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Grave news concerning Eets *important*

Sherack Nhar

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I found this in Eets' weblog just now... he posted this earlier today:

To Christine, Phil, Rhett, and anyone else who cares.


My brother got hit by a car late yesterday afternoon.


He's in ICU.


I don't know how active I'll be online today. Or for the next few days, for that matter.

So there you have it... that's all we know. I sure hope that his brother makes it... If I was religious I would pray for him. But in any case, I don't think that we can do much except wait for some news...


It's gonna be a long wait.

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Thanks for all your support, guys. :)


He was returning some movies at blockbuster yesterday afternoon when some asshole turned around the corner of blockbuster going way too fast. There's kind of a blind spot there, but the bastard still could have at least stayed around instead of bolting. :\ It's strange. We just watched one of those movies with him Saturday.


He's been unconscious all day.


He went through some emergency surgery, but apparently it's still pretty early to see how it'll all turn out.


We're gonna go back to the hospital in a little while. Again, thank you so much.

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Eets, I wish your brother a speedy recovery and you and all your family will be in my thoughts & prayers (sorry, Havoc, but it's what I wanted to say too).


As for the person who hit him...how could you do that & then just drive off? How heartless could you be? :mad: People like this disgust me. If ya need help hunting them down, I'm there, Eets.

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