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LucasForums Improved my Writing

Bob Gnarly

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Cor, l337 is so great:rolleyes:






I have improved my writing skills so much from being on here. Have you guys ever gone to your profile, searched for all the posts you've made and gone back to your very first post on these forums? Mine was way back on 23rd May 2002, and went a little something like this:


Originally posted by Darklighter

What about having a long descendant of Luke, who continues to lead smal group of jedi to defeat the new technological enemies? Don't tell me there won't be Jedis, DO NOT TELL ME THERE WON'T BE JEDIS!!!!


lol, I laughed so much after reading that again. Funny thing is, I actually remember writing it:lol:The discussion was about potential SW films, Episodes 7-9. Can't believe I wrote like that, heh. Anyways, yeah, this forum has changed me a lot, in many different ways:)

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Well, i did a search.


It ends up being way back on the 28th of July 2001. I cant post what i said since its a admin/moderator only forum and we discused mostly administration stuff.


My grammar still sucks when i compare it to back then. But man that is a long time ago. Way back when we switch to VBulletin and when GalaticBattles was in production and when i just joined the LFNetwork team.



That is damn erie.

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Hucc hum, behold the stupidest quote from me ever.


ITS ABSOLOTELY, POSITIVELY, AMAZING! Its the first time ive been on these forums, and this is the first WIP ives seen, but its amazing!!!! :cool:





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Originally posted by Captain wing

Hucc hum, behold the stupidest quote from me ever.








lol, Wing is that from the modeling threads?




and darklighter, yeah 1337 is cool, its been r0x0r1n6 your b0x0r5 for along time now :D, but my first post was in editing and it was just pimping SW mod i was gonna do

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Originally posted by KingPin

lol, Wing is that from the modeling threads?




and darklighter, yeah 1337 is cool, its been r0x0r1n6 your b0x0r5 for along time now :D, but my first post was in editing and it was just pimping SW mod i was gonna do


It sure looks like it is wing.. Confess! :p

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I know my typing has improved dramatically. I used to type with two fingers, maybe using my middle fingers too:eek: , but now I know where most of the keys are and I type using all my fingers... um, wow:rolleyes: :D . let me go back and see if I can find my first post.......... found it. here's my very first post ever. it's about how to kill the black armored reborns.


04-11-2002 08:30 PM

I like to use Force Speed, charge them, and use Force Push. When they block Force Push they let down their defenses and you can cut them in half easily. This little trick works almost all the time on all the Dark Jedi including Tavion (I haven't gotten to Dasann yet so I don't know if it works on him).


what's this? that looks just like any other of my posts... ekspet taht 1 loks hase it betar gramar adn spelin. lucasforums is digradeing mee:eek:




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I don't think that LF improved my writing at all.....I've always been good at writing IMO - maybe it was all of the papers in college I had to write. :)


The one thing it has helped me with is my typing. I am typing much faster then before. Also, I'm making fewer errros as well....so it's a good thing! :)

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

The one thing it has helped me with is my typing. I am typing much faster then before. Also, I'm making fewer errros as well....so it's a good thing! :)

i can agree on that. my english typing is much better and faster as it was before i joined lf. think i just spend too much time here ;)

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I can say that these forums has helped me in a lot of ways. Im typing much faster, I learn more about computers, making websites, models, skins ,maps etc. Im happy that i know that. My grammar skills i think increased but just a tad. Im making fewer errors now and i don't know where my first post is but ill find it..:D

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

The one thing it has helped me with is my typing. I am typing much faster then before. Also, I'm making fewer errros as well....so it's a good thing! :)


Errr, was that a joke in disguise? I'm just curious, what are "errros"? Or was that supposed to be, I'm presuming, "errors"?


Oh, the irony :)

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I can type faster and better now. Before I had to look at the keys to see what I was typing but now I know were the keys are at without even looking or having my hand on the home row like in typing class. I also am using big words now but that was because of my English class.



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