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Just wanted to say thank you to you all for keeping it alive


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Hi guys, title says it all.


I just came from the cancer that is the steam forums and if anything it just made me appreciate this community so much more.


Thank you for all the things that all of you do to keep the presence up during even the down times. Thank you for years of content. Thank you for giving me endless hrs of content to read for so many years. Thank you just for so much.


Yeah okay I clearly have been on a nostalgia trip which has led to my resurgence and posting way too much on everything, this time is different though as its a nostalgia for this community and what its been over the years.


I promise my next post will be less gushy and more directly game related, sorry about that. I think I just really missed this. not that it went anywhere 🙂 I'm glad life finally brought me back to it.


Oh and if anyone knows contact info for Freddie @ lucasartsmuseum can you fire him a message to approve my account 😛 all my old collection threads died with the old vbulletin software and I really need to fix and update that




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Maybe by now I'm just a grumpy old fart, but I don't remember the internet being so vile 10 years ago. Then again I've never read the Steam or GOG forums very much.


And I fondly remember both the Telltale and Mojo forums to always be a wonderful place to hang out at.

Edited by Laserschwert
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1 hour ago, Laserschwert said:

Maybe by now I'm just a grumpy old fart, but I don't remember the internet being so vile 10 years ago.

I was just thinking exactly that. Perhaps I'm misremembering, but it feels years ago you'd actively have to look at some dark corner of the internet to find hateful stuff, now its leaked out everywhere.

I don't want weirdo culture-war people brigading the things I like with trumped-up outrage. 

This review is the best response so far.

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10 years ago they were only just figuring out Facebook, before that they would barely touch computers let alone the internet. Then on top of it they somehow convinced themselves they are the rebels.... but I digress.


I am so grateful for the atmosphere this community has maintained. Even larger disagreements are typically approached with discussion not someone standing on a hill shouting their point with earmuffs on telling everyone who disagrees they are vile.


I guess what im saying is I rarely if ever read something here that hurts my soul like that other place did. 


mojo4life 🙂

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Yes, I'm also super grateful that the forums are back again.  I've been using the Double Fine discord and the Telltale forums to keep up with people I consider online friends, but I also consider my fellow Mojo updaters and the Mojo readers online friends too. :)


10 hours ago, Laserschwert said:

Maybe by now I'm just a grumpy old fart, but I don't remember the internet being so vile 10 years ago. Then again I've never read the Steam or GOG forums very much.


And I fondly remember both the Telltale and Mojo forums to always be a wonderful place to hang out at.

I've noticed that it has a lot to do with age and (for the game forums) genre.  The Steam forums have always been hot trash because it's always attracted a young (13ish) demographic.  The GOG forums have gotten bad as they've become more popular and attracted younger people themselves.


The Mojo forum, even when we were young, didn't attract too many awful people because most of us were adventure fans, which by the late 90s was a niche genre (plus prior to Win95, computer games required computer knowledge to get them to run, which tended to attract more mature young people).


The Telltale forums became hot trash after The Walking Dead brought in young teens and tweens into the forums, and they've become a lot more pleasant again now that Telltale no longer has the Walking Dead rights.

Edited by Jenni
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Whoa! I just looked at the steam forums because of this thread, and what a hateful place that is! I also feel the need now to let you know that the person posting under the name ‘Lagomorph’ there has nothing to do with me. I just don’t get why people feel the need to shout, rage and threaten all the time. There is a lot of anger in the world.


I too am grateful for this community of peaceful minded enthousiasts, and to be honest, it’s the only forum that I post on (I don’t even have FB anymore, guess I’m a grumpy old fart too.)

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Yeuch. Some of the bile has started to seep into the FB groups I frequent. Thankfully the conversation is slightly balanced -- there are few people smart enough to point out the lack of logic in the complaints -- but the fact that they exist is annoying in the first place. A self-entitled vocal minority that I hope are rightfully ignored in all future decisions.

It's interesting that you say it's age related, Jennifer. Sometimes I feel online conversations would make a lot more sense if we could see each other.

I'm 42!

Edited by ThunderPeel2001
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I'm 38, have 5 young children and if I ever caught them acting this way online (little too young yet thankfully) i would seriously consider revoking some privileges until they learned to respect others opinions. Mind you this comes from someone who co-owns a tattoo shop and whose primary income is basically stabbing people for money. By definition im supposed to be all edgy and whatnot (I'm probably not but I'm supposed to be) and I would still never act like that. Now I see they have gone so far as to threaten people on Twitter that haven't refunded the game wtf 😞 I just woke up and seen that retweet and it was like someone relieved themselves in my cornflakes.


