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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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Not a chance unfortunately. I barely have enough time to work on my own uni project as it is.


Though I do wish you luck. I know all too well the kind of commitment stuff on this scale requires. Not just time wise, but will wise as well. :p


Understood, and thanks.


I will get this done

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Understood, and thanks.


I will get this done

Of course you will, but you must be organized, and get as much help as you can without accepting crap help :lol:


Unbelievable work with the lightmaps! Dis, Q and magnusII, thank you again for unraveling the modding mysteries. It is a service to our community, and we are grateful :D


As for getting it done, may I suggest a few things? I have been involved with a famous and colossal failure of a project, and have struggled with projects of my own, and filling this area is a big big project...


If you have a plan in your head for what the big story is, develop it as far as you can, and when you feel you have at least a good skeleton of a plot, the "critical" elements of what you feel needs to happen on Sleyheron, then you can assemble a writing team. I say team because you may not want to be limited to one writer, you can farm out quests to different writers and get the work of writing a story done much quicker. It is ok if the style and tone of individual sections is different initially, as long as the individual work done is of good quality - worry about coherence/continuity later.


The writing I am talking about is actual fan-fic style writing - I really think that if you do not have a good story actually written out, you will have an incredibly difficult time building dialogs that move your story correctly... you will not know which dialogs will actually be important enough to be in the mod, nor how your cut-scenes should play out. I have found that reverse engineering your storyline mod from skeleton direct to dlgeditor is a giant waste of time... no one wants to read the whole book to play the game. So, have a real story written out, even if it is a patchwork of different writers with different sections... you can read it all (yikes) yourself and decide that you want to do editing and restyling yourself, or choose a writer whose style best matches your intentions and ask that writer to be the editor-in-chief.


Once the story is written, I truly believe the rest falls into place pretty quickly, with the exception of scripting - with the incredible expanse you have made, you will surely want lots of behind-the-scenes going on. That will require a team as well, much like the writers.


Be ready to bring on new people - do not get stuck with the team you start with, you can be sunk that way :|


Then you are done :lol: and you have a bunch of people to put on your credit crawl :)


I know nothing I have said here reinvents or necessarily improves upon advice given here in the past, but I wanted to throw in the proverbial 2c, as I really would like to see this work out... the kotor games are less and less played these days. Also, when the time has come, I would like to offer my help, which has variable value in several categories :lol:


EDIT: I have also been involved in small ways with some some excellent big successes, and with the exception of Ulic, all of them got lots of help (even if the leaders themselves were one-man-wreckingballs of modders ;) )

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You got WHAT? :lol:

If you want you can send'em along, I'll do my best to deliver a nice render :drool2:

Yeah, I'd like to see that. What skin colours would you like? I've set up some for that yellow skin you used in your renders, but I could do more as well. I can even do reds and pinks for some Zeltron poster girls :naughty:

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All great advice, and much appriciated :thmbup1:


I will be contacting you to speak more



Of course you will, but you must be organized, and get as much help as you can without accepting crap help :lol:


Unbelievable work with the lightmaps! Dis, Q and magnusII, thank you again for unraveling the modding mysteries. It is a service to our community, and we are grateful :D


As for getting it done, may I suggest a few things? I have been involved with a famous and colossal failure of a project, and have struggled with projects of my own, and filling this area is a big big project...


If you have a plan in your head for what the big story is, develop it as far as you can, and when you feel you have at least a good skeleton of a plot, the "critical" elements of what you feel needs to happen on Sleyheron, then you can assemble a writing team. I say team because you may not want to be limited to one writer, you can farm out quests to different writers and get the work of writing a story done much quicker. It is ok if the style and tone of individual sections is different initially, as long as the individual work done is of good quality - worry about coherence/continuity later.


The writing I am talking about is actual fan-fic style writing - I really think that if you do not have a good story actually written out, you will have an incredibly difficult time building dialogs that move your story correctly... you will not know which dialogs will actually be important enough to be in the mod, nor how your cut-scenes should play out. I have found that reverse engineering your storyline mod from skeleton direct to dlgeditor is a giant waste of time... no one wants to read the whole book to play the game. So, have a real story written out, even if it is a patchwork of different writers with different sections... you can read it all (yikes) yourself and decide that you want to do editing and restyling yourself, or choose a writer whose style best matches your intentions and ask that writer to be the editor-in-chief.


Once the story is written, I truly believe the rest falls into place pretty quickly, with the exception of scripting - with the incredible expanse you have made, you will surely want lots of behind-the-scenes going on. That will require a team as well, much like the writers.


