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I'm New Here To This Great Place, And I just wanted To Say Hello To Everyone, and I was wondering if there is any advice I shuld use?


Advice you say? Sometimes I'm nice enough not to charge for sharing my knowledge, heh-heh-heh. :dev11: Just remember that you asked for it... :D


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

- Frank Outlaw

Welcome to LF, Young_Padawan16. :waive1: Feel free to introduce yourself in the Getting to know each other thread.

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Hail Young_Padawan16!


Welcome Young One. Enjoy your stay!


Advice: Keep of the grass. This is very, very important to remember. ChAiNz.2da is LF's official grounds keeper and he can get a bit cranky when people trudge all over his grass. See, he has what doctors are dubbing the "Bindo Syndrome."


Oh, and don't accept candy from Insane Sith. I won't say anymore than that, but trust me on this...

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Hello, Young Padawan!


Advice: Keep of the grass. This is very, very important to remember. ChAiNz.2da is LF's official grounds keeper and he can get a bit cranky when people trudge all over his grass. See, he has what doctors are dubbing the "Bindo Syndrome."


*Jae looks around and hopes 'Bindo Syndrome' is not contagious*


Oh, and don't accept candy from Insane Sith. I won't say anymore than that, but trust me on this...


:lol: He's mostly safe, you know.

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Welome nuwbee!:cool:



1. Don't take anything I say seriously

2. Take everything I say seriously

3. Seriously, take everything I say

4. Try and spell things correctly, failure to do this results crybaby rants

5. Random Shrubbery

6. Don't mention anything related to Deities, Religion, Faith, Politics, or Universal Origins, even if you can do so in a calm, rational manner. These subjects are far to complicated and relevant for some of the minds here to tolerate. (this too results in crybabies)

7. Star Wars is pretty nice

8. Shiny things are shiny

9. If you need smokey things visit Sithy, if you need coffee things ask StingerHS, if you need someone to lecture you on personal safety sit in on one of Momma Jae's lectures, if you're bored annoy the admins, if you have any modding skills Holowan is your new cell, and if you're dying for something random, insane, or of a MOJOFunkarific nature seek me out!;)

10. There is no spork!!!?


*sneezes on Jae* We'll soon find out:D

I've had Bindo Syndrome since before Jolee existed, so that particular strain should be effective! -insert maniacal laughter here-


He's mostly safe, you know.

Except for that thing he does with his tongue:naughty:


@Devon, Flatulant Ninjas, obviously:xp:

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*Devon starts wondering what Jae's been smoking today*


*Jae waves away the smoke hanging from the ceiling* Who, me?

He's mostly safe. It's the random un-safeness that keeps us all on our toes.





1. Don't take anything I say seriously


This is most excellent advice by RJM. :D



9. If you need smokey things visit Sithy, if you need coffee things ask StingerHS, if you need someone to lecture you on personal safety sit in on one of Momma Jae's lectures, if you're bored annoy the admins, if you have any modding skills Holowan is your new cell, and if you're dying for something random, insane, or of a MOJOFunkarific nature seek me out!;)


But wear eye protection, because he could put an eye out with that excess MOJO.


10. There is no spork!!!?


You've missed Veggie Tales: Lord of the Beans. There's a whole army of sporks chasing around Toto Baggypants.

"Cookie-man say...No!"



*sneezes on Jae* We'll soon find out:D

I've had Bindo Syndrome since before Jolee existed, so that particular strain should be effective! -insert maniacal laughter here-


Jae hands RJM a kleenex and pours industrial strength disinfectant all over herself.... :D


Except for that thing he does with his tongue:naughty:

Keeps it firmly planted in his cheek? ;)

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I'm New Here To This Great Place, And I just wanted To Say Hello To Everyone, and I was wondering if there is any advice I shuld use?



Well, one piece of advice is to be opinionated and speak your mind. Another is to keep your opinions to yourself and be very "Grey Jedi" about everything you do post.


Which one you choose to follow really depends on who you are as a person.


It is your destiny, Young_Padawan!




EDIT: and spell correctly and write with proper grammar.

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