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I like it when words are spelled and used correctly.

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I really do. However, this does not seem to be the case with quite a few of you. I'm going to use this thread to vent a little, but also to hopefully help those of you who do commonly misspell words. I realize that some of you do not speak English as your native language, so do not worry, this is not directed at you, though you are welcome to learn from this. The rants here will be directed at native speakers of English, specifically those who partake in the butchering of it. Whether it is apathy or ignorance, I don't care. Just read and learn, dammit.


Some of my pet peeves:


Weird - Didn't you ever learn the "i" before "e" rule in elementary school? I mean seriously, now.


Rogue / Rouge - This is really more about me than anything else, since I'm bloody sick and tired of seeing people misspell this. Rogue is the proper spelling. Rouge means red in French and is also the term for a type of women's make-up. I know your fingers might be flying a little fast, but damn, it's not that hard to backspace two letters.


A lot - It is TWO words. Count them. Two. Dos. Deux. Zwei. And so on and so forth.


Accept / Except - I know they sound similar, but they mean two entirely different things. Accept means to receive something. Except in prepositional form means "other than". In verb form, it means to leave out.


Affect / Effect - Once again, two words that sound similar, but mean different things. Affect is used primarily as a verb, meaning to influence something. Effect is used primarily as a noun, meaning "a result of something". It can be used as a verb as well, meaning to produce a result.


Its / It's - Mrraarrrgh, why do people not understand that It's is a contraction of "it is", huh? And that Its is the possessive form of "it"? Once again, basic elementary school grammar rules, people. You wouldn't say "He hit it is thing" so why the hell would you spell it "He hit it's thing"? It makes no bloody sense.


Your / You're - Same deal as above. Your is the possessive form of "you". You're is a contraction of "you are". Learn the difference, please.


There / They're / Their - The holy triumvirate of spelling and usage errors. There is an adverb referring to a place. They're is a contraction of "They are". Their is the possessive form of "they". Please learn the difference. When you misuse these words, you look like a bloody idiot. Really.


Now, I know some of you may say, "Oh, it's the Internet, who cares if I typo or misspell words?" This is a valid point. However, given the prevalence of the Internet in daily life (I mean, come on. Everyone and their grandmother has the Internet now.), it would seem to behoove you not to look like a complete moron online, especially if you want to make friends and be popular.


More to come later, if I feel rant-y enough. Oh, and I reserve the right to delete any post in this thread I deem unsatisfactory. I'll have no mess-ups here.

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:rofl: This is my last quarter, I knew someone would try to get that last li'l bit of schooling in there:D


"rouge" Another attempt by "THE MAN" to keep the Red Power down!


Do we really want to know what he's doing with its "thing"?


My internal spellchecking effects my popularity??? And I didn't know that the purpose of the internet is for personal popularity, guess I learn something new every day.


Of course you should try and communicate as clearly as possible, but occassionally that's rather difficult seeing as how some people (certainly not me;)) use the internet when they should be sleeping and get a little groggy when typing and can check things several times without noticing a mistake, and that happens even when you aren't sleepy. 5 extra minutes of spellchecking, and grammar handbook reference, per post is time I'd rather spend elsewhere. (elsewhere=holowan:D)


oh well, BAD AHTO, NO!!!:xp:

please delete this post;)

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Strunk & White is your friend. :)


I don't object to some grammar education. The only thing that makes me annoyed is seeing a forumite publicly griping on a thread about another forumite's grammar or spelling, which I consider quite rude. At least PM the poor person instead of humiliating him or her publicly, for heaven's sake.


I can't complain too much about some grammar mistakes, either, because after 11 years of college/grad/prof. school, I still have to think hard about the it's/its'/its thing.


Most high schoolers (and quite a number of college students) have not written enough to be experts at using written language. Some are very articulate, a decent number fall somewhere between reasonably and barely proficient, and some are truly awful at writing. Throw in people on the forum who have dyslexia or who speak English as a second language, and you can bet we'll see some less than brilliant language usage, but not because they want to muck it up or don't care about using language appropriately.

Spellcheck is not going to catch words spelled correctly but utilized incorrectly, which makes it harder.


My pet peeve is the use of the word impact as a verb. I guarantee you that in the medical field, you surely do not want to be impacted. ;)


And yes, I happen to really like split infinitives.

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Rogue Nine, thank you for making this thread, it's good to see that I'm not the only one who gets irritated by bad grammar and spelling. But I'm kind of surprised you didn't say anything about "ain't". Or misusing the words 'to' and 'too'.


