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Start whoring out the LF Facebook site too! Found the Cast page easy enough, but the actual forum site I found by snooping around leXX's page (I feel so dirty.. hehehe, j/k girly)... took me forever to find it!


or maybe you were trying to hide it from me.. hmm.. I see how it is :xp:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Capcom's latest...except for SUPER Street Fighter 4, because you have someone who makes a special effort just to cover anything SF related.


Tatsunoko vs Capcom (being a Marvel Vs Capcom fan I am interested in how this title is evolved from that), DarkVoid looks interesting, Monster Hunter 3, Lost Planet 2, devil may cry 4, stuff like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be interested to hear the panel's thoughts what the next generation of console hardware should contain, and when it could be due.


With the 1080p standard being the ceiling limit for TV displays at the moment, the current consoles should have at least 3 more years in them yet... possibly more for the PS3.


A PS3 with integrated DVR(like the Play TV addon) may be a possible future revision, but a BluRay/HD-DVD Hybrid X360 is pretty unlikely.



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  edlib said:
I'd like to hear some opinions on this technology: http://www.slate.com/id/2257825/


(WARNING: Some reading may be involved...) ;P


They actually did cover OnLive on one of the first few podcasts, when it was officially announced.


Now that it is open to the public, it will be interesting to see how it pans out. If it takes off, I keep getting the feeling that someone like MS, Google or even Valve will buy it out and have its evil? way with it :D


For those of us that like to hand craft our gaming PCs, the concept holds no allure, but this product is not aimed at us of course.


With technologies like these, I get the feeling that one day offline gaming will be a thing of the past.



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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Game topic suggestions:


Marvel VS Capcom 3

Duke Nukem Forever: Is this news or just another blunder of a company in denial? How can this game still be relevant anymore?


Does anybody else here on LF besides me like the custom lightsaber crafting?

We could discuss that and I wouldn't mind talking though my experience is limited I'm afraid.


Just making suggestions.


Nothing else atm, ho hum.

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