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Is this possilbe or am I just kidding myself?

Reborn Outcast

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Is this possible?


Is it possible for a 15 year old to be in love? Or is it only false, a little twinge? Because me and my girlfriend have talked about this with each other and unless it's a twinge or something, we are in love. As in, we would get married tomorrow if we could.


Is this real or is it fake? Cause I can honestly say that I've felt this way ever since I first started going out with her (4 months).


Can someone help me out?

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If if feels real, then of course it's real (no Matrix-type analogies please ;) ).


Good on yer! Granted, the feelings you're having now could be described by some as 'infatuation' or hormones; but that doesn't make them any more or less valid than what other people describe as real.


Besides, 4 months. It's not like you met yesterday is it?


I for one am chuffed for ya. :D



EDIT: Edited for clarity. I hope.

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

If it feels right, then it is. Just go with your heart, think it all over and decide. :)


If it is love, then good on you mate. Well done. :)


Yeah do what he said!:wstupid:



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Follow your heart man.big wow our 15 ( ourSome elese whos 15.damm older person) if someone whos 20 in in the same predicment then its love. if someone whos 50 in the same predicment then its love. age has nothing to do with it.




so there






Now go burn something and you will understand everything i just said







Edit: Thanks, i dont think you should listen to the burning thing though :thumbsup: and good luck

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Yea I sure hope this is... But I was just a little nervous because I've heard stories of people saying that they're in love and then they're not and it was only a small thing that was going on but I don't htink that what I'm feeling is.


Cause ya know it's like (and she knows this cause I've told her) when I'm not with her I miss her after like 10 seconds but when I am with her i don't ever want her to leave.


And that's only a little bit of how I'm feeling.


EDIT: Captain Wilson I just saw your post and thanks. :D I don't think people take teenage things like this to seriously.

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if you love her you love her. just make sure its real. i think it can happen cause i'm absolutely infatuated by the girl across the street. i love everything about her. i just want to know if she feels the same way.

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Oh yes, it is possible, Reborn. I am only a year ahead of you(16) and Me and my gal are technically "engaged."


If anyone tells you that you cannot be in love because you are only 15, tell them to go straight to Hell.

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my teacher at school always told me, "If you want to buy somthing, wait seven days, if you still want to buy it then it's okay."


Um... I think what the relavence is is that if you still think you love her in seven days.....never mind:(



I once heard of a girl who got maried at age 12, so 15 isn't too bad.


just don't do "it" until you've both had a blood test, and forget about all those lies your teachers in sex ed told you.

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Dont really know what to tell ya Reborn. At this moment I really dont think I know what true love is. I might love my current girlfriend, but I might just really really like her.....or I might be being controlled by my hormones. I just dont know..



And I'm 18.............

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Originally posted by C'jais

Love is overrated.


Hey, so was Sierra's Counterstrike, but that didn't prevent numerous teenagers around the world from playing it...:p


Hey, Reborn, Good Luck. Feel, don't think. Use your instincts. May the Force be with you.

-Qui Gon Jinn

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You never know, you may well be in love. But take caution...at your age, hormones rage and one cannot think clearly when one is in the midst of such a "rage." One thing will be able to truly tell if you have real love--time. As odd as it may sound, true love is not entirely about the "feeling," although that is certainly necessary. Love is about commitment. True love will prevail when you are late for work, your kids are running around the house, the dog pisses on the couch, your wife is having "that time," your mortgage is due, your credit card bills are piling up, your allergies are in full swing, you are stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway on the way to work, you get rear-ended by some kid who just got his license and just learned to drive a stick, you have a pounding migraine, a neighborhood kid hits a home run into your front window, you need more money for groceries and pay-day is in two weeks, and your car loses its muffler and the horn gets stuck. If your love can survive the hell that is marriage, then you have true love. :)

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It could be love. If you feel the same way or better in a few months it could be love. But, do not get married when you are 15. That is a bad idea. Haven't you heard all those stories about teenage mothers and divorced parents that married at 10. Do not do that.

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

Is this real or is it fake? Cause I can honestly say that I've felt this way ever since I first started going out with her (4 months).


No kidding:)I've been going out with my girl for just over 4 months (it was our 4th anniversary a week ago today). Well, me and my girlfriend have talked about it a little. We're still both kinda show around each other, it's hard to say how we feel. Though, a few weeks ago, I just came out and said "I love you...", and she said she felt the same. I dunno whether I do or not right now, maybe I will feel differently later on.


Fact is, I believe anyone can fall in love, no matter about the age. Adults can be just as unsure sometimes (I know, believe me) as teenagers about their feelings. It's just, at an age like 15 (I'm 16, btw), it's best not to get too emotionally involved, since there are so many limiting factors against you (like school, family, no income etc.). You may be in love, but right now there may be more important things to focus on.


And (unlike Skatey's post;)), love isn't purely sexual. It's not about "how many times you think about her naked" or "how many times you have sex" or even "how many times you kiss a week" etc, etc. It's not all about the physical side - I believe it's having a great friend, one who you want to feel close to, emotionally and literally, who comforts you as you comfort them. Not someone who you would give your life up for, but someone who would help you along your own path, and support you (and vice versa). It's all about mutual understanding:)...


...plus physical attraction ain't a bad thing:xp:lol

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