Also I knew that guy wasn't you Lagomorph01 🙂 he had changed his name from Badman to that a couple pages into that thread, probably to come off as more of a fan. 


Complaining is one thing, done constructively it could even make a difference, this way they are acting though... Skunkape needs its own forums or something to draw in true fans to create a positive atmosphere. 


I dunno, I just woke up and maybe this doesn't make sense, I probably should have waited to post lol. I tried to not swear at least, that was not easy sigh.


You all are awesome, those others need to learn what a community can be

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I remember getting terribly upset about censorship when I was younger (mind you, I didn’t rage on the internet), and while I notice it still triggers me (I’m 34 now), I’m not too bothered by it anymore.

I guess all that therapy payed off. 😉

Edited by Lagomorph01
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I don’t understand how people editing their own work is censorship, especially when the original is still available. That’s not at all what censorship is.

in the case of this Sam & Max release, I think what’s going on is a small subset of the audience aren’t getting exactly what they want, and are upset but know that sounds childish to complain about, so they’re crying censorship as a somehow more “acceptable” way of throwing that same fit. 


(Sorry for bringing some negativity to this good times thread!)

Edited by Jake
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16 minutes ago, Jake said:

I don’t understand how people editing their own work is censorship, especially when the original is still available. That’s not at all what censorship is.

in the case of this Sam & Max release, I think what’s going on is a small subset of the audience aren’t getting exactly what they want, and are upset but know that sounds childish to complain about, so they’re crying censorship as a somehow more “acceptable” way of throwing that same fit. 


(Sorry for bringing some negativity to this good times thread!)

I feel so sorry for you guys getting negative reviews because of these assholes. There is no logical explanation for their outrage (and tons of logic to counter it), so it's really only wasted energy to even try it. I sincerely hope none of this stands in the way of further remasters.

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We’re already working on season two!


To be clear, I understand not liking that a new version of something has changed in a way that makes me like it less. That is a shitty feeling when it happens to something you like. It’s just not censorship! And trying to claim it IS censorship to give those feelings more weight is not justifiable. It sucks to feel bad because a thing I like has changed, but the world does not owe me for those feelings. Is it “bad business” to change something in a way that some customers don’t like? Maybe! (Or maybe not, depending on the outcome!) But again, that’s not censorship either.

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Good to hear you're already working on season two, Jake!


Now please, let's not derail this positive thread. I'm sorry I used the term above, I understand why it would trigger you at a time like this.

I hope the bad winds that blow will soon lay down, let's enjoy Sam and Max the best we can!


I bought season one on Switch, and I'll buy Season two in a heartbeat!

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3 hours ago, Jake said:

We’re already working on season two!


To be clear, I understand not liking that a new version of something has changed in a way that makes me like it less. That is a shitty feeling when it happens to something you like. It’s just not censorship! And trying to claim it IS censorship to give those feelings more weight is not justifiable. It sucks to feel bad because a thing I like has changed, but the world does not owe me for those feelings. Is it “bad business” to change something in a way that some customers don’t like? Maybe! (Or maybe not, depending on the outcome!) But again, that’s not censorship either.


This is a point I tried to make over and over until I gave up shouting into their echo chamber. This absolutely is not censorship, no one forced it upon you, you excercized your perogative as the authors and it was your liscence to do so.


I have this wonderful fantasy image in my head of a starchie spudnoggin blog post addressing this issue by posting a page out of surfing the highway but with the guns replaced with walkie talkiea just because its his work and he could if he so chooses, that is his right. Doing so does nothing to take away from the original art. I would totally buy prints of that 🙂. God I miss spud-o-vision lol


P.S. Already had it on pc I just bought it again for the switch 🙂 my two oldest are getting switch lites for Christmas so they might need a copy each as well 🙂

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Yeah, these forums are much better than the Steam ones. Dear lord, what a bunch of whiny little shits. It's getting worse though cause someone just posted a YouTube video about it (that I won't link because why would I give them the viewership they crave) which has already gotten over 3000 views and the comments are all the same crap, people whining about the game "going woke" and all the subtext that entails along with "Well they don't get my business" Karen talk. I really hope this doesn't ruin the success of the game and it's just a vocal minority. 

