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TTT Running Time

Boba Rhett

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k just to prepare myself...but i saw FOTR and was kinda bored in it....I understand it is more interesting to those who read the book and it did have some special effects etc etc etc. But really I thought the movie was kinda slow.


In this TTT movie....since it is also lengthy - is this movie more ACTION PACKED all around - keep you on the edge of your seat. Or do I need to be prepared for the same kind of lag like in the first movie?? (i'm not dissing it)


I just don't know if I want to go see a 2 hr and 59 min movie in a theater.

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I like loooong movies. :D;)


I actually thought the theatrical release of LOTR:FOTR was a bit too short...because it skipped over a few things. So I'm glad the DVD Special Edition has about another half an hour footage of deleted scenes. :)


I hope they do the same with TTT when it's released on DVD.


The longest film I remember watching was the uncut version of Heaven's Gate...which ran to about four and a half hours - and it was superior in every way to the execrable butchered two and a half hour version.


The longest I was ever in a cinema theatre...was to watch the 3 films of the Classic Star Wars trilogy back-to-back (on the release of ROTJ). I was in there for about 7 and a half hours (over night). Heh. :)


When I have all 3 of the LOTR (SE) DVD's in hand...I intend to lock myself in a room and play the whole thing from start to finish... :D

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normally is shoud be happy and ownin the SE dvd but unfortunatly the stores didnt want to cooperate. i went to 3stores and all were sold out. :( the only thing i could find was an epII video. but i dont give up, ill own it tomorrow:p or else

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Originally posted by Darth Yoda85

I really hope that this new one is better than the original. It was kinda boring and Froto didnt do ****. He kept on falling. I remember counting at least like 4 falls in the movie. He is supposed to be the chosen one but he cant even keep his balance!


Frodo doesn't really do anything in the books. He carries the ring and SPOLER gets poisoned by a "spider" and all teh death defying things but he doesn't do to much. Heck SPOILER he didn't even destroy the ring.


The other hobbits did more. Merry? even had a SPOLIER troll die on top of him. That little dude faced a troll. Sam does more in the movies than anyone will.


I cannot wait! Helm's Deep battle will rock. Too bad Shelob won't be in this like Shelob should. I wonder how it will end since I thought that the book ending was FANTASTIC.



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Originally posted by Darth Yoda85

I really hope that this new one is better than the original. It was kinda boring and Froto didnt do ****. He kept on falling. I remember counting at least like 4 falls in the movie. He is supposed to be the chosen one but he cant even keep his balance!


Read the books man and appreciate the art. LOTR is more than just about action :)

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