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The naughtiest thing you have done?


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the worst ive done is to my school.


several things. my favourite was the sign. see my old school was "centennial public school" so me and some buddies went over at night *we were in grade 5 lol* and unscrewed the L in "public" to this day it reads "centennial pubic school" :D


we also broke windows. ripped off screens and a buddy of mine took a number 2 in a desk in the teachers lounge. oh and we unscrewed some things in the cofee maker for the teachers and it well..... sprayed boiling water all over our principal. we also took off some metal gratings during recess and whipped em onto the roof.... problem is that we have odd roofs and the gratins went right through a window... and landed on my teachers desk..



ahhh memories.

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well, i haven't done anything really bad, but the worsed thing i have one or my feeling (yeah yeah, i know it is nothing!!) but i was sort of addicted to candy, so everyday, i would grap money out of my money box, and i would go buy cany, wich i was not allowed to do. and this one time, i was doing it again, buying it, and i'm walking out of the store, and suddenly my father stood there:eek: but i forget my punishment (but it was not involving phisycal damage!)

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Dooku 2: That was just plain evil:(


Shock: Wow...good on ya m8 lol


Me? I've never done anything bad...never...ever...:rolleyes:


Well I've done all that stupid stuff you always do when you're a kid...lobbing eggs at people's houses on Halloween, setting really loud fireworks off at night in the middle of Summer:Dlol


Not much else I can think of...

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Well when I was a little kid I use to shoplift a lot. I use to steal these Transformers Toys from Save-On while my mom was at the Dr. I was a very bad shoplifter and stealer. So many thing's so little time.


Recently me and my ROTC friends have stolen flags after 9-11. I know what your thinking but it was for a good reason. There are regulations for displaying the American Flag. You are not suppose to fly a flag at night with out it being properly lit. Well these dumb idiot's had flags out and they weren't even lit or properly displayed. My friend Dan is very patriotic and was real upset so we decided to steal them and give them a good home. We took about 4-5 flags.


We also have egged a certain someone's house and kind of caused $3,000 worth of damage. All from egg's.


My friend Dan who is now in the Army kind of also pulled a Black Op as we like to call them in tech school barracks. He snuck into the D.I.'s office and re-claimed his DVD's. :D


All I know is that me and my friends are really good at infiltrations and espionage.


P.S. I don't shoplift anymore. Just do the other stuff on a regular occasion.



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Originally posted by Professor Snape

me and my girlfriend went to second base while my parents were outta town. I guess thats kinda naughty



My girlfriend and I go to 3rd base when her parents ARE home and go homerun when they are not. :cool:


Lets see... we did stuff in movie theatres.


I did many more things too, but since i'm an administrator... maybe I should leave an example. :p


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Rofl... the only one that comes to mind is when I was in panama... our team had 8 guys and 20 girls... it had been raining so the ground was muddy and the girls wanted to go to the river to wash they’re feet, but they where scare of the little fish that would bit'em (they bit real hard) So... I... Told them to jump in real quick and shake they’re feet around as fast as they could… :rofl: the thing they didn’t know was the fish came to anything that moved :p about 5K fish came strait for'em :D HEHEHEH Its was worth it to see them come running and screaming

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Well one time i was with my friend who is a general nutcase. He had his uncles car, i got inot the car and he was supposed to be meeting some otehr peps because we were gonig to the cinema anyhoo. On the way there thoguh we saw a guy we totally despise so he started chasing him ni the car, the guy ran into the park and we followed him with the car :D. The guy wa freaked out and then he started spriniting away so he stepped on it and started driving like a nut case in the aprk skidding all over the palce. Anyhoo we ended up driving straight into the pond. By this time the cops had arribved my friend who was driving bolted out but i eneded up getting stuck in by my seat belt. I got out without drowning, when i got out the guy must have been at the moon by now so when i got out the cops were there. They asked who was driving because they saw that i wasn't (window was open, the rest were tinted) I said the person that was driving was the person we were chasing :D

Even worse is when they asked who i was i kicked him in the nuts and ran away....

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Originally posted by TheJackal




Hum, I think I just convinced my ex to do a private photo shoot for me. I'm in graphic design and I had a brilliant idea and i presented it to her. The plus part is that in involves skin :D


You sick...sick..perverted admin!


could you get me a few of those shots?...:naughty:

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Rofl... the only one that comes to mind is when I was in panama... our team had 8 guys and 20 girls... it had been raining so the ground was muddy and the girls wanted to go to the river to wash they’re feet, but they where scare of the little fish that would bit'em (they bit real hard) So... I... Told them to jump in real quick and shake they’re feet around as fast as they could… :rofl: the thing they didn’t know was the fish came to anything that moved :p about 5K fish came strait for'em :D HEHEHEH Its was worth it to see them come running and screaming


What are we going to do with you.


Me I am a cute :litang:. :halo2:



I broke someones window with a frozen potato shot out of a potato gun at 56 mph


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Um.. dont know about the pool, but this...



My girlfriend and I were REAL horny on the way to a meal and a movie, so we stopped of in a little nature reserve next to the place, and had sex on a little wooden bench. Were so horny, did not take in to account the frequently used train route the other side of the wire fencing the bench was up against. Three trains later, and I think everyone felt pretty good.... :D



Hehehe - she finds out I did this, I'm gonna have my first ever ex!

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Here's some of mine.



1) I got a B+ on a spanish test my freshman year of college. To pay my teacher back, a couple friends and I pissed all over her trach can. She never forgot and neither will I. :D


2) When I was really young I used to color on my dogs head with markers. I got spanked a lot as a child.


3) This is by far the worst. To this day I'm still apologizing to my friend...



My best friend and I went to his girlfriends house during the summer of 94'. They went upstairs to her parents room to make whoopie. I was supposed to keep an eye out for her parents. Three beers later her dad came home. I was too happy to pay attention. At that moment he heard a thumping sound and an "ahh ahh" I could see his face change to pure malice. A couple minues later he came downstairs holding my buck-nekked friend by the family jewels. He opened the door and threw him in the lawn. Ryan just laid there whimpering. Since I was too drunk to drive, he got dressed in the car and drove home.


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