@Bob Lion52: You misspelled 'grammar.' :p


Edit @Jae: But it's fun to point out grammar mistakes.... ;)

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Well I have dyslexia, but you don't see me being a lazy prick about it. The entire purpose of a forum is to communicate, and you can't communicate very well if what you say is read as complete gibberish.


Sure it may take a little more time to make sure you properly communicate your point, but looking at some of the posts people make, they should at least put some thought into one aspect of their post.

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@InsaneSith--I don't dispute that for a moment--good communication greatly facilitates the ability to make an intelligent argument. I think people should take the time to read over what they're about to post, if for nothing more than to make sure they're not going to post something that's going to intentionally or unintentionally tick people off or make themselves look like total a-holes.

However, if I know someone has the dysgraphia type of dyslexia, I'm going to be far more patient and far less annoyed with their attempts at writing. One of my best friends has severe dysgraphia. She's extraordinarily articulate and brilliant, and can read just fine and give answers orally, but she can't write to save her life. She will review her writing multiple times to make it passably readable. She works her butt off just to write to a sixth grade level, and I'm more than happy to be patient with her and cut her some slack. In fact, in her case, I suggested a program called DragonSpeak Naturally. It's designed for those with physical handicaps (quadriplegics, visually impaired) to speak commands and text instead of type. Since the input is oral rather than written, it works for some dysgraphics, too.


Some people are blessed to be articulate in writing without working hard, but not all of us are. While decent communication is indeed A Good Thing, after seeing a few people die, I've stopped worrying about something like a newspaper that's 20 minutes late, an occasional misspelling, or a comma in the wrong spot. Life's just too short. :)

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like i stated earlier, i can understand why anyone can be a bit upset about bad spelling and grammer. however, IMHO, i don't think the subject really needs its own thread. this is especially so give that this thread is also a sticky.


its been my experience that no matter what forum i go to, you will have to occasionally deal with people that insist on using poor language skills either due to inexperience with the language or just plain stupidity.


i can somewhat understand a simple thread sticky that plainly requests users to try to use good spelling and grammer skills. however, this is not such a thread whenever you plainly point out that:

The rants here will be directed at native speakers of English, specifically those who partake in the butchering of it. Whether it is apathy or ignorance, I don't care. Just read and learn, dammit.
the bold, is of course, mine. in all honesty, this really comes across as being a bit whiny. :dozey:
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I don't dispute that for a moment--good communication greatly facilitates the ability to make an intelligent argument.


So basically, talking well means you can have an arguement better? I beg to differ. Me and my friends My friends and I have arguements all the time, and over half of the words is stuff that I cannot repeat in front of my mother. What I mean by that is: talking well doesn't make an arguement better per se.


I am also, for some reason, though I don't know why, overly fond of commas.


I had the same problem.

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Oh, so being a little whiny and ranting aren't allowed? Funny, I thought they fell under freedom of speech and all that. And if we let forum members do so, why should staff not be allowed to as well?


And as for having its own thread, I've seen similar efforts on a number of other large message boards and they were met with approval. But I guess my non-sugarcoated approach doesn't work too well here, does it? And I didn't even name names.


Really, I didn't start this thread to usher in some sort of grammar-Nazi regime or anything. Sorry if I came off as a little blunt, but when I feel strongly about something, I tend to go at it directly. I just listed a few of my pet peeves and people are free to take them as they will. I didn't even get in depth with usage issues, just with spelling. Seriously, this is meant to help people, not to insult them. I don't like to coddle people. I tell them like it is. And this is the way I feel about this particular subject.

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seriously Niner, chill out mang. Why are you getting all EMO with the spelling standard of LFN ?? :p


So what, forumers either:


a) cant spell

b) cant be bothered spellchecking because its not really vital that spelling be accurate on a forum about GAMES inspired by SPACE FANTASY FILMS....super lolz. Not exactly super brain fuel material requiring precise grammar and flawless verbosity :D

c) have dyslexia

d) do not have english as their native language


This isnt a literati, serious debate(exc. the senate) or academic forum. Do you really need to come down so hard?? People's spelling abilities are not your responsibility. Please note that the average age of an AHTO regular is significantly less than a swampie for example. Leave dealing with those issues to:


i) teachers

ii) parents

iii) the individual themselves


Alot of us older posters are professionally qualified, have a college education or are college students. Of course we are going to have better language and vocabulary knowledge than our younger counterparts.


