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Alcohol...(and the unforunate results ofusing it)


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Hello there :)


Just wondering...

I'm just back from 'drinking' with some mates in the city. Let's just say i'm not sober at the moment.

I'm wondering...what's the worst experience you've ever had with alcohol?


Here's mine:

I was completely drunk (accidentaly, I blame my uncle who kept giving me more beer), and I did some thinks I'm not proud of. In fact, I can't even remember the 'things' I did because of the alcohol. I'm never EVER gonna cross that 'border' again. This photo was taken when I was drunk...I can't even remember it being taken...i'm the left guy :xp:


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@Ztalker--I bet you're a mess today, man. ;)


I get plastered very infrequently. Hangovers are bad enough. Hangovers + kids=truly horrible.

Worst personal experience--getting plastered on cheap burgundy and discovering that the dream I had about getting sick was no dream (lucky I woke up, actually). Thank goodness we were staying at a hotel and didn't have to clean up the mess--after awhile, my hubby just put me in the tub and turned on the shower, the mess was that bad. We left the maid a huge tip. Never get plastered on cheap alcohol.


Worst alcohol related experience--working in an ICU at a Children's hospital while I was still in school. I walked in, and there were 2 Amish girls on respirators recovering from surgery for massive head and internal injuries, and one probably would never live a normal life again. They were the only survivors in the accident. A drunk driver with a past history of DUIs ran into an Amish buggy. They estimated he was going over 60 miles an hour on a country road when he hit the buggy. He killed the father, the mother who was 5 months pregnant (the baby died, too), and 2 or 3 other children. He knew the system, and refused the breatholyzer at the scene and got automatically arrested. The cops immediately got a court order for a blood test--by the time they got it, his blood alcohol level was still quite a bit over the legal limit. He finally got convicted of several counts of manslaughter and got put away for a long time.

The sad thing is, if someone had said to him "Hey, man, I think you've had a little too much to drive. How about we call you a ride?" it would never have happened.

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I've had alcohol poisoning quite a few times.


I don't drink anymore these days, save for wine on dates. (Even then, usually just a glass or two)


I don't like Alcohol and I doubt I will ever drink it. Worse than that though are Drugs and Smoking.

Uh, first off. Alcohol is a drug.


Two, smoking is also a relation to drug use. Cigarettes are a drug, hell even smoking peppermint leaves classifies it as a drug.


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I don't like Alcohol and I doubt I will ever drink it.

I used to say the exact same thing. You'll start, maybe you'll play it smart as I do and drink it only when you go out with friends or when you go to parties and you'll do your best not to get drunk.

Personally, I got drunk only twice (thankfully). I felt completely relaxed under the ''influence'' but I acted like a half-idiot - meaning that, for example, when I spoke I shouted (out of hapiness I guess). Luckily I never got drunk enough to forget what happened the previous night when I woke up in the morning, or to forget where I was.

Worst experience? Well, I don't really know, as I only got drunk twice there probably isn't one worth mentioning.

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As with all things; moderation is the key.


I enjoy a glass of red, every now and then. Be it in the company of friends and family, girlfriend or just alone with a good movie. Wine needs to be tasted, not just poured down the gullet and it needs the right atmosphere to really bloom out.


So far, my circle of friends and acquaitances in general are of such quality that they leave the car and grab a cab. For myself I'm always using my bicycle when going to a party, makes my sex-appeal drop a notch or two, but makes me feel better with myself.


I'm also known to be the go-to guy for the designated driver shtick. My charge for being the designated driver is usually several bottles of Schweppes Bitter Lemon... cold from the fridge with ice.

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I used to say the exact same thing. You'll start, maybe you'll play it smart as I do and drink it only when you go out with friends or when you go to parties and you'll do your best not to get drunk.


Not necessarily, you can go out with friends just fine without drinking any alcohol. I don't drink alcohol, never have aside from just tasting it, and it has never been much of a problem to just drink water instead and still have fun. Just because most people do something doesn't mean you need to do it as well. :)


It's not out of religious conviction or moral values or anything, I just don't think it tastes good and have never seen any need to learn to like it. And I've always been somewhat peer pressure resistant so the attempts of my friends to get me to start has never lead anywhere. :) Since I'm in my late twenties now I doubt it'll change anytime soon either.


Personally, I got drunk only twice (thankfully). I felt completely relaxed under the ''influence'' but I acted like a half-idiot - meaning that, for example, when I spoke I shouted (out of hapiness I guess).


Seems to be a general theme that the sound volume goes up along with the inebriation level. Most of my friends tend to get rather noisy as well after a few drinks. :) It's pretty amusing at times to watch the stupid things people do and say when they get drunk they'd never do/say otherwise. :)

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Ehh, I've had a few rough hangovers. Guess i'm living up to the Finnish reputation :xp:

I think I was 13 on new years-eve that I had my absolute worst one. First I started off with punch, then red wine, beer,cider and some champagne when the clock hit 12. Next thing I remember i'm in the toilet vomiting my guts off. And the next morning same thing.

