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LEC Community: Likes & Hates?


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Captain Mystery has inspired me, and I now have a two part question for everyone. (Aside from excessive LOTR and hair chat) What do you like the most, and what pisses you off the most (or what do you think is the most stupid) about this community?


Sadly enough, at this point in time if I had to like one thing I'd probably say that it is LucasForums. Not just because it is full of extremely worthwhile (heh) chat, and not just because it is a melting pot for people who hate Star Wars and people who hate "stupid gay slow girl puzzle games" alike to mingle, but really because so many of the posts around here are so damn entertaining.* Also I like RTX screenshots.


What I dislike more than anything else are closed minded whiney people, and, by extension, people who refuse to believe that Guybrush might possibly even remotely slightly be a kid :). Also people who post comments, start threads, or write emails about how Mojo has sold out and is stupid without any evidence are sort of a downer. And, finally, games like The Clone Wars, and some of those Gladius screens, make you not want to like LEC.



*Posts not always "so damn entertaining" due to any particularly high level of quality.

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Alien426's turn ons:

I like this forum. The fact that you can find a lot of different people here. Some will entertain you, some can help you with just about any problem. There are these great guys who program ScummVM and the likes... I love the art that is created because of the games.


Alien426's turn offs:

LucasArts losing all the people we've grown to expect great adventures from (um, this isn't strictly community related). The demise of the genre in general.


V this post :Þ

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Cool thread. Okay, what do I like? Well it's like everyone; I like the forums here that likely have a strong likeness to the lucas magic. Like it? boo, ok that was bad.


Likes (in no particular order):



All the different LucasForums, the power of the LEC community. When I browse the lucasforums adventure (monkey, grim, indy, sammax, etc) forums I think; wow so many LEC-lovers. Then I sometimes wander off to the Star Wars forums and I think "woaaahhh, there's even more people out there!". That's quite cool imo.


#Monkey Island

It's just crazy there sometimes. #monkey-island is the only irc channel I have yet found that has the most people with cynicism, sarcasm and just humour in general. I just love that. Also the munki-eyelond-language!!1 ROFL?!



I really like their seperate game websites. They put a lot of work in it, because they make quite a few games at a time and they always create seperate sites for the games. That's pretty cool.



Keeps ya off the street. The polls are the win and the features are the joy.



I just love collecting LucasArts stuff. I'm crazy when it comes to collecting!




"LEC sold out!"

People who still whine about LEC selling out for only making bad Star Wars games. I mean even the Star Wars games that they make now, they're of damn good quality.


Guybrush isn't a boy!

Like jake said. Narrow minded sillyness.

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Hmmm... LucasForums is quite good at times, and I still think some of the Mojo sites do a good job. Also, there seem to be quite a few LEC games I'm looking forward to (Indy, RTX, KOTOR, FT2 and S&M2)


Dislikes - anything related to fanfic makes me cry. People who speak without checking facts first (i.e. Guybrush being a kid yada yada) bugs me. And I don't dig piracy, especially when it's encouraged in certain forums. ¬ ¬

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The actual people within the community, who are (almost all) cool, friendly, interesting people.


The fact that its actually a community, with a range of people who have broadly similar interests.



Lec Pirates - 'I cant buy Monkey Island new in Uzbekistan therefore its abandonware and I am entitled to pirate it. Where can I download it?'


Lazy, stupid Lec Pirates - 'Help! I downloaded this file - Monkey1and2.rar but winzip cant extract it!' 'Ok now I cant get any music on monkey island 1, someone help me!!!!'


People who wont accept the logic of an arguement and continue to plug on regardless - yes, the 'guybrush cant be a kid!' people.

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  • The forums are mostly good, except for The Harbour.
  • The back-alleys of the main IRC / #monkey-island community (#gfnetwork)
  • The whole Scumm-hacking and amateur-game community
  • Captain Mystery



  • The Harbour
  • People who claim EMI's control system was what ruined the game
  • #monkey-island, 70% of the time
  • Giant and offensive signature images

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• The huge array of forums, all connected and not requiring any kind of registration to participate in each.

