind the graphics.

NWN2:I liked it more than K1 for some reason maybe the music and the story had to do something with it.

Gothic3:The forsaken gods:I have to say it should win the worlds most buggy game ever made and a disgrace to gothic fans.

MassEffect:I don't think making hundreds of planet and putting life and cities in only 2 or three planets was a good idea.

Fallout3:The main plot is very short and too linear.This game made me hate the word RPG.

EaW:Its worse than force commander.

Freelancer:The only game I played and loved after playing star wars battle for naboo.

Need for speed series:One of the worst game I have seen by EA.

Red Alert 3:I hate it.Only the Russian beginning was good and then it turned bad too.

Crysis:One of the beautiful games.Just amazing.

Oblivion:Except for graphics everything else sucked.

Medal of Honour:Airborne:For some reason the most meaning less game I ever played.

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Red Alert 3:I hate it.Only the Russian beginning was good and then it turned bad too.


When it comes to RA3's campaign I completely agree. The intro was great (and that cameo at the end of the Allied campaign), but everything else about the story was crap. The gameplay was pretty good though, except for the fact that base expansion was changed for the Soviets and Japanese, only the Allies still have the classic C&C base expansion.

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