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What are you doing for Summer Vacation

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I win.


Going on an Epic Beer Quest all around Belgium with friends

We'll have tours in brewery's, old cloisters where famous beers were created, driving through the Ardennen, doing standard touristic stuff...


But the central theme will still be beer. Belgium has over 360 different brands of beer, and we've made a selection to check. Maredsous, La Chouffe, it's all there.... :cheers:


Beautiful landscape + epic beer + friends + vaction = a very happy Z indeed. Unless it's my day to drive :xp:

Best. Vacation. Ever.


You do win. Just be careful. :)

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I win.


Going on an Epic Beer Quest all around Belgium with friends

We'll have tours in brewery's, old cloisters where famous beers were created, driving through the Ardennen, doing standard touristic stuff...


But the central theme will still be beer. Belgium has over 360 different brands of beer, and we've made a selection to check. Maredsous, La Chouffe, it's all there.... :cheers:


Beautiful landscape + epic beer + friends + vaction = a very happy Z indeed. Unless it's my day to drive :xp:

:thmbup1:. What we lack in, well, everything, we make up for with BEER.
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Luckily my family and myself find ourselves lucky enough to get over the pond during the summer. We're spending two weeks in London and Paris, and It'll be my first time visiting both. I'm really excited to be in Europe during World Cup season!

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Well after I finish my finals next week, I can finally get some sleep. I have been running on four hour sleep days this entire week and I am exhausted. I can sleep in on the weekend but I have to get up and do it again next week because of a paper due next Thurs :xp:


As for the summer, I look forward to mini-cations, mostly day trips to LA via metrolink and of course the big Fourth of July bash at my aunt and uncle's house. I totally kick butt in the volleyball game.


As for the rest of the summer, I will be trying to find employment while at the same time helping with home repair and playing with my nephew and maybe find time for some gaming and writing.

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Summer vacation? What is that?


Enjoy it while you can :xp:


I'll take a day off here and there, not much else. I took two weeks off for moving this spring and I regretted it so much...when I came back at work it was 90-100/h week for a month just to try to catch up and almost everyone complains even if I notified them months in advance.


Ahhh! being a student...even final exams seemed like it was a vacation :p uhhh... sleep, study a little...stay awake until early morning if you've been late on a paper or haven't been studying as you should have...(or, if getting some sleep at night is not an option, fall asleep at the library between two exams and hope that a classmate will wake you up in time for the next one...did that...went to the next exam with a weird marking on my face from having fall asleep on a book :p and managed to get the highest mark lol), do the exam, sleep again...repeat 4/5 times max... it was a real joke. Besides, the only responsibility I had was my own person, not others' companies, portfolios, investments, lifes, etc... If I would have ever failed (exams, paying my landlord, etc), I would have had only me to blame as there were not many external factors could come into play nor my own failure would have affected anyone else. Now, if one of my clients fails, I could, in some cases, be responsible or blamed for such failure... and the problems have nothing to do with the black and white stuff you see at school.


I often miss the good old student time...as well as some sleep!

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well, I guess its summer for you!


Its now 12C here in this part of OzStralia - which most cold climate dwelling folk would think is pleasant. My Mediterranean blood is freezing - now wearing 3 layers of clothes and a wool hat :thmbup1:


When I hear folks in places like Canada and Norway telling me its -15C during their winter, I get goosebumps just thinking about it :(



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What we lack in, well, everything, we make up for with BEER.

Yes, but it's mostly lager, and as such has no taste other than the vague hint of urine sprinkled amongst the bubbles. English beer is famous for being warm; that's because we like it to taste of something. :xp:


Its now 12C here in this part of OzStralia - which most cold climate dwelling folk would think is pleasant. My Mediterranean blood is freezing - now wearing 3 layers of clothes and a wool hat



12 on a still day is quite nice for here...

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12 on a still day is quite nice for here...


And a freezing cold night on these lands. In fact, I think it's around 15ºC now...


Not surprising at all to see a Brazilian and Australian find 12C cold, but the Englishman think it's pleasant! :thmbup1:


Now all 3 of us need to do is walk into a bar and we're 50% of the way to a classic joke from the 1930s :D



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