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LucasArts Posters: The Revenge


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I wouldn’t hold out much hope for those posters. I know that Ben was literally thrown in the dumpster out back when they moved offices, and that was a hand painted original! (It was rescued from the dumpster by programmer Graham McDermott and was up in Telltale’s office until Telltale closed — Graham was an early Telltale employee and wrote their dialog tool — and now I believe it’s in Double Fine’s office!, after being saved from telltales closure and sent there by some ex-Telltalers.)


Theres a thread about that Ben, from Tim! 


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11 minutes ago, Udvarnoky said:

That's awesome. I wonder how many other noble heists like that occurred. Bill Tiller made off with a CMI standee, which found its way to the Autumn Moon office during the very brief period of time that the studio had one.



I think the size of that standee indicates that the CMI sprites were designed at a much higher resolution (maybe even in vector, was that a thing in the mid 1990's?), which could make the game look great if there ever is a Special Edition!

(Hopefully made by a dedicated team like Double Fine, instead of the LucasArts interns who made the first two SE's.)

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That’s wishful thinking! The CMI sprites were almost definitely drawn in pencil and scanned in to photoshop and colored. That means they were technically drawn at “infinite resolution” since they were drawn by hand, but not really drawn to be seen at cardboard standee size. That single animation frame was probably redrawn just to be put on a standee. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's finished, but since Limited Run Games are using it somewhere in their Collector's Edition (probably the book), I'll hold it off for now. Once pre-orders are through, I'll add it to the thread. I've cleaned it up quite a bit and extended it with all the sources I could find:


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I finally had the courage to take my "Sam & Max Hit the Road" print out of its frame and scan it. All three posters have been replaced in the main post. The upgrade in quality is quite extreme, so here are a few comparisons at full size:










Edited by Laserschwert
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Wow! That looks great! The amount of detail is so impressive! Fantastic work!

 I was hoping you'd do this one next, because I want to frame it in my new study!


Is it me though, or do the colours look a little pale in comparison? I don't have an original box, so i don't know if they match the original more closely this way.

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Wow, that looks a lot better!


What are your sources for the Outlaws box art? I've been going through my LucasArts PR materials and I have the one sheet for Outlaws and a few other games that may yield a bit more quality than the boxes? The Outlaws one doesn't have the bullet holes.

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I have the sell sheets for Outlaws, Afterlife, Indy Desktop Adventures, Ballblazer Champions, Star Wars (NES, two variants), The Empire Strikes Back (NES), Full Throttle, Curse of Monkey Island, X-Wing, X-Wing plus expansions, TIE Fighter, Defender of the Empire, Dark Forces, and Pipe Dreams.


Several of them have this template with the box art: https://www.ebay.com/itm/LucasArts-REBELLION-Star-Wars-software-sell-sheet/373314157935 Some of them have custom art. I'm planning to scan them across the next couple of weeks to put in Mojo's collection of PR materials but I can send you unedited copies if you want.


I also have the PR kit for Gladius with a large, foldout poster of the sword from the game and a book with some concept art.

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