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New Avril Lavigne Quote/WTF of the Week

Boba Rhett

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"I know that even if the next record bombs, I'll still have that and I'll still go down in the history books. It'll be like Madonna, The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Madonna, and then Avril Lavigne," she laughs. "I don't think it'll bomb though. I feel so strongly in what I'm writing right now."



W...T...F did she just say? :indif:

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Originally posted by Pad

I think she first needs to learn how to sing before she makes such remarks. :rolleyes:




So true. That girl needs a pair of vocal chords....sounding like a dying dog isn't something that ranks you up with the major leaguers, you know?

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"I know that even if the next record bombs, I'll still have that and I'll still go down in the history books. It'll be like Madonna, The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Madonna, and then Avril Lavigne," she laughs. "I don't think it'll bomb though. I feel so strongly in what I'm writing right now."





Why'd she have to go and make things so complicated?:p

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Originally posted by Pad

I think she first needs to learn how to sing before she makes such remarks. :rolleyes:

Of course, while I've not much respect for 'Anvil' (as my wife calls her), remember that it is not singing ability that matters much in the rock/pop world. While the Beatles could manage a decent tune, the Stones ... um, no, then there's Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteeen, and on and on. There are many qualities which make either a person/group or their songs memorable/important/classic ... and she ain't got any of them.



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I know you all think she sucks, but most of you are like older and live in the UK...right?


Dont get me wrong, her music has never tickled my fancy (im more into punkrock/punk and hardcore) but there are plenty of people my age who like her, and her music...


It does piss me off that people think she is "punk" though... her and Pink, they both need to realize they are just as much of hip-hop kids and main stream junkies as britney

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Originally posted by ZDawg

I know you all think she sucks, but most of you are like older and live in the UK...right?


Dont get me wrong, her music has never tickled my fancy (im more into punkrock/punk and hardcore) but there are plenty of people my age who like her, and her music...


It does piss me off that people think she is "punk" though... her and Pink, they both need to realize they are just as much of hip-hop kids and main stream junkies as britney


Pink and Avril think they are punk? *gasps* I am old enough to remember The Misfits and Black Flag still doing shows...

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Originally posted by ZBomber

lol! She put Madona twice. I think she was drunk. :p

I guess she's a feminist ;)


I know how that b**** looks though I don't see why she is any better than for example, the spice girls or any other dead pop group/solo

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As I recall from interviews I've read, she doesn't actually call herself 'Punk', that's what the media have labelled her after Sk8er Boi. The same media that, a year later, delights in criticizing her 'Punkness'. :rolleyes: And no, obviously, she's not Punk.


I don't care what anyone says, Let Go is a fantastic album, with some quality tunes on it. :D


The downsides are a) She can't sing live - she's proved this. and b) The media enjoy either misquoting her or holding up a loudhailer every time she says something dumb.



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Last time I checked, she specifically stated herself Punk. If shewas to state that she DID NOT CONSIDER HERSELF PUNK, then I would buy her album, because she does have a few good songs, I will admit. But if she considers herself Punk, then she's no better than Good Charlotte or any of those other bastards.




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