Be ready to bring on new people - do not get stuck with the team you start with, you can be sunk that way :|


Then you are done :lol: and you have a bunch of people to put on your credit crawl :)


I know nothing I have said here reinvents or necessarily improves upon advice given here in the past, but I wanted to throw in the proverbial 2c, as I really would like to see this work out... the kotor games are less and less played these days. Also, when the time has come, I would like to offer my help, which has variable value in several categories :lol:


EDIT: I have also been involved in small ways with some some excellent big successes, and with the exception of Ulic, all of them got lots of help (even if the leaders themselves were one-man-wreckingballs of modders ;) )

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Of course you will, but you must be organized, and get as much help as you can without accepting crap help


Unbelievable work with the lightmaps! Dis, Q and magnusII, thank you again for unraveling the modding mysteries. It is a service to our community, and we are grateful


As for getting it done, may I suggest a few things? I have been involved with a famous and colossal failure of a project, and have struggled with projects of my own, and filling this area is a big big project...


If you have a plan in your head for what the big story is, develop it as far as you can, and when you feel you have at least a good skeleton of a plot, the "critical" elements of what you feel needs to happen on Sleyheron, then you can assemble a writing team. I say team because you may not want to be limited to one writer, you can farm out quests to different writers and get the work of writing a story done much quicker. It is ok if the style and tone of individual sections is different initially, as long as the individual work done is of good quality - worry about coherence/continuity later.


The writing I am talking about is actual fan-fic style writing - I really think that if you do not have a good story actually written out, you will have an incredibly difficult time building dialogs that move your story correctly... you will not know which dialogs will actually be important enough to be in the mod, nor how your cut-scenes should play out. I have found that reverse engineering your storyline mod from skeleton direct to dlgeditor is a giant waste of time... no one wants to read the whole book to play the game. So, have a real story written out, even if it is a patchwork of different writers with different sections... you can read it all (yikes) yourself and decide that you want to do editing and restyling yourself, or choose a writer whose style best matches your intentions and ask that writer to be the editor-in-chief.


Once the story is written, I truly believe the rest falls into place pretty quickly, with the exception of scripting - with the incredible expanse you have made, you will surely want lots of behind-the-scenes going on. That will require a team as well, much like the writers.


Be ready to bring on new people - do not get stuck with the team you start with, you can be sunk that way :|


Then you are done and you have a bunch of people to put on your credit crawl


I know nothing I have said here reinvents or necessarily improves upon advice given here in the past, but I wanted to throw in the proverbial 2c, as I really would like to see this work out... the kotor games are less and less played these days. Also, when the time has come, I would like to offer my help, which has variable value in several categories


EDIT: I have also been involved in small ways with some some excellent big successes, and with the exception of Ulic, all of them got lots of help (even if the leaders themselves were one-man-wreckingballs of modders )



I agree with qui_gon_glenn.

Organizing is very important.


I'm going to just throw in my 2cents on story development tips that I came across during my mod’s production.


One of the first things is research the planet and learn about the planet’s culture and get a feel for the atmosphere of the planet.


Then ask why does the player need or want to come here. This is important since it will give purpose for the planet in the story. This can be done like the star maps or a personal reason for the PC to go there or an event that causes the player to land.


Once you have the reason then you can take that and either has that as the main goal of the planet’s main quest or you can have it where the player was going to locate a star map for example and then get pulled into another quest which becomes the planet’s main quest. After this hijacked main quest then you can find the item/star map.


Once you have the main quest structured in a form of pacing of the quest you can look at how the party member’s would react to this quest and this world.


You can make a list:


Mission- does not like the Slave trade or how the planet reminds her of the Taris underworld with sun. She will want to help those in need. Bring in npcs which could pull on her broken family theme, where families leave or broken up by outside sources.


Carth- He considers the Hutts as criminals but recognizes that some Republic officials might do business with the Hutts. This planet might remind him of what could happen to the Republic if we lose our ways and become unlawful. You can have scenes with a small Republic diplomat making an illegal deal or trying to buy illegal death-sticks.


Bastila- How would a Jedi see and feel about this world.


Also there is the Twilik Sith apprentice; maybe she can make a cameo if you don’t kill her on korriban.


I know the VOs might limit the party members’ reaction in-game but you can use their reaction of what they would think of the planet as a way to populate the world with diverse NPCs who can interact with the PC as well as help in creating small side quests.



