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I just realized....

ET Warrior

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I have now been a part of Lucas Forums for an entire year this month. Crazy eh? I wasn't always a swampie though, I got my beginnings in the Episode 2 forums....good times, Lexx was there, and so was MotionMan, Hannibal, Agent Smith, xX-Ender-Xx, Jedi_Monk, mez1109, and i'm sure anyone who fequented that forum remembers Holo-Sid...:rolleyes:

I know there were others of you who posted there, RatmJedi was one...


Well, Just wanted to let you all know

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Aww, looks like we have a new aspiring young forumer amongst us ^^


That's pretty cool ET, amazing how time flies eh?:)Before I knew it, it was mine and leXX's one year at LF, was quite shocking that I was still here after all this time. But everyone here is great, so it's no wonder I stayed ^_^

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*sob* The good old days... *sob*


Well, I've been here for nearly a year now, and I can't believe how much that has happened on that short time. I mean, people who joined long after me now has double the post count I have and are already very well developed at the forums.


Well, I guess it's just time flying past me.

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I joined around the same time as Sam Fisher above me here. I've been AWOL for 5 month's though so you can virtually say i've been here 6 months when in actuality it's been only 2-3 months hehe...


It's been swell here some good reading.... ;)


Congrats go to ET btw....

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Woohooo :) I registered a couple of months earlier than you (after JO was released, hehe :)) but was AWOL too for quite some time... To be honest, I lost my password and only looked for it when the JA news came in... And now I'm here at the swamp, with a chain connecting me to this big, metal ball which won't let me go :p

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Are we?? :D Cool :cool:


Oh and ZBomber, I live in the Netherlands, which is like 7 timezones ahead of you, MWUAHAHAAA!! When it's tuesday the 17th, 5 o' clock in the afternoon where you live, it's wednesday the 18th here, so I'll beat you to it :p :p




Hey you are only 14 :mad: YOU LIED TO ME YOU... BASTARD!!! :p

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Hey what about me ET? I was there too......and so was Sivy B [the nog :D;)]. How could I forget good ol' Holo-Sid er Commander Bond....er whoever he was that week. :D Good times for sure. :)


I only have a month and a half to go for one year here.......seems like yesterday when I joined....heh. :)

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