• The fact that most people in the community know each other in some way.

• The huge wealth of information to be found in the network.




• People who go out of their way to be annoying.

• People who post for no reason other than to raise their count.

• Me not being staff at the Scumm Bar.



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  • The fact that everyone knows each other in some way, and we all have at least one interest in common.
  • The colour scheme!
  • The quality coverage of anything to do with LucasArts throughout the LFN.
  • The fans on the forums are so talented in various areas - see the fan MP3's and artwork scattered throughout the community.
  • The people here all seem to be very intellectual, as opposed to the "I'll kill you" attitude some people on the internet adopt.



  • People who moan about the demise of point-and-clicks. 3D is the future!!*
  • People who moan about Star Wars!!
  • The lack of coverage of Pirates of the Carribean (reason number 5 in Empire magazine's "50 reasons why movies kick ass now")
  • Porcelain... I hate porcelain!!


*That said, The Longest Journey was a point-and-click. Maybe the sequel will be as well.

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1. There are a lot of interesting and unique people in the community. Many times, I have enjoyed their warped sense of humor and unusual banter.


2. I love reading comments on Mojo news posts. It's probably one of the highlights of my day... and if that makes me look like a sad and pathetic person... well, just remove the "if" there.


3. The amazing way in which things actually get done in the community despite being completely unorganized.




1. Again, people who claim Mojo has sold out or just isn't as good as it used to be. I mean, come on people. Have you actually looked at the web archives? Things weren't all that more fantastic than they are now.


2. Raven employees who come on the forums and bad mouth Mixnmojo for posting a cynical preview of Gladius, claiming that we hate anything that isn't a graphic adventure. Ooops, uh... carry on.


3. People who think that 3D games are and will always be inferior to 2D. I mean, 2D is great and all and should always have a place, but 3D has a lot of potential.


4. Fans who think Ron Gilbert is the complete lord and master of the Monkey Island games.

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Originally posted by RemiO

And I don't dig piracy, especially when it's encouraged in certain forums. ¬ ¬ [/b]


You can't be everywhere at once. I removed the links as soon as I saw them. Please don't announce that the WMI forums encourage piracy because we don't, but a few mistakes creep in once in a while in a busy community.

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- There's always something to talk about, no matter how inane or stupid it may be.

- There's always someone there to call you a blow-hard when you think you're being witty.

- The loveable color schemes

- :elephant:





-The fact that ever since they created that damn store, i feel some shallow need to earn as many points as I possibly can in the shortest amount of time possible to try and buy useless little lines of code that will somehow altar my profile to make me stand out more or something.

-Admins who yell at you for staging hostile takeovers of other forums.:disaprove:animelol:

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  • 4 weeks later...


I like the news coverage. It keeps me up-to-date with everything LEC when it's relevant. Good work guys :)


I like most of the people. I had no idea that monkey island was that popular around the world. There's people from all walks of life who come here to talk about anything that's on their mind (and it doesn't have to be about Monkey Island)


The forums are nicely done. Good topics.


Captain Mystery - he's never been wrong or led us astray!


Me not being an Op on #M-I.


LAVAA - Who woulda guessed Gary Coleman was Kenny in CoMI??? Or that wicked voice of Danny Delk as Murray???

(Sorry guys, I live for movies. If I were an Internet site, I'd be called imdb.com) lol



A**-hats who talk about 'Lord Of The Hair' in #M-I (I'm so sick of that trilogy and all who talk about it!!!) PJ is GL in disguise. hee


On #M-I, people who unfairly slander someone who's new to the channel (ie - n00bs. They don't deserve that kind of shabby treatment. *ding* You we're all n00bs at least once in your life!)


The removal of the Mojo files section.

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