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Ok so, I'm planning on proposing to my girlfriend.


Now my problem is (besides freaking out) is that I want it to be perfect for her,but not like to to perfect if that's possible, or something completely horrible. and I have so many idea's.


Like,doing the classic take her out to a nice dinner thing then asking when its almost over


or going some where on a vacation and then asking


or just kinda relaxing at home together and slipping it in. (because I can cook, it is my job)


=_= i'm probably not making much sense with this. This is kinda me needing help on how to ask which is probably seriously lame and stuff.


But like what do you think would be a good way to propose marriage to some one you love?


probably what i need is a good slap in the face and some one to tell me to calm down.

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I guarantee you if you take her out to dinner--at a nice place--get down on one knee in front of the entire restaurant and ask her to marry you, you will make quite the impression. :)


Whatever it is, do something she loves and something that makes both of you happy, something that is very special to both of you and will have meaning for years to come.

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just kinda relaxing at home together and slipping it in


I lol'd.


The only advice i can give is cynical and elitist. Don't.


But i'm sure jae knows best. She's been happily married for what must be nearly 40 years now i think. :)

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... Uhm.


Y'know, for one, I wouldn't ask people on the internet how to propose, and I sure as hell wouldn't utilise their advice. I mean, c'mon, you're going to come to an internet forum for advice on something that is possibly the most mature decision in your life? Yeah, no.


Anyway, if you really want advice, I'm gonna have to go with TSR. Don't do it. It's really just an unnecessary ceremony that boils down to legalities that would make your life a living hell during a divorce (It's very likely that it'll happen, don't want to put a damper on your fun, but seriously, marriage ends relationships better than anything else), because she can still contest a prenup (get a prenup) if she really wants to get you by the balls. Not a smart move, in my books.

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While I agree that you should never ask theese kinds of things on the web, I'd say do it for the same reasons Avardes say you shouldn't. If you love her give her the rights she deserve ( to cover my behind, this is comming from a guy with happily divorced parents who didn't marry:D).

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I'm no kidding, Jae. God doesn't want man and woman to marry, but to be respectful towards each other and moreover good parents. I'm quite certain if you and Jimbo weren't married it wouldn't change much in your house, what do you think.

Indeed, QFT.


The main reason why I'm so put off by the whole thing is that I'm not really interested in becoming a figure in divorce statistics after a couple of years of marriage. Call me a realist.

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Ok so, I'm planning on proposing to my girlfriend.


Now my problem is (besides freaking out) is that I want it to be perfect for her,but not like to to perfect if that's possible, or something completely horrible. and I have so many idea's.


Like,doing the classic take her out to a nice dinner thing then asking when its almost over


or going some where on a vacation and then asking


or just kinda relaxing at home together and slipping it in. (because I can cook, it is my job)


=_= i'm probably not making much sense with this. This is kinda me needing help on how to ask which is probably seriously lame and stuff.


But like what do you think would be a good way to propose marriage to some one you love?


probably what i need is a good slap in the face and some one to tell me to calm down.


My suggestion is doing something romantic, that will be remembered; a friend of mine was proposed too in Venice on a Gondola (as I said to her I'd of said yes in that setting :xp:). Jae's advice is pretty sound :)


I'd suggest somethign unique, if you can afford it, maybe a weekend away to Paris, or Madrid or somewhere like that. Good luck :)


... Uhm.


Y'know, for one, I wouldn't ask people on the internet how to propose, and I sure as hell wouldn't utilise their advice. I mean, c'mon, you're going to come to an internet forum for advice on something that is possibly the most mature decision in your life? Yeah, no.


Anyway, if you really want advice, I'm gonna have to go with TSR. Don't do it. It's really just an unnecessary ceremony that boils down to legalities that would make your life a living hell during a divorce (It's very likely that it'll happen, don't want to put a damper on your fun, but seriously, marriage ends relationships better than anything else), because she can still contest a prenup (get a prenup) if she really wants to get you by the balls. Not a smart move, in my books.


Do you ever have anything positive to say, seriously? You may find life is a lot happier if your not cynical all the time, a man becomes the window through which he see's the world.

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Spoken like true jaded men. With attitudes like that, none of you will ever have marriages or even committed relationships


You know nothing about my romantic relationships, so don't be so quick to judge or assume.


Do you ever have anything positive to say, seriously? You may find life is a lot happier if your not cynical all the time, a man becomes the window through which he see's the world.


A wonderful philosophy, truly, but you're assuming I'm never positive about anything. I do enjoy some optimistic pleasures in life, but, I'm sorry, marriage is just not one of those things to inspire optimistic pleasure in me, because I have personal experiences in observance of relationships ending because of marriage. Typically, the two individuals have been loving and committed as they can be, but it doesn't matter. Marriage ends relationships, and the only relationships you hear about lasting, save for a few exceptions, are between people that just learned how to put up with one another.


Yeah, that sounds like some really worthwhile ****. Tell me where I can sign up, Mr. Sunshine.

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You know nothing about my romantic relationships, so don't be so quick to judge or assume.




A wonderful philosophy, truly, but you're assuming I'm never positive about anything. I do enjoy some optimistic pleasures in life, but, I'm sorry, marriage is just not one of those things to inspire optimistic pleasure in me, because I have personal experiences in observance of relationships ending because of marriage. Typically, the two individuals have been loving and committed as they can be, but it doesn't matter. Marriage ends relationships, and the only relationships you hear about lasting, save for a few exceptions, are between people that just learned how to put up with one another.


Yeah, that sounds like some really worthwhile ****. Tell me where I can sign up, Mr. Sunshine.


Responded here to avoid taking topic, off-topic; http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=2596760#post2596760 :)

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