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Congratulations stoffe and Jae Onasi!

Emperor Devon

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Hey, better now...

Congrats on the promotions! When you have a couple halfway mature forum members what else can you do except lock them away in moderatorland where they can no longer influence impressionable minds with their low-spam, non-leetspeaking, don't-run-with-scissors-attitude:xp:

Y'all deserve it...

Thank you!

I'll never give up my saying of "You could put an eye out with that thing!" even after being moderatorized.

And as for you...you know who you are...as a result of hiding this from me...


You are getting a spanking!!!


(Jae beats on head to get that image out of her head) No, I _don't_ want to know what happens after the spankings, I just don't....


The true George Lucas is timeless and one with the force, he is above such things as aging...


...unlike Jae

(Jae sticks up her pinky finger at RJM) I call that "When you don't care enough to send the very best." I mean that in the most loving fashion, of course. :xp:



Thank you all!

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Oh no! Jae, Devon, and RJM are all posting in the same thread! :xp:


Dang you evil one for hiding this from me only to hold it over my head on this foul night!!!


What can I say? It was awfully funny. :D




And I should go along with your PMs... why? :p


And as for you...you know who you are...as a result of hiding this from me...

You are getting a spanking!!!


and no the rest of you don't get to know who


Before anything happens... I'm straight, thank you. Enjoy your fetishes in the sewers, but don't drag 'em up here. :xp:


George Lucas is timeless and one with the force, he is above such things as aging...


...unlike Jae


You are wise beyond your years, my friend. :thumbsup:


Yeah, Catholicism is pretty obscure...


Now that I think about it, you've never told anyone here what your faith is. :p


[Dang what's the code for that hammer smiley...stupid quickreply box]


Go find out. :smash:


I'll never give up my saying of "You could put an eye out with that thing!" even after being moderatorized.


the next part of your post nearly did that. Thanks a lot. :xp:


(Jae beats on head to get that image out of her head) No, I _don't_ want to know what happens after the spankings, I just don't....


Get your mind out of the gutter, or we'lll have to move you there. :xp:


(Jae sticks up her pinky finger at RJM)


Hitting 40 sure made you lose a lot of guff. :D

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Spanking being strictly disciplinary:xp:


You are wise beyond your years, my friend.

*sigh* too true...too true


Now that I think about it, you've never told anyone here what your faith is.

Christ, Love, and Freedom.... what more I need?


Hitting 40 sure made you lose a lot of guff.

Hides in corner with camera to record Jae's best Bruce Lee impression:xp:

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You know, over in the swamp, whenever the congrats threads last any longer than a week or two we lock them, otherwise it just seems so...egotistical...


I'm kidding, I never posted in this thread, so congrats ^_^


We get a good 6 weeks since there're 3 of us. :D


Thanks to all of you.


Hitting 40 sure made you lose a lot of guff.

Hides in corner with camera to record Jae's best Bruce Lee impression

Let's see, the Koryo form starts with a double knife strike/block to neck and abdomen, then a nice side kick to the knee followed by another side kick to the head, a reverse knife strike to the neck, and a punch to the solar plexus...if he makes it through that, there's always the adam's apple strike later on, that'll do it....

Spanking being strictly disciplinary

Aw, darn, no special Castle Anthrax attention for ED, then. :D

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We get a good 6 weeks since there're 3 of us. :D


*Waves hand in front of Jae*


Hello? There were two promotions! :xp:


Let's see, the Koryo form starts with a double knife strike/block to neck and abdomen, then a nice side kick to the knee followed by another side kick to the head, a reverse knife strike to the neck, and a punch to the solar plexus...if he makes it through that, there's always the adam's apple strike later on, that'll do it....


And two hard jabs by the ears incapacitates the attacker before any of that can happen. ;)


Or I could use the Devon-falls-over-on-the-ground-howling-in-laughter-at-an-old-lady-several-States-away form, which is self-explanatory. :D


Aw, darn, no special Castle Anthrax attention for ED, then. :D


The thing that just entered my head will stay there, thank you very much. :xp:

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I included tk102 in this, too. :xp:


The attempt to box the ears won't work. The knife strikes block it, Grasshopper. ;P


Uh-huh. I've been working on my character some more for the duel. We'll see who falls over laughing.

The thing that just entered my head will stay there, thank you very much.

Oh, I so want to reply to that, but I'll just bite my tongue and giggle at the image you've just created instead....


Split off-topic martial arts discussion off into the Martial Arts: Youth vs. Experience thread. --Jae

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  • 1 month later...
*bump* Congrats on the new supermod status you two. :D
Whoa. Uh-oh. Now there is nowhere I can hide on LF... ;) j/k


*** with upraised fist ***

Power to the female moderators! :D


Congrats to Jae and Stoffe! I'm sure the two of you will continue with your great work.

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Super Moderators? Congrats Jae and stoffe, you've done great work for the Forums. Continue and you could become Admins. Unlimited power to the female Moderators and also, I was just wondering, but is there a secret part of the Forum that us normal members can't access?

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Discombobulations to our two new Uber-menschen Super Moderators. :)


I was just wondering, but is there a secret part of the Forum that us normal members can't access?

Yes, they discuss punishments for members who get out of line and log their violations of the rules etc. in there.

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Thank you all! I promise use the ban button only if you're terribly naughty, unless your name is Emperor Devon, in which case the motto is 'ban early, and ban often'. :xp:


@Niner below--you know I'll behave like a good kid. :D


Thank you all again!

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