You want to think what do you want the player to feel while exploring this world, emotions/feelings.


Then ask yourself what are the stories of the people who live or visit this world. Why are they here?


Another thing I do for NPC placement is I will enter the model in-game even if its empty and walk around and think if I was in game walking around what would I see and go ok there would be a sport were a merchant or a interesting character that will run up to me and ask for help.


Make a list of side quest ideas and see where they can fit in as part of another quest or even if they fit at all. If they don't fit then let the idea go even if its a cool one.



Once you have this all done you can bring in other writers for different quests. qui_gon_glenn mentioned how you split them up which is great advice.


Always remember while building the planet’s story always keeps in mind why would the player have to come here. What is the motivation and how can you keep that from beginning to the end of the story.


This is my 2 Cents at midnight my time, hope my sleepy eye didn't throw off my writing:eek:


Great Job Q and Disb:thmbup1:



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I have an idea for Mission's side quest about her brother Griff.

Here he can hide and when you find and you have Mission with you he would say something like :"Where's the best place to hide from the Exchange then right under their nose." And try to make them up.


And also there can be a mission involving Zaalbar's side quest where you see wookie labor and future leader of the wookies has a duty to free them on bring them back on Kasshyyk to join his village.


And maybe a side quest about HK-47 since he had a master here(Bochaba the Hutt) you can go further in his past with his assassination mission's on Sleheyron.


Well that's all i can think about for now.

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I can see Yuthura going to this planet before Dantooine is destroyed to investigate the slave trade here.


And if she happens to go undercover as a Twi'leki merc that only speaks Twi'leki there won't be an worries about the VOs(i *really* can't see Yuthura going undercover as a slave).

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Absolutely magnificent. Might I suggest also tossing in a few landspeeders/swoop placeables to help break up some of those open spaces...populating them with NPC's instead will drag mid-range processor capacity a bit wouldn't it? Except of course those areas you want to keep open, but I'd suggest reserving that for one main courtyard so the planet feels "populated" to walk among, to avoid a sense of it being deserted.

Tattooine gets away with large open spaces because it's a low population but a vibrant industrial city should be literally bristling with activity, and to save processor speed you'd want most of this in placeables if you can, this is my ignorant thoughts anyway because I've done no area modelling.


Beautiful work nevertheless, Sleheydron is really shaping up as something very special indeed.


edit. Hey is it possible to reskin/remap the Jawa sandcrawler placeable(?) from Tattooine as a grounded starship hulk sitting in the middle of a big courtyard, and use it as a Cantina? It's a decrepid old colony ship, landed and rebuilt as a spacer's bar. Sound interesting? Plus makes a great space filler, whilst fully keeping the sense of epic dimension for the area.

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Whoops. Completely lost track of this mod. Which meant I had dozens of purty pictures to drool over. In other words: fantastic work, guys. Can't believe how 'KotOR-ish' these areas look like. Very nice.


Hopefully, the quality of the story, writing and other stuff is as high as that of the work you've done on the modules and textures. While I was sifting through the thread, I thought I saw that Darth Insidious was going to be doing some stuff for this. If true, it gets my stamp of approval. :)

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The landing bay now has complete and working lightmaps :thmbup1: Here are some screens:







Also, 2 writers are now working hard on the storyline and plan for this mod. I think it would also be best to figure out now who will be helping out on this mod with scripting and programming.


While there will be no scripting or programming needed at this time, I think having the scripters sit in on the story discussions would be a good idea, as the scripters can say "yes" or "no thats not possible" to help reign in any wild ideas that may be had.


So I am looking for enthusiastic, skilled, reliable and MOTIVATED individuals for scripting/programming. If interested please send me a PM.


My next steps are to complete the interiors of all 3 finished outdoor areas, which include:


Landing Bay > 2 interior shops/buildings

Merchant Area > Casino/pazzak den(central hub), and an interior

Rich Area > 2 interior shops


After that I will move on to making the 4th area, and by then I am hoping our storyline is complete so I have direction on what further areas I will need to model and get in game.


Thanks all

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In the first image that is there a train? That would be too funny if would also bring about somewhere. (laughs) Otherwise, as always, good job, I am one and was a fan of your work.


Yup, it is cargo trains picking up and taking shipments from the ships :thmbup1:


Thanks for the compliments

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In the first image that is there a train?


I just thought of something. Say a dark Jedi uses the train (or whatever it is) because they heard your ship was gonna land there. They met you at the landing pad and tried to kill you. What do you think?

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