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NICE trick.. hehe..


;) happee lurvesday



*shakes hand and hands out a nice present*




err.. open it tonight. :D


*deciphers: "DJG"*


*takes megaphone*

D G J .. err .. GDJ ..

*deciphers again*

ahh. dgjjgddgdddgdjjdjjdd djg!!!

(crap .. it's hard to splel)





*laughs and runs off*

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

(as a footnote, how do you make your computer clock use a 24-hour cycle?)




Good question, I've a suspicion it's because I've set it to use GMT +1 timezone, though it might also be because my PC is Danish.


Hehe, thanks all!


Keep the presents coming :p

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you won't be handing out any more wooden spoons!!!! *takes out spoon and burns his box full of wooden spoons with the spoon's built in flame thrower*


*gives Jais a complementary spoon replica birthday present* :)

A Spoon is for life... not just for birthdays.....




Have a good one :)

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

you won't be handing out any more wooden spoons!!!! *takes out spoon and burns his box full of wooden spoons with the spoon's built in flame thrower*


*gives Jais a complementary spoon replica birthday present* :)

A Spoon is for life... not just for birthdays.....




Have a good one :)


*Sniff* I made that spoon. Who cares I'm making forks now.


*Gives Cjais fork* You eat with that. ^_^

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