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Congratulations stoffe and Jae Onasi!

Emperor Devon

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I am the Cerebus that guards the T3M4 forum with eternal vigilance.



Cue the Beatles' "Long and Winding Road"


That's the best kind of promotion, isn't it? Plus it's good incentive to stick around for KotOR 3 I guess. :p


Congratulations tk102


Great Song I prefer the non Phil Spector version.

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Congrats, although I don't think he has any new responsibilities. :)

tk102's responsibilities maybe less visible but he is nonetheless very present. Apart from being the maker of the now essential KSE, he has accomplished tremendous work at starwarsknights.com over the last months (most of the changes are not directly visible to the general public) and he continues to work on cool new features and improvements for the site.


As for stoffe and Jae, their powers have been extended due to their outstanding reasonableness (erm...well I guess I have no choice but to strike that out after reading this thread) excellent work on the boards :thumbsup:


we're all unbelievable bastards.. but we're still allowed to make fun of the Admins :worship: hehehe...



Be careful with what you say or next time I visit the North Pole, I'll ask Santa to put you on his black list :xp:

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Heh, it's a funny thread coz everyone's acting as if having a party here.


But seriously, though I don't really know Jae, 'coz I'm pretty new here, she being a mod (suddenly) makes me feel weird, for the sole reason that she impressed me as a home-caring housewife from some of the previous posts I read of her. Not that housewives can't be mods, but...haha, now you gotta be a vigilant housewife. ;)

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@tk102: I missed the free version! When I went into hiding you were still a mod. Nonetheless, CONGRATS TK102!


You said something like that in the picture thread. LIAYD really brought it into the gutter. :D There might be a higher precentage of mods in the female forumites, but there are more male ones total. :xp:


rofl *wipes tear from eye* MEMORIEEESSSSSS. Your second comment is to be lamented, but I know we'll win in the end. It's the destiny of women to rule the internet.


<snip>You said it, Sista!


Woot, you know!


<snippity> Hasn't anyone seen the Heavy Metal movie...? Oh. Right. I'm old. Never mind. <snip>


Uhhh...dammit this "old" must be contagious. At 24 I've already got it! XP


<snip><-- look, I made a pun <snip>


HA! As soon as I read that I heard “I made a funny" and saw a giant rat. Strange the way memories work, no?


Lol @ Lump of Coal. Niiiiiice.




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tk has a funny record. He's gone from member to mod to member and then back to mod again. :p
I kept telling myself it was déjà vu, a vision from the Force, or maybe a bit of potato that just didn't digest right. Good to know it wasn't just me after all. :D


@tk102 - congrats on re-entering the ranks of moderatorship again. Like I've always said, tk102 rocks the house! :thumbsup:

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Whoa... tk102, stoffe, and Jae are mods now? Just how long was I out?

About 72ish hours. :)


or maybe a bit of potato that just didn't digest right.
You can tell it's Christmas time. :D



Nonsense. I'm already making more posts there. Soon I'll apply for citizenship, and officially have fled from my native forum as a refugee.
Don't forget the asbestos suit for the next volcano. I'll keep the sewer water running in Hotel Asylum to put the flames out. :xp:


Oh, and if you even THINK about editing any of the little numbers in our posts, know that I have a backup copy of them stored safely away on my computer.
Who, me??? Did you forget I'm an angel?


Congrats stoffe & Jae.. you have boldly <-- look, I made a pun gone where no one should ever go
That was so :sheepdanc baaaaad that I howled laughing. :lol:


But seriously, though I don't really know Jae, 'coz I'm pretty new here, she being a mod (suddenly) makes me feel weird, for the sole reason that she impressed me as a home-caring housewife from some of the previous posts I read of her. Not that housewives can't be mods, but...haha, now you gotta be a vigilant housewife.
Vigilant, vigilante, same difference. :dev7: I'm the family manager who works in and out of the home.

@Revan Master of Darkness--Jimbo doesn't object to moderation.

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Don't forget the asbestos suit for the next volcano. I'll keep the sewer water running in Hotel Asylum to put the flames out. :xp:


I don't know, third degree burns might be less hazardous than water from RJM's sewer. But the later would be more fun, I'll give it that. :D


He still hasn't shown up here. :xp:


Who, me??? Did you forget I'm an angel?


*Spits drink over desk*


Wahahahahaha!! :rofl:




Jimbo doesn't object to moderation.


Why hasn't he shown up in this thread, by the way? :p

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It means we have even more people to keep an eye out for Deceptacons. :)


Congrats to the new mods. I know Jae will be on the case. Once a mom, oops, mod gets the trail, they never stop.

I will be ever vigilant for RJM's brain.


And people eligible for 'membership' at Hotel Asylum



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I will be ever vigilant for RJM's brain.



Thank god! Keep those hammers away from him! (J/k RJM)


Nothing Prime.

just trying to make interesting another congratulatory thread.


TROLL! * Gives Prime the YHBT cookie* Meh, happens to the best of us.



Ah, American edjumacation. Cain't beet it...


I blamz teh interwebz.


[/spam] Congrats again you three!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I could've sworn I'd freaking posted in this thread!!! Dang you evil one for hiding this from me only to hold it over my head on this foul night!!! Dang you to lava planet PX-4862 or PX-4863 if PX-4862 has no vacany or is lacking decent room service!!!



Sooooo confused and angry....must not annihilate random forumites....

Goooooooooooz Fraaaaabaaaaaaaaaaaah:):):)


Hey, better now...

Congrats on the promotions! When you have a couple halfway mature forum members what else can you do except lock them away in moderatorland where they can no longer influence impressionable minds with their low-spam, non-leetspeaking, don't-run-with-scissors-attitude:xp:

Y'all deserve it...


And as for you...you know who you are...as a result of hiding this from me...


You are getting a spanking!!!


and no the rest of you don't get to know who:xp:


Ahem...on to random commentary...


@Astro, Yeah you can't get a decent argument without one of you whining about flaming. I don't even bother anymore, threads are closed while I write responses.


Also, that's not the real George...that's supershadow...notice the grey?

The true George Lucas is timeless and one with the force, he is above such things as aging...


...unlike Jae



I think you will find ancient rituals with colored smoke and robed men to be more common in obscure cults than actual religions.


Yeah, Catholicism is pretty obscure... [Dang what's the code for that hammer smiley...stupid quickreply box]


@ChAiNz, Oh ROFfLemuffin-LOLlerskates...*dies* [yes, I think the hyphen was absolutely neccessary. Did you see what I did, I said something with a hyphen in it. Top that sucka:xp: ]


@Fuu, Thanks:)

You're like my plastic helmet. But cuter than regular plastic helmets!:D



TK is beyond forum ranks...he is pure unadulterated awesome...and you can't handle that!



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Hmm. Ancient threads still kicking I see...


In that case, since I was on something of a sabatical when all this went down, this is probably the opportune time for me to chime in with my congrats for not only Jae and Stoffe, but even our beloved Darth333.


Yeah... I'm an old-timer, and most of 'em were n00bs (or not even around) back when I was a regular haunt around here, so I'm a bit late. ;)


Meh. Love you guys. Certainly none were more deserving. :)


(And for those of you who seem surprised, there was a day when being a mature, responsible member of these forums was normal, rather than an exception). ;)



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