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The Swamp doesn't seem the same anymore!


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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

No that was the original plan. We disallowed the post count to see if people were playing the game because it was fun, or just to add numbers to the post count. If people post there it is supposed to be for fun, and not for the numbers. I have seen people get to one thousand in a matter of weeks just by posting in the VS thread, so I support the post count issue. Sorry. :(


Now that you have said that, I agree 100%. It was actually a good idea. I was just making sure it was intentional and not a glitch in the forums or something. Thanx for telling me:)

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Originally posted by Tyrion

[rant] Why do you need your games threads here? I dont like them,and all they do is add more lag to the swamp. They arent deleted, so you guys can go to the forum. It only takes another click, and others who dont like it dont have to see it on the front page every day,with the new posts at the bottom. Did I mention the reduced lag?[/rant]

Takeing the games away took a huge part of the swamp away with it.


I want them back.

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Taking the games out of the Swamp, you may as well rename this "Republic Senate" since it has lost it's spark without the funny, or game threads. Most of the better threads were the Vs or simliar style threads, the "misquote" one is hilarious.....


To continue to branch out would leave the swamp rather empty....


Bring back the game threads. plz!

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i also believe we better get the games back in the swamp as they r part of it. but 1 thing we need to make sure is: there can only be about 4 games i think, cause if there were more its a bit much.


and as for the post count stop at the games forum, i never noticed. thats how important my post count is. ;)

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Just an FYI...the Swamp is NOT just for Serious Discussions...you can discuss anything you wish (within forum rules), be it serious, funny, or whatever. The intention has never been to make the Swamp a serious discussion forum...it has always been intended that members can come here to let their hair down and have F-U-N.


I also tend to agree that we don't really need to 'branch' the forums as often unless there is an overwhelming need for it (which has happened in the past - I remember when there were very few forums indeed under jediknightii.net ;) ).


Anyway, my time is short (I'm posting this from work Shhhh....!!! :D )...so I'll just say...bring the games back to the Swamp...BUT...why can't the older (dead) games simply be moved either to the Games Forum...or be deleted...and leave the current (active) games in the Swamp? ;)

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its evident that basically everyone here agrees that having a separate game forum really sucks. if everyone is agreeing, including the admins, CHANGE IT BACK! jeez. rhett, you have more power than spy_jmr1 or stormhammer or any of the mods here. you dont have to ask them for permission. and it seems that a lot of mods WANT the game threads back here. why not stop discussing it and get it done?

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Yeah, I think LeXX has a point. I had been away for far too long, and when I finally get a chance to hang out in the swamp what do I find?




Where did all the fun go? Though I didn't really participate very often in many of the games (I spent most of my time with the academy wars threads), I did however get a good laugh at some of the antics that went on here. But now when I wander into the swamp, its like I've walked into a ghost town! Wait! I think I see a tumble-weed rolling by now! ;)

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This may have been said, but I'll say it anyways!!


Well, I know what you mean! I know the swamp isnt the same without the game threads, but lets face it with all those game threads comming. They just kept comming and created some sort of overflow here, so I think it was kinda nice to move them to their own forum!!



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Accoding to this post it seems some mods want to dissallow post counts in the RP forums. As if anyone really anyone posts there anyway. Yeah I'm a mod here at LF and I will soon mod the only two Forums that do not have post counts. Is that something to be proud of? Perhaps I should just go hang out with leXX over at Eliteforce2.net. This place is starting to feel like a big high shool where admin tells you how it is and regulates you to death. I graduated ten years ago, I have no patience for this.:mad: Things can be done without the use of the iron fist. There are those that will disagree with me but this is just my opinion at the moment.

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I agree with Darth Groovy, this does sound like a high school. However, it is not because the big bad wolf admin is a dictator.


It's people over-reacting. That's what makes it seem like a high school. But high school doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. It's the people that make it; and it usually is not the stereotype people say it is.

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Well what does disallowing post counts hope to accomplish? Everywhere you go there is going to be those that abuse and take advantage of things. Mods are here to regulate and control the spammers. To take away the post counts is only punishing those who are innocent for the actions of others. I say deal with the trouble makers on a one on one basis and let the rest of us be.


I know there are those who reached 1,000 in a week's time by posting in the versus thread, but if you read the VS thread and saw who was posting the most you could deal with that person alone and not punish the rest of us. And seriously does the post count cause anyone that much trouble? I mean if I have 8,000 post does it slow the forums down? Things can be done to improve situations without regulating everything to death.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Well now they want to dissallow post counts in the RP forums like anyone posts there anyway. Yeah I'm a mod here at LF and I will soon mod the only two Forums that do not have post counts. Is that something to be proud of? I should just go hang out with leXX over at Eliteforce2.net. This place is starting to feel like a big high shool where admin tells you how it is and regulates you to death. I graduated ten years ago, I have no patience for this.:mad:


I disagree with this entire post. Some staff want to disable posts in the RP forum, and quite frankly, I think the idea is ridiculous...people should be rewarded for participating in those. And I'm sorry if you feel sorry for yourself over your position in the network...if you feel that way, perhaps you should go hang out at ef2.net. I resent your generalization on high school and felt that you should have actually consulted with and/or waited for an admin, namely myself, to comment on this before making those statements.


I think a lot of people are pissed off because of the drop in post counts when the games forum was instituted. You're entitled to your opinion, and we do recognize it(see thread: 'Democracy?'). From the way that's going, it seems the games forum will be taken away, it's threads mass moved to the swamp, and a stories forum created. Just wait till Monday, that's all I ask.


(btw, I hope to include future votes if this one's turnout is reasonably high...naturally we still wanna keep some suprises, but I'll be sure that they are nothing too drastic.)


And for the record: these things do not cause the forums to lag and/or crash: a lot of posts, too many forums, deleting posts, images in signatures, the list goes on. The only things that really do are search and avatars.

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Why is it so important for an post count? You shouldnt be wanting a reward of some kind from posting. You should be posting and on the forums for friends and to give out your idea,not to say"Oh oh i have 3000 posts,I AM SPECIAL!". If having a post count is your most concern on the forums, are the forums really for you then?


Of course,this is just my opinion. I could be wrong.:D

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Originally posted by matt-windu


I disagree with this entire post. Some staff want to disable posts in the RP forum, and quite frankly, I think the idea is ridiculous...people should be rewarded for participating in those. And I'm sorry if you feel sorry for yourself over your position in the network...if you feel that way, perhaps you should go hang out at ef2.net. I resent your generalization on high school and felt that you should have actually consulted with and/or waited for an admin, namely myself, to comment on this before making those statements.


I think a lot of people are pissed off because of the drop in post counts when the games forum was instituted. You're entitled to your opinion, and we do recognize it(see thread: 'Democracy?'). From the way that's going, it seems the games forum will be taken away, it's threads mass moved to the swamp, and a stories forum created. Just wait till Monday, that's all I ask.


(btw, I hope to include future votes if this one's turnout is reasonably high...naturally we still wanna keep some suprises, but I'll be sure that they are nothing too drastic.)


And for the record: these things do not cause the forums to lag and/or crash: a lot of posts, too many forums, deleting posts, images in signatures, the list goes on. The only things that really do are search and avatars.


Just to clear this up, I saw Rouge Nine's post here and it made me upset because of all the restructuring going on lately. The EF2.net statement was a nod to leXX who posted this thread, not intended as a dig to LF. And the games were moved because some mods complained here at the swamp, this I know. Please let's not get into any hostility here. I am just a bit dissapointed, and so I voiced my opionion on it. Sorry for any problems my previous post may have caused. :(

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