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Star Wars: Republic Commando

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Oh...my...GOD! :eek:


They've done it. The game we talked about a couple of years ago...the game I wanted to see them develop. And LEC have finally done it!.


Go and read the skinny on it here.


There is also a trailer movie link on that page, which rocks, IMHO.


I just can't...seem...to...breathe.... *gasp...thud*


:D :D :D :D :D :D


It will be using the Unreal engine. YES! It will be a brutal FPS for the PC and X-Box! YES!


I have a new hotly anticipated title on my list...which is easily up there with JA.


Thank you Lucasarts! You actually ROCK! :D

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Originally posted by FunkMaster Solo

hmmm...could be nice, but it smells like a X-box first, pc second game...and we all know what ports are like, even if they're made in parallel with the original concept...


I don't think it will be a console port. That wouldn't make a lot of sense, considering they're using the Unreal engine, which is a very strong engine on the PC platform, particularly where MP is concerned. I imagine they will probably do what Bioware have done with SW Knights...and produce the two different platform versions in tandem. Of course it's likely the content will be the same...but there's no reason why that means it will be a bad thing.


I have faith in Lucasarts this time around. They've listened to a lot of feedback from the game community over the years, and I don't think they'll set out to disappoint us.


I hope they put up an official site for the game soon, with some screenshots, etc., and further information. I want to know if it's mission-based in a similar way to DF/JA...

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Oh...my...GOD! :eek:


They've done it. The game we talked about a couple of years ago...the game I wanted to see them develop. And LEC have finally done it!.


Go and read the skinny on it here.


There is also a trailer movie link on that page, which rocks, IMHO.


I just can't...seem...to...breathe.... *gasp...thud*


:D :D :D :D :D :D


It will be using the Unreal engine. YES! It will be a brutal FPS for the PC and X-Box! YES!


I have a new hotly anticipated title on my list...which is easily up there with JA.


Thank you Lucasarts! You actually ROCK! :D



Stormy, you just took all the words out of my mouth! :D


*keeps fingers crossed*


This type of game.....in the SW universe....they're doing some thinking there now. :D

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Honestly I can't stand that trailer, there was 0, repeat 0 footage from the game....which I hate. Sure I don't mind some hype...but I don't see the point if you aren't showing off the gameplay. Make folks suspicious. Ah well, I shouldn't complain at this early stage. Still...we're a clone trooper? How dull a character is that? Granted, missionds'll probably kick butt, but the characters'll be pretty flat.

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I think it's far too soon to think the story will be flat and boring...I mean, we know the title of the game and a brief trailer. Perhaps this isn't a clone at all...we just don't know at this point.



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I have to admit, that I too had raised eyebrows about playing a clone trooper, and that they featured the blah Geonosians in the trailer - one of the most boring Star Wars combatants ever, in my opinion.


However, I love the idea of using the Unreal Engine, and having a squad-based FPS. That should be really fun. They just need to have a much more interesting story than seemed to be the case in the trailer. I mean, if all we do is fight flying bugs and other boring foes, I think I'll go buggy before you can say I've got a bad feeling about this.


To be honest, the press release got me more excited than the trailer. Here's to hoping that the actual game is far more interesting than the trailer made it seem *raises glass*

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Originally posted by StormHammer


I hope they put up an official site for the game soon, with some screenshots, etc., and further information. I want to know if it's mission-based in a similar way to DF/JA...


I made a page with still images from the E3 trailer. 78 pix.

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

Someone start working on the web site, this game is gonna be sweet! Gonna take some pictures of it today hopefully, more later.


Wooohooooo! Excellent! :D


Swooosh! You heard the man! :D;)


Originally posted by JBRAA

I made a page with still images from the E3 trailer. 78 pix.


You, sir, are an absolute gem. ;):thumbsup:

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Originally posted by JBRAA

Stromtrooper: I mean: StormHammer:

"Originally posted by ZeroXcape

I made a page with still images from the E3 trailer. 78 pix."


Hey that aint right. I originally posted that. :c3po:


Sorry about that. :( I must have had a momentary lapse of reason. The error has now been corrected. Normal transmission will begin again when R2 does the Makarena(sp?)...

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