I can still remember that grape cider taste. *shivers*


Anyways here's a pic of me drunk, that's me on the left.



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Yeah, had a few tastes of alcohol, but I hate the smell and taste of it. I'll stick with my Pepsi and let everyone else get drunk. I'm just thankful my college roommate never came back to the dormroom wasted and puking all over the place, but then again, he probably knew I'd toss him in the hallway while he was out.


Everyone else is free to do what they wish, but DUIs need to be severely punished, period.

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well, i'll admit that i've done a small bit of casual drinking while hanging out with friends. it makes you feel pretty good, but what i don't like about it is knowing that you'd do things that you otherwise wouldn't. that knowledge keeps me from doing anything more than a single beer in a night.


otherwise, i'll stick with my sodas, thank you very much. :)

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Meh, I don't like alcohol that much. I've only tried it once. My friend had some vodka one friday night, and we mixed it with some Sunny D. I'll admit, being drunk is pretty fun--everything seemed ten times funnier than it actually was. The morning after was hell though. I haven't touched alcohol since. Besides, my parents would kick my ass if they ever found out, so I'm staying sober until I'm 21.

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Although law students tend to have a bad reputation, I only had a few rare "student experiences" in my "young years". My worst experience was in 1997 when I spent a summer in a UK university. Couldn't find my own room after the party (took me a while to realize I was in the wrong building!).


Nowadays, a glass of good wine with a good meal once in a while is about all I take.

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Like others who have posted in this thread, I'm not too fond of the loss of self-control that accompanies the consumption of too much alcohol (I've plenty of experiences in my youth far too embarassing to post here!). Same goes for hangovers (barf!) and blackouts (spooky!).


I just like a good beer every now and then. Too bad the US is the abyss of beermaking! I think that any European, Brit, Australian or even Canadian would have to agree-you ALL make better beer!

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I just like a good beer every now and then. Too bad the US is the abyss of beermaking! I think that any European, Brit, Australian or even Canadian would have to agree-you ALL make better beer!


The microbreweries are a lot better and put out some decent stuff. I'm not a beer fan except for an India pale ale very rarely if we're grilling bratwurst that night. Otherwise, I do chick drinks made with rum or margaritas or an occasional glass of wine/champagne, and that's one maybe every 2 months or so since mixing nearly all prescription meds and alcohol is generally bad. I prefer to have my asthma meds work and therefore be able to breathe over getting wasted. :)

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@Qliveur: Hell, even an American agrees! American beer sucks, and even though Coors is the local stuff(brewed in CO) there's no reason why people love it so much. All American beers are just scared water.


@D333- Yea, Tucker Max gives the wrong impression of lawyers.


As for stupid things done while drunk, I can't speak from experience. Not to say I haven't been drunk, just never that plastered/sh**faced. Know your limits, don't exceed them. Not all people have the same alsohol tolerance, so keeping up with friends usually ends badly(in this case, for my friends). And as you're drinking, remember: water is a great anti-hangover drink- drink far more water than alcohol and you shouldn't have a hangover.

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@Jae: Right you are, though most good microbrews are hard to find. I am particularly fond of Sierra Nevada's varieties. We call them "Chico Twisties" here. Otherwise, I go for English ales.


@Bimmerman: There's a whole saga involving Coors. It used to be better (though still scared water), until they started adding preservatives so that it could be sold in states that prohibit the sale of cold beer. Up to that time, it had to be shipped/stored cold because it lacked those wonderfully headache-inducing preservatives. Now it's just pure crap like the other big American brands.


Anyways, I've discovered that THE BEST WAY to truly ENJOY alcohol is to NOT get drunk. Drink to buzz, and stop.

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I rarely drink. Maybe like once a month and it's usually at my next door neighbors house. When im drunk, i have the urge to roll on the floor. Dunno why, but people have noticed it too. By FAR the worst time ever was drinking 4 shots and half a bottle of vodka straight one night. Woke up the next morning, and felt really sweaty all over... it was'nt sweat. Suffice to say, there was a blast radius of a meter of vomit in my room in every direction possible. It was all over me, my bed, mattress, half way up the wall, all over the floor, it smelt like death had just deficated on my face and rubbed it in good. I remember getting up and looking in the mirror and my face was pure black and crusty from bile. I had three showers that day and spent all day cleaning my room. I threw all my bedding out and got a new set with matching curtains. Woo. I remember that day well cos there was a quantum leap marathon on tv and i had the theme in my head for days after. Two years later and im still finding crusty vomit splats. Cleaned my room two days ago and had to give Billy Bass a good scrub cos he wad showered with 2 year old black powdery vomit stains.

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