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A Thread In Which We Commit Gamer Assisted Suicide (Confess Unpopular Gamer Opinions)

Boba Rhett

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KotOR I HK-47 is not funny. It's clearly tilting at wyrd humour with a psychotic edge, except it's missing the wyrd. And the humour. TSL is where things actually get good in terms of humour - both with HK and elsewhere (most notably right after Peragus).


NWN2 has the funniest single moment of either NWN or KotOR series in the Blacklake District. I'll let you figure out what I mean.


No game is complete without a banana bomb.

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KotOR I HK-47 is not funny. It's clearly tilting at wyrd humour with a psychotic edge, except it's missing the wyrd. And the humour. TSL is where things actually get good in terms of humour - both with HK and elsewhere (most notably right after Peragus).


Y'know, I thought I was the only person who found the obsession with HK lame. Glad to know I'm not alone.

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Battlefront 1 Was way to short. And didn't include enough content... It could have been better, a lot better.


Battlefront 2 Was so unrealistic. Had good replay value, but also lacked content.


Mario Kart Wii Boring after 10min... Seriously, Nintendo could, and needs to do better on the next game.


Mario Party (any) This one really gets me... How can anyone like these games..? It gets boring after your first turn.


^Just a few games I thought were overrated...

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Battlefront 2 is the same frickin' thing as Battlefront 1. The only significant additions were features that the first one should have already had in the first place (that is, space combat and a single-player story mode that was worth playing). BF2 is a glorified expansion pack of BF1, much like Jedi Academy was for Jedi Outcast (except with even less replay value).

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Battlefront 2 is the same frickin' thing as Battlefront 1. The only significant additions were features that the first one should have already had in the first place (that is, space combat and a single-player story mode that was worth playing). BF2 is a glorified expansion pack of BF1, much like Jedi Academy was for Jedi Outcast (except with even less replay value).


Dont forget the removal of bad ai(they became artificial nothing, they dont deserve the intelligence part in BF2), prone, most of the good maps from BF1 and the addition of game ruining heroes

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Too many people overlook the many problems present in Mass Effect.
and the funny thing is that i actually enjoy these "problems" like the exploration with the Mako and even the story. ok, yeah, the story was kind of predictable, but it was still a good story. my only problem with the game was the weird texture issues on the 360 version. i guess it all does come down to taste, but i just can't seem to identify with all the Mass Effect downers.


and i do have some more beef with the gaming industry: the decline of PC games. for the last time: quit blaming it all on piracy. if you could just admit that its more difficult to develop for PC hardware (and its almost infinite combinations) than it is for consoles, i would be more than happy.


and another thing: quit punishing those of us that actually legally purchase games by bundling it with ludicrously limiting copy protection software. if someone's going to copy it, they're going to do it no matter how good the copy protection software is. heck, its not surprising to see your "uncrackable" copy protected game available on torrent sites within days before the game hits the stores.


and its not like games that don't have copy protection don't sell. the game "Sins of a Solar Empire" is proof enough of that as it has sold over a million units in the past year despite the complete lack of any copy protection software (not even a CD check!!). just make a good game, and trust us: we'll buy it. ;)

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Knights of the Old Republic: I love the atmosphere and the feel of this game. Overall I must have spent hours playing it when I first bought it in 2003-2004.


Knights of the Old Republic II: Despite all of the hate out there, I still have fond memories about this game. It's a complete parallel to the feel of its predecessor; the atmosphere is gloomy and dark, without the feel of hope. Now if only they made a KOTOR I & II Final Mix with all missing content restored, with added bonuses. Maybe for a handheld? (I know, wishful thinking) :D


Jedi Academy: The gameplay struck me as a little odd, I could never really get into this game very much. Not too fun imo.

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KotOR I HK-47 is not funny. It's clearly tilting at wyrd humour with a psychotic edge, except it's missing the wyrd. And the humour. TSL is where things actually get good in terms of humour - both with HK and elsewhere (most notably right after Peragus).
I loved HK's psycho-ness, but Jolee had the funniest line "12--no, wait--13!!!", and another one right after that if you have Canderous in the party, too. I need to find a mod that'll let you have more party members just so I can hear all the different interactions between Jolee and the others.


NWN2 has the funniest single moment of either NWN or KotOR series in the Blacklake District. I'll let you figure out what I mean.


No game is complete without a banana bomb.

There are a few of them there, but my favorite is still Sand's comment if you bargain with Tholapsyx before going to take out the fire giants. Those 7 words made the game worth every penny and more. :D
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KOTOR: an amazing game but I think it is far from being the best Star Wars game, it has to beat Battlefront,Jedi Outcast, and dare I say it, the spectacular N64 Shadows of the Empire and Episode I:Racer.
Ep1 Racer > KOTOR??




Jedi Academy: The gameplay struck me as a little odd, I could never really get into this game very much. Not too fun imo.
IMO Outcast is superior to Academy, even with Academy's "improvements". Said improvements seemed to be mostly flash and less substance.
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No doubt. That game was awesome. I remember playing it way back when it was first released. But, no way those two SW games are better than KotOR.


Battlefront I and II were both awesome. Battlefront is the reason why I joined this forum. :p Hell, at the time, those were my favourite games. And I remember getting stoked and hyped for Battlefront II. And it was worth it.


Jedi Outcast was so fun. Definitely up there with KotoR as my favourite SW games. Too bad a friend is borrowing it read now. Kinda want to play it. :p

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@ stingerhs: I guess I appreciate it more when a developer has the guts to delay their game so they can fix all of those obvious problems.



Episode 1 racer is an awesome game.

Damn straight!


I so want it to be released on Wii VC... or for LucasArts to make Star Wars: Pod Racer on Wii. Man, that'd be so awesome!

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Oh God. Oh God.


Mirror's Edge: If the phrase "The horrible execution of a brilliant idea" ever made its way into a dictionary and also if said crazy phrase defining dictionary also started having pictures, the cover of Mirror's Edge would surely accompany it.

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- Deus Ex : Invisible War is more fun to play than Deus Ex

- Half life 2, Episodes 1 & 2 are better than Half Life 2

- 90% of all non-RPG boss fights are boring, repetative, and occasionally downright tedious.

- Graphics don't matter that much

- Fallout 3's VATS was the greatest part of any game in 2008.

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