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What do you call Pepsi?

Boba Rhett

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Help! My whole world is crumbling around me! Here is was, thinking that most people called carbonated drinks such as Pespi, "Pop". In a conversation with Eets and Sherack tonight I was informed that only rednecks call them by that name. Is this true?!! :eek: I've heard it all my life everywhere I've gone in the midwest and it's the only term I've ever used for it. Is it really just a redneck term? What do you guys and gals call them? Soda? Phiz water? WHAT!? :confused:



*curls up into fetal position*

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The little town I lived in when I was in high school had some quirkey colloquialisms. One of them was "coke."


If you were going to get ANYthing to drink from the store, drink machine, etc., it was a coke. Even if you bought a Dr. Pepper.


For instance: "Man, it's hot... let's get a coke."


Or, "You going to the store? Pick me up a coke, will ya?" "Sure, what kind?" "Dr. Pepper... if they don't have that... Sprite. But if they don't have that, then get me a Coke." (note the capitalization)


It was strange, but you got used to it. If you said "Pop" you were a Yankee. :p


BTW, that small town was in North Texas oilfield country....

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Posted by Boba Rhett

Help! My whole world is crumbling around me! Here is was, thinking that most people called carbonated drinks such as Pespi, "Pop". In a conversation with Eets and Sherack tonight I was informed that only rednecks call them by that name. Is this true?!! :eek: I've heard it all my life everywhere I've gone in the midwest and it's the only term I've ever used for it. Is it really just a redneck term? What do you guys and gals call them? Soda? Phiz water? WHAT!? :confused:

I just....call.. it.... Pepsi o.O



Erm, "soft drinks" is how most people in the UK refer to things like Pepsi, Coke, etc. (and lemonade) - but a fair few call it "pop" too... I loathe the word personally. :D


Almost none of us call it 'soda', though... And I almost dislike that word as much as 'pop' - but not quite :D

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I always call it pop, just like everyone else that lives in Chicago/Joliet does.


It is a midwest thing, trust me. Farther south you go, it becomes soda, then sodie, then soda water. It's a very strange thing. But the farther south you go, you start learning a whole seperate language.

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In Denmark: Sodavand, or just vand.


When speaking the englisch, I call it soda. Pop sounds... wrong...


Wacky, if I said to you that I wanted a pepsi, could I say "Fetch me a "soft drink", instead? It sounds so very odd to me.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

It's a very strange thing. But the farther south you go, you start learning a whole seperate language.


Considering if you go south enough you head into Mexico..you DO learn a new language:p.


I just call it by it's name. Or soda.

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Well pepsi has two syllables and it takes longer to say it than other words that we made up.

I call it coke because it is a habit.:) If a person corrects me that they have pepsi, no biggie, I'll say pepsi. But coke, always comes into my mind first.

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here in Pennsyllvania, normal people call it soda. or if they want a pepsi they call it "pepsi." pop is the word the used in the 50s. it's not normal to use the word anymore when refering to soda... unless you're 75, then people will know what you're talking about. if you walk into a store today and ask where the "pop" is, no one will know what you're talking about... unless you're 75... ;)

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