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I've been gone...but for good reason!

Havoc Stryphe

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Sorry I've been gone for a while. We just bought a new house and were moving two weeks ago, and last weekend (April 6th) we had our baby!


So, it's been a really long and hard two weeks, but I'm back now.


We had our baby Boy, and his name is Logan. He was born at 7:16 PM Sunday, April 6, 2003 and weighed 7 lbs -11 oz.


Unfortunately, he was on oxygen and an I.V. for two days before we could hold him, and we were in the hospital for 5 days, but he's completely normal and healthy and mom is doing fine now. Sometime soon, I will hopefully get some pictures up. Meanwhile, I have alot of catching up to do at work, and here on lucasforums!


Oh, and by the way, Logan is uber cute! ;)

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Oh my gosh! Oh My Gosh! OH MY GOSH!



*runs up, tackles and bear hugs Havoc*



I figured some bigs things must have happened considering how long you've been away. ;) You come with so much good great amazing news! Where to begin? WHERE TO BEGIN?!


Let's start with Logan of course. :D Congratulations to you and your wife! Sounds like this lil' guy is doing great now. How is your wife? Very tired no doubt. :) When do we get to see Logy*? When does he get to see Star Wars?


* = am I going to get kicked in the face if I make that his nick name? :D


And a new house! Wow. That's so cool. What a hectic and joyous time. :rhett:


*staples Havoc's pants to the floor*

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Sorry I've been gone for a while. We just bought a new house and were moving two weeks ago, and last weekend (April 6th) we had our baby!


Your joking about that date right Havoc... ;):eek: Ok, so it's my brothers birthday on that date.. Anyways, congratualations Havoc and.... Enjoy those 2 AM feedings and such too! :p

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Originally posted by darthfergie

YAY! Good times, good times.


Well I guess this is the time to tell you guys...I'm getting a baby too...




yep...a new computer...gonna get it sometimeorother...(or maybe not)


*Ducks under table to get away from flying sharp objects coming towards him*


Kew, i'm getting a laptop. Very, very soon.


*hands fergie a flack vest, and leads him too underground escape tunnel*

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Congrats Havoc!!!!


Sorry I'm a little late to the thread, work and school have kept me very busy.


I hope the baby is a joy and stays healthy (and the parents too!:D ) Looking forward to pictures. And the moving, it must be great to have a new house. Especially, w/ the new baby.


hmm...two GB.com babies...if we can keep this up, we can have enough people to start my plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, sorry I was overtaken w/ an evil euphoria.


PS - Little do fergie and groovy realize that we already control the underground tunnel

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Well, the baby has been keeping me really busy, plus I'm working 14 hour days, at the moment, but here is one picture of Logan to tide you over until I get my pics online.


It's kind of blurry, but it was taken by teh hospital, so what can you expect? :rolleyes:




That's my Boy! :D

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