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3PO to the mynocks: "Ahhh! Go away, beastly thing! Shoo, shoo!"


3PO: "I didn't tell you to turn on the thermal heater, I merely commented that it was freezing in the Princess' chamber."


R2: "(assorted beeps and raspberries)"


3PO: "But it's supposed to be freezing! How they're going to dry out all of her clothes, I haven't the slightest idea (or something like that)."


R2: "(more beeps and raspberries)"



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ok i have like two or three here,

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."-Darth Vader

"Strike me down and i shall become more powerfull than you can imagine"-obi-wan-kenobi, "back away! i shall deal with this jedi slime, myself!"-GEN. grevous"

"Uh-oh." "Roger roger!"-battle droids runnig away from acklay,

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! IT'S NOT TRUE! ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!"-luke skywalker the Retarded person,

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Here's a few of my faves.


Mark Hamil: Don't **** with a Jedi.


I was so thinking that myself.


Leia: All kids argue like senior politicians. Except that not all senior politicians can cry on cue.


I giggled.


Leia: The line between the life I want to live and the life I'm expected to live is about as thin as a Hutt after a buffet.


I howled.


From the prequals? This'd be my fave.


Ani: you call this a diplomatic solution?

Padme: No, i call it aggressive negotiations.


Also check out the funniest KOTOR quote thread sometime.

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''Your lightsabers, please. We don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor, do we?'' - Count Dooku


''well take him together, well go in slowly and..''

''ill take him now!''

''no, anakin no''

''ARRAGGHH''- obi-wan and anikin


''master kenobi you dissappoint me(..) surely you can do better!''-bit of dun moch by Dooku


''powerful you have become, dooku. i sense the dark side in you.''

''i've become more powerful than any Jedi; even you!'' - Yoda and dooku


''army or not, you must realise; YOU.ARE.DOOMED'' -grievous


''I am the senate!!'' -sidious


*inhales**exhales* -Darth Vader


''My powers have doubled since the last time we met, count''

''Good. Twice the pride, double the fall'' -anakin and count dooku


''They need you. More than they know'' -Sidious


''The chancellor is not a bad man obi-wan!'' -anakin


''Good is just a point of view'' -sidious


''May the force be with you'' - lots of ppl


''i have a bad feeling abou this...'' -lots of ppl


''flying is for droids...'' - obi-wan


''Hello there!''

''Master kenobi, you area a bold one. Kill him!'' -obiwan and grievous


''i will deal with this jedi slime. Myself'' -grievous

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Sidious--"I've been waiting for this a long time, my little green friend...!"


Leia--"Be careful...!"

Han--"Hey! It's me!"


Animated Anakin upon seeing a stormtrooper platoon telekinetically killed and his starfighter exploding--"Something's not right here...I can feel it!"


Harrison Ford on the set during the filming of Star Wars--"Dammit George, you can type this sh!t, but you can't actually speak it!"

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''well take him together, well go in slowly and..''

''ill take him now!''

''no, anakin no''

''ARRAGGHH''- obi-wan and anikin


Somehow, I think Ani should YELL out his name "Anakiiiiin Skyyyywalkeeerrrrrr" as he charges, Leeerooooy Jerkins style.


As for one of the most functional quotes:

"It's A Trap!!!" - Ackbar and people in thailand.

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This is funny.


"At last, the Jedi are no more." "Not if anything to say about it - I have! At an end your rule is, and not short enough it was."


"You can't win Darth. If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."


"Now Viceroy, we will discuss a new treaty."


"I find your lack of faith disturbing"


"Only a Jedi, with the force as his ally, will conquer Vader and his emperor."


"Governor Tarkin, I should have expected you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board."

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