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LucasArts Posters: The Revenge


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And clean-up of @Jake's scan is coming along nicely as well.


Original colors:




Approximating the box/manual colors:



It's weird how the box "feels" almost monochromatic, when there's actually still a lot of color in there. I guess the colorful artwork and design elements of the box just cause the map to become less prominent.


Edit: All done! 600 dpi PNG versions can be downloaded HERE.

Edited by Laserschwert
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I've updated the previews above and added a link, and I'll add them to the opening post eventually. This looks like a very minor cleanup, but filtering out this heavy halftone was tricky. Plus a lot of work painting out 99% of dust, dirt and scratches. Thanks @Jake for great scans and a suffering wallet.



Edited by Laserschwert
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This looks so great oh my gosh!!


Is it bad that I kinda like the halftones on this map a little bit? I think it's cute ahaha! And I don't exactly know if they originally took the time to filter it themselves back then, from the pictures I've seen (I unfortunately don't own a box so feel free to correct me!) they blurred the map and it has this kind of fuzzy texture to it (maybe they wanted to get rid of the halftones as well?)



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Technically back then there wasn't a way to filter halftone out, short of blurring the image, so yeah, it might have been another reason why it's blurred.


Depending on which fuzzyness you mean though, it's either the camera noise or the halftone from printing the box.

Edited by Laserschwert
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  • 2 weeks later...


When looking at the original Dark Forces Poster (the one with the stormtrooper) and the sketches of Jon Knoles (love them) I got the idea to change it into a more „sketchy“ version.


I know that derives from the original idea, but what do you think of it?


That added picture is just your adjusted cover version ran through a vector graphics app.


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  • 3 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, Laserschwert said:

Let's hope it's not this:



Because these assholes are, again, using my old MI1 poster on their stuff.


AGAIN?! Seriously, you deserve to have credit on all this stuff. Assholes indeed. People really need to do more thorough research before just slapping things on their stuff. 

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35 minutes ago, Laserschwert said:

No idea if there's any possibility this was cleared by Lucasfilm.


Rather unlikely, judging from their website. Pretty sure they'd have that copyright slapped on each and every product, photograph, or asterisk. And from Disney's perspective, printing 30 year old posters on T-shirts, that's not "where the brand's at" in their eyes. 😆


Hope you can kick their butts.



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I mean, if they did approve them it'd be a bit of a dick move, but as far as I can tell well within LucasFilms' right to do... but perhaps they don't even know the origin of the designs. But either way, Laserschwert wouldn't have any legal recourse as far as I can tell because the copyright in the designs rests with LucasFilm/Disney. If unauthorized could maaaybe kick up a fuss in the form of 'these are based on work that I did' which might embarrass them into taking them down, optimistically 😕

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They still claim that they are based on their own restorations based on several Mobygames scans, but come on.


I'm on vacation right now, so I don't have access to my files and Photoshop, else I'd put up comparisons. This is what I managed to whip up on my phone:






The second one has a spot next to Guybrush removed on their version, but the palm tree at the top clearly shows a bit missing where my "The Secret of" has been painted out, plus some clone-brushed takelage where the MI logo was. Also the colors are way too close to mine to be a coincidence.

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Well, I suppose by that I mean, did Lucasfilm find the original printing assets to run off "genuine recreations."


At first blush all this stuff looks like bootleg merchandise, but on the other hand we have precedent of Lucasfilm using fan-based reproductions for official use, and we have a Lucasfilm rep promoting it. The fact that this stuff comes off as scummy and cheap doesn't necessarily mean it didn't get some sort of blessing. Mostly though I'm just interested in any evidence that Lucasfilm has hung on to vintage marketing assets.

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Hi there, 


I was wondering if there was a version MI2:SE without the logo on it in the works? I've been struggling to find this myself for a while.


For my own personal Steam library I prefer my Monkey Island logos to match.


Earlier this year I updated CMI & EMI with the "new" logo used in the Special Editions and TMI, but now that RMI has been announced and is returning to the original font, I've decided to replace the logos of my MI1:SE, MI2:SE and TMI with versions of the classic logo.


I used your no logo versions of the posters to create these, and hope to do the same with MI2:SE if I can find a good version of the SE poster without the logo.


I painstakingly cut out the "LeChuck's Revenge" tattered scroll from your high-res poster since all the clearart I can find for MI2 is at such a low resolution. 


Anyway, I hope this is an acceptable use of your work, and I'll share what I have thus far. The MI1 and TMI posters below are scaled down to 600x900 since my intention is not to redistribute your hard work.


Thanks for all you are doing!






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On 7/18/2022 at 7:09 PM, coasternd said:

Hi there, 


I was wondering if there was a version MI2:SE without the logo on it in the works? I've been struggling to find this myself for a while.


For my own personal Steam library I prefer my Monkey Island logos to match.


Earlier this year I updated CMI & EMI with the "new" logo used in the Special Editions and TMI, but now that RMI has been announced and is returning to the original font, I've decided to replace the logos of my MI1:SE, MI2:SE and TMI with versions of the classic logo.


I used your no logo versions of the posters to create these, and hope to do the same with MI2:SE if I can find a good version of the SE poster without the logo.


I painstakingly cut out the "LeChuck's Revenge" tattered scroll from your high-res poster since all the clearart I can find for MI2 is at such a low resolution. 


Anyway, I hope this is an acceptable use of your work, and I'll share what I have thus far. The MI1 and TMI posters below are scaled down to 600x900 since my intention is not to redistribute your hard work.


Thanks for all you are doing!






Hey there, as far as I know, there's no logo free version of the MI2:SE cover.


I did some crude compositing for my soundtrack cover with the material I had. It's very far from perfect (som blur here and there etc.) but for me it worked with a logo. Maybe it's enough for you too.



Edited by BillyCheers
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12 hours ago, Scummbuddy said:

Hmm, but Craig Derrick is aware of their shirt sale and retweeted their announcement.


Ooooh, true, true. I was assuming that if they'd ganked somebody's art, they probably weren't clearing it with LucasArts, but I suppose they could totally do both.

FWIW, IANAL, but I suspect Laserschwert would have options. Just because you don't have the rights to profit off your work, I'm not sure that means somebody who holds the rights does. Prolly more trouble/expense than it's worth for anything more than a shame campaign, tho.


Also I could be completely talking out my ass.

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