I cant believe you even bought it up. People come here for fun. Alot of members see this as a break away from work/school/parents/crazy spouses to discuss topics with people with like interests. Instead, they get a "VERY NAUGHTY! U MUST SPELL GOOD !!1111000!!!111" lecture.


anyway, I hope you feel better after venting, albeit publicly livejournal style :p



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Well, ain't this one interesting thread? Actually I just wanted to gloat a little over those of you whose native language is english and say: Ha Ha!! I don't live anywhere near the US, or the UK (unless you consider the Balkans near) and there are actually some of you who speak their own language worse than me!!! Isn't that completely illogical, or what?

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*Bangs fist on table*


THANK YOU, Rogue Nine! It's about bloody time somebody posted a thread like this. Granted, I, like most everyone else, make typos every once in a while, but these constant errors in grammar and spelling that a 5 year-old should catch really get on my nerves too.


You want crappy English? Just go on over to http://www.engrish.com, and save the incoherence for that site.


*edit* On the other hand, some of our written English-impaired contributors could always make a living designing Japanese CD covers.


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Well this is a good incentive, but I really don't see the point of it.


[Pointless, Spoiled Bragging]That is, of course, probably since my non-native English is so very perfect.[/Pointless, Spoiled Bragging]


Whatever the case, I think most English natives are pretty good at typing it down, though they might make occasional typos. It even happens to me, much to my frustration, but I find out I had been typing subconsciously, and such errors happen at times.


But I'm supporting this whole shindig, so hope somebody who really needs it, really reads it, though the numbers might be less. I'll keep frequenting this place.

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I really do. However, this does not seem to be the case with quite a few of you. I'm going to use this thread to vent a little, but also to hopefully help those of you who do commonly misspell words. I realize that some of you do not speak English as your native language, so do not worry, this is not directed at you, though you are welcome to learn from this. The rants here will be directed at native speakers of English, specifically those who partake in the butchering of it. Whether it is apathy or ignorance, I don't care. Just read and learn, dammit.
Glad to someone agrees with me.


I use http://www.dictionary.com quite a bit. Grammar is not a problem for me, but spelling is.
You're welcome :p


Ehhh, I won't bother correcting some of the other posts in this thread :snear:

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I don't really think this is an issue with most of the members but I do agree that proper spelling and grammar is important. If you're going to take the time to post on forums, at least take the time to make sure your post is legible.


But @ some of Rogue Nine's pet peeves, I don't think we really need to be that specific. I consider myself pretty good in the area of spelling and grammar but sometimes I mix up "It's" and Its" and "Effect" and "Affect." As long as users aren't using the AIM-type chatting like "r u going 2 do this" or whatever. That makes me really mad.

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I spell perfectly, even ask Hallucination. He commented about my perfect first thread on this forum and i even got a Hallucination point for it! My peeve is the spelling of planets when people spell it so obviously incorrect. Names like Malachor i have seen spelled like Malcar and Malocore. However, i believe this thread is unbelievably unsuitable as you must remember that medical conditions exist today, despite the spell checker, not everyone is perfect.


Also, just because you can spell 'behoove', don't think your a god. It's irritating and this is not the National forum of perfect English speakers its a Lucasarts games forum.


Grow up.

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So basically, talking well means you can have an arguement better? I beg to differ. Me and my friends My friends and I have arguements all the time, and over half of the words is stuff that I cannot repeat in front of my mother. What I mean by that is: talking well doesn't make an arguement better per se.


Sorry JK707, I'm not trying to be elitist. I never complain to someone personally here about their particular spelling/grammar (except maybe Hallucination ;) ). When I was a history TA, I dinged people for grammar and spelling, but this is a forum about games and I'm not teaching here, so I keep it in perspective.


Speaking/writing well don't make the argument itself better. You can write a great argument with poor grammar and some people will get it. However, if you want all your readers to understand exactly what you're trying to say, using good grammar/spelling helps tremendously.

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nice blog R9 ;) hehehe..


But yeah, I'd like to see a little more care taken in grammar and such.. but I'll be the first to admit that it's really not a main priority of mine while moderating these forums.. using spaces and actual line breaks rather than a clump of sentences making a 30 line paragraph is more of my pet peeve...


AND, I'm especially guilty of using the 's possessive as a plural as I tend to type fast (really fast) and in my line of work use the possessive form a lot in my interoffice communications.. just a bad habit of mine I suppose.. but that little " ' " mark seems to find it's way into my posts quite a bit...

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