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Best Buy Must DIE!!!

Darth Groovy

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They been advertising it all week, in the flyer, in the circulars, "Special Midnight Sale on HALO 2!, Doors open at 12:01 am.


I sat in the parking lot until 12:30, several people came and left, yet the doors never opened.


Great job jackasses. Way to score points on customer service. You could have at least put a sign in the window.


There was HUGE crowd at the mall across the street, but my "special edition" is sort of RESERVED....ya know?


Now I have to wait until 9am, and I work tomorrow, like I got nothing better to do.


Mopes! :mad:

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I'm buying Halo 2 tomorrow but I won't get to play it for several weeks. Speak not to me of pain. :xp:


Xbox not in the house ATM eh? That IS pain.


Well get this: (note I am toggling between two forums right now, so alot of cutting and pasting is going on ATM)


The thing that really gets me, is that a guy out in front of the store called the two closest Best Buys and neither of them were open either. He tried calling the 800 corporate number for at the VERY least, and explanation, and he did not get through to them either. I am DYING to know how Best Buy spin doctors are going to explain this one. I'm writing a letter to the newspaper, that ALWAYS pisses off any business more than anything.

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Bah. Buy things like you're actually going to live for another 48 hours, and you'll have no further beef with Best Buy. Don't get me wrong. I like my games. But as for having to have them the minute they come from the stock room to the shelves, it just doesn't interest me. The biggest thing getting them at midnight provides, is bragging rights. "I was there first", "you're a n00b" and what-not. Too bad by the time your ass waits in line to get the game at midnight on releases date, you're too tired to go home and play the damned thing. Patience, my young padawan. Patience.

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Thing is, It would have been MORE convenient to pick it up at midnight. Here is the deal....I work tomorrow from 2pm to 10:30pm. I got off last night at 10:30 pm, I went home, grabbed my rented copies of The French Connection, and The French Connection 2, dropped them off at Hollywood video, and Best Buy was just up around the corner. Not having to work until 2pm tomorrow, I could have sat up all night playing this game. But now, I can get there at 9am tomorrow, but having to work at 2pm, how much time does that leave me to play the game? It just messes up my whole day. I could give a crap less if I am the "first one to get the game", it's just that I had a plan you know, and the fact that Best Buy's advertisement was complete BS. It's just not fair to the customer's who had this game reserved since this summer, to pull a stunt like this. I am just annoyed by the piss poor advertising surrounding this game. Basically, Best Buy just plain sucks at customer service. Work in retail as long as I have, and you'll understand my aggrivation.

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

The biggest thing getting them at midnight provides, is bragging rights.

Right there with you, Captain. This "need to have the latest shit" leads to a lot of problems.


Firstly there's software piracy. Some kiddos think they are entitled to have the newest games even if they don't earn the money to buy them.


There's also the patches. Never buy a 1.0. A lot of today's games have a patch (probably 10+ MB) the day they are released.


I gladly wait for games to get cheaper and be as bug-free as possible. I barely have time to play lately anyways.



Hmm, I guess my points aren't really valid for the Xbox, huh? Well consoles are for babies anyways...




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Maybe they forgot about the midnight sale....


...perhaps some kind of Halo fan club broke in, locked the doors and made sure no one could enter so they would have it first all to themselves! Muwahahahahaha!


ahem. yes that sucks Groovy.


Ah, a few...um...many...years back when I had my Play Station (rest in piece, you plastic soul-stealer), my sister and her friends were having a sleep-over in the only place I was allowed to play-the basement. That day, however, I had finally earned a stash of games for a really good report card and general @$$ kissing, and wanted to play as soon as possible. But my sister was all like "Nyah, I'm older go away". Being, like, eleven I was not about to stand for that. I promtly plopped in front of the TV, took "Feris Buler" out of the VCR and hooked up the Play Station...in front of her and her friends. Finally she grabbed me by the hair and threw me out of the basement. I ran crying to my mama (XD) and guess what?




24 hours is a long time to wait....when you're eleven...


I am not a Halo fan, but I've heard its been very anticipated. I can understand this is the equivalent of waiting 2 hours just to get into the resturant.

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Originally posted by KBell

I don't think I've seen so many people get so worked up over a game before.


Nor I.


It's just a game. It's not like people's lives are in the balance. Some people have been acting like junkies who can't get their fix. :rolleyes:


*sadly shakes head and wanders out of thread*

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Originally posted by Rogue15

no, it's the fact that the ****ing stores LIED. they advertise midnight sale, and then you go to the store at midnight, and the store is closed. I hate going to game stores anymore. :(


Yeah, I know. They take all the fun out of standing in the cold at midnight waiting for a video game.



*breaks out into a cold sweat*


Just one more fix. One more, and I'll be ok for the rest of the day.


*injects self with melted Halo 2 disk*


Ahh...that's the good stuff.



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I opened the Best Buy I work at... at 12:15am


There was about 30 people out front, so why the hell not?



We're out now, but I think if you wake up that early (or stay up that late :xp: ) you deserve to get it earlier than others :D



You should all live in Vegas... We aren't all **** tards like people consider us to be :rolleyes:

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I get to the customer service desk with my pre-order card in my hand. Then the lady behind my counter asks for my reciept for the pre-order.....


Me:"Where does it say I need a reciept?!?!"


Lady: "It's printed on the back."


Me: "Give me a break, I have had this thing since like June...."


Lady rings me up full price, and tosses the card in the bag. WOULD IT HAVE KILLED BEST BUY TO GIVE ME THE LOUSY $5 OFF?!?! IF THE RECIEPT WAS SO DAMN IMPORTANT, WOULD IT KILL THE EMPLOYEES TO STAPLE THE DAMN THING TO MY PRE-ORDER CARD? Now after all the hassle I have had over this game, Best Buy cheats me out of $5....losers.


On the way out the door, hopping mad, I walk pass the typical yellow shirt guarding the door. He tells me to have a good day, then I tell him his store sucks, then he yells out the door, "THANK YOU, AND HAVE A NICE DAY!"


I don't think i'm EVER going to shop in that store again. I tell you the whole pre-order business is a scam. If you want something bad enough, just order it online.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

I don't think i'm EVER going to shop in that store again. I tell you the whole pre-order business is a scam. If you want something bad enough, just order it online.


I've never really cared enough about any game to pre-order it (meh, just find it in stores/online), but that sure does sound like good, solid advice. There are no guarantees the store will keep a copy for you or anything. Just find a deal online for what you want :D.

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