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LucasArts Posters: The Revenge


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As in "invented them"? Well, that's only true for the DOTT Star Wars poster, which was completely built by me. For the others I usually rebuild all credits (except for the GF and FOA posters), as text most of the time doesn't look good enough once upscaled to poster size. It's always fun trying to identify which fonts are used. I am toying with the idea to have a separate thread where I share all my scanned or recreated logos and list the fonts that were used.

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Oh yeah, the separators were added in November... not sure if they help or hinder clarity. And obviously most games are still missing them.


I haven't touched the CMI ad in ages. The current hurdles are a) matching the colors of all sources and b) somehow reconstructing the shoreline. Fun-fact: It was painted my Michael Köelsch, the artist who went on to paint the EfMI cover artwork.



My sources are the French, English and German version of the ad:



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2 hours ago, Laserschwert said:

Oh yeah, the separators were added in November... not sure if they help or hinder clarity. And obviously most games are still missing them.


I haven't touched the CMI ad in ages. The current hurdles are a) matching the colors of all sources and b) somehow reconstructing the shoreline. Fun-fact: It was painted my Michael Köelsch, the artist who went on to paint the EfMI cover artwork.



My sources are the French, English and German version of the ad:



This is awesome! For some reason I always thought it was from Bill Tiller, but now that you mention it, it does match the EMI box drawing style. Can’t wait to see the final result. 

The image works very nicely as a profile banner.

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I don't want to sound like a cold-hearted jerk, or just a blind fan boy who thinks Tim can do no wrong, but his words weren't personal (not even the "jerk" one -- although I can appreciate that must have stung for you) because simply: He doesn't know you. He was just upset by something that was triggering for him.


It seems he felt like you were saying he didn't deserve to have his name with the title... Which undoubtedly reminded him of the executives he fought back in the day  -- ones who probably literally told him he didn't deserve it. And being able to take creative ownership of his work obviously means a huge deal to him as he risked everything he had to set up his own company to do just that.


Plus it's easy to think of people like Tim having thicker skin than the rest of us. He's got all the power, right? Hundreds of thousands of fans, etc. Famous. Successful. Celebrity friends. Interviewed all the time. But you tend to find that these people are just as insecure and touchy as the rest of us -- if not more so.


For example, you often hear comedians, even from the hugely successful ones, talk about how one audience member can upset them. They'll have thousands of people laughing... and they will laser in on the one person who isn't. In their heads they'll be wondering, "What's wrong with that guy??" It seems it's human nature to let that one voice upset us, even when everyone else is saying we're great.


So yes, technically, he called you a jerk. However: 1. You're not a jerk. And 2. Tim was just being insecure and touchy... like all humans can be. I'd try not to take his reaction personally and try to cut him a little slack: From his point of view, you were a person trying to take his achievements away from him.

Edited by ThunderPeel2001
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I guess you're absolutely right. Obviously I was just as touchy back then, or it wouldn't have bothered me that much. But yeah, that's literally in the past, and I guess it just came back up, once I saw my posters used in the Double Fine book (which is a pet peeve of mine, as you probably know by now).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/26/2021 at 6:04 PM, GFX said:

I was looking for a better version of the Edison's portrait but couldn't find one, I only found a photo posted by Purcell a few years ago, I'm guessing this one was never made public, right?

So I took the photo and cleaned it up the best I could and turned out to have really nice colors and details I didn't know it had, it's a shame it looks a bit blurry though, we might need to send a ninja to take photos wherever the original painting is haha!.


I've noticed that I haven't replied to this. I guess this is the photo you are talking about:




My old version was made from a different photo, with much worse quality. Steve recently re-posted this one on Facebook, so I took a stab at it myself.


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Some of you might have seen this on Twitter already, but I'll add it here anyway. I've tried to recreate the marbled paper frames of the classic boxes in Substance Designer, and this is where I'm at currently.


Maniac Mansion:



Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Action Game:






Zak McKracken:



Battlehawks 1945:



Pipe Dream:



Night Shift:



None of these are final, and the colors might be off, as I was just working off of different scans or stuff from the web. I guess I'll keep working on these, as some aspects of the paint-in-liquid effects of the original papers aren't fully captured yet.

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After a bit more tinkering, I've replaced my old version of the Edison painting with a much more detailed one. To whoever wants to put this beauty up on their walls, enjoy!










EDIT: I couldn't fully let it go yet, and added a few more oil paint strokes to the image. Now it's as beautiful as these people can get.



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