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:guyofwar:OMG, I am so glad the emoji i contributed survived the move to the new software :) such a big smile right now 


My nostalgia has led me to look back at old posts, i almost necro'd this old "Introduce Yourself" post of Gabez's to do an update. 12 years is such a long time :) it would be cool to do another post like that, or even just updates from those still around :)


Im loving just pouring over all the great posts i missed during that time like ATMachines resurgence and article like posts like the secret project thread.


Im just repeating myself at this point but i truly am greatful for all you guys have done for this community all the way back to skyfox and the webrings (just a lurker reading from a library computer way back then)



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On 12/8/2020 at 12:57 AM, Glokidd said:

i truly am greatful for all you guys have done for this community all the way back to skyfox and the webrings 

I loved the webrings. :) My favorite was a site called SCUMM, which simply had a Monkey Island parody of the Cheers theme song. I've thought about doing a video parody of that song, but I don't know who I would credit.

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I actually spent a lot of yesterday on the wayback machine looking at mojos past and as many of the webring sites as they would muster. mostly i could just get at lists.


I remember in like 1998 or so i had built a site in computer science that was called the monkey island catacombs that had a red theme and a midi of the catacombs theme that would autoplay, i think i submitted it to the webring but im not sure. i do know that my school wouldnt have hosted it for long, hell it may have been on a private network so it could have been impossible for the ring to see the submission i made lol. Had no idea how to get hosting back then lol. My parents are hoarders, i wonder if they still have that red floppy disk... if it still reads

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I created a Monkey Island page in 1997 (the Monkey Island Mega Monkey page) that was on the webring, The first iteration had a blue sky background and swinging Monkey gifs from Monkey Island 2. It was hosted on my computer through the dyn.dns service. I was lucky to live in the Time Warner Road Runner (then called Line Runner) testing area so my parents got high speed cable internet way back in 1995.

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On 12/8/2020 at 1:41 AM, Jake said:

I don’t understand how people editing their own work is censorship, especially when the original is still available. That’s not at all what censorship is.

in the case of this Sam & Max release, I think what’s going on is a small subset of the audience aren’t getting exactly what they want, and are upset but know that sounds childish to complain about, so they’re crying censorship as a somehow more “acceptable” way of throwing that same fit. 


(Sorry for bringing some negativity to this good times thread!)


The changes also barely effect anything, the claims that the edits have 'ruined the edgy comedy' is absurd, none of the cut lines were that spectacular and there's plenty of raunchy, edgy uncouth humour left in the game. Also I did not remember that line about a young teen girl online exploring herself, but I will say it kinda gave me the heebiejeebies. I think in this day and age cutting it was a good call.


It's a depressing state of affairs the way that certain causes that I'm sure these people don't REALLY care about (remember the review bombing on Ion Fury last year? It was the same crud) become this viral hatemob thing that is just this really toxic parasitical thing. Heck, people were so upset by The Last Jedi they were saying absurd things like Rian Johnson is a hack and terrible film maker, despite him having directed lots of other pretty well regarded films. It's all just buzzwords and this disgusting vile group think and I'm so sick of seeing it. Social media has shown for good and for bad people being loud and aggressive can result in people getting what they 'want'. I also think it must feel 'good' in a way for these people to feel like they're a 'part' of something and having an 'enemy' to rally against. It's all so tiring.


But enough mulling on the toxicity, the remaster is wonderful and everyone has done a great job giving these games some well deserved love and care and I hope you guys can keep doing what you're doing! Much love ❤️ And much love to this community and this thread, it's nice to see some sunshine in between all the poo flinging!

Edited by kralex
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I dunno, to me it seems the people who are most vocally aggressive in these debate are the ones defending/demanding the changes. But I have not read the reviews in question.


I view it more as a matter of principle, as I see more and more changes in different areas, like art, entertainment and history. And the changes seem extremely selective and frankly, unnecessary, coming from a place of fear of being accused of being associated with the 'wrong' crowd. I am not a fan of such group thinking, nor special rules for certain groups. Thinking in these terms quickly becomes very black and white, if you you'll excuse the expression.


Anyway, I am glad that you remastered the games. I hope you are able to do other Telltale titles in the future as well, with or without the need for specific changes. A remaster of TWAU or Bone would be awesome.

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