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ReMI ramp-up


Which games are you replaying in preparation for ReMI?  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Fess up!

    • The Secret of Monkey Island -- playing it OG
    • The Secret of Monkey Island SE -- is it AS bad as you remember it being?
    • Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge -- only the best
    • Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge SE -- only the best, just not quite as good
    • The Curse of Monkey Island -- was "more slaw" actually a line in the game?
    • Escape from Monkey Island -- the underrated gem
    • Tales of Monkey Island -- because who doesn't like fun?
    • (Thimbleweed Park -- it seems appropriate, all things taken into consideration)

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OK, so the trailer didn't materialize yet, but I'm sure I'm not the only one replaying some of the previous Monkey Island games. (The official ReMI thread would suggest as much.) So, which ones are you playing through (names are public, because come on)?


I'm on the clock, of course -- Thrik isn't one to allow us to have fun -- and so far I've been through:


  • MI1 -- Amiga, EGA, and VGA (two of them basically speed-runs)
  • MI2 -- VGA and Amiga (the latter in lite mode)
  • CMI -- Siiiiigh.
  • EMI -- Started up, probably will finish after TMI.
  • TMI, currently.
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I wanted a release date before i started my marathon so i could make some kinda plan.


However, the lack of news at the Devolver showcase has pushed me over the edge 😂 I can't take it anymore!!!


I'm starting my marathon with Secret of Monkey Island talkie edition. 

Edited by Toymafia88
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I gritted my teeth through MI1SE, and am now enjoying MI2SE where there are far less technical oversights. It’s a shame these games didn’t get much in the way of updates because most of the MI1SE issues are fixable, aside from the art which I’m happy to concede to being a matter of opinion.


I’ll hopefully get through CMI and EMI by the time ReMI comes out, the latter of which I haven’t played for about 20 years.


I do want to replay Tales at some point, but I find the compromises and issues really sad, and am holding out hope for an eventual remaster from SkunkApe.

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Soon as RTMI was announced I started playing through all of them again... finished a few weeks back. It was really fun, and as much as I have favourites, I really enjoyed the whole series. It is my favourite series of all time after all.


I ended up playing the Special Editions, as I had only played MI1SE once and had never finished the MI2SE. I basically played with the updated graphics/sound/voice, but did spend a lot of time switching back and forth between the SEs and the originals. Even though there are a few little details about them that bothered me, I really liked the special editions, and am grateful that they came out (and introduced new players to the series). That being said, next time through I would like to go back to the originals, and may end up doing that in the near future if RTMI doesn't come out for a while...



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6 hours ago, Thrik said:

I do want to replay Tales at some point, but I find the compromises and issues really sad, and am holding out hope for an eventual remaster from SkunkApe.


Which compromises and issues are you referring to?

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This is my schedule - I'm playing one game a month:


April - Monkey Island 2: SE

May - Sam  and Max Hit the Road

June - Day of the Tentacle: Remastered

July - Monkey Island 1: SE

August - Curse of Monkey Island

September - Escape from Monkey Island

October - Tales of Monkey Island


I hope that we will have a definite release date of Return to Monkey Island by the time I finish all the playthroughs.

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2 minutes ago, Torbjörn Andersson said:

Replay? I finally got around to playing Maniac Mansion for the first time! And now I'm in the mapping phase (oh boy) of Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, which I also haven't played before. It remains to be seen if I'll find the time to finally play Thimbleweed Park before Return to Monkey Island is released.


Oh, Zack McKracken and Thimbleweed Park are such great games! I highly recommend them! Enjoy your time with them, Torbjorn Andersson!

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Definitely going to replay the whole series in the leadup to ReMI, but would prefer to have a release date first so that there isn't a long gap between finishing the original games and starting ReMI.


My plan is to play the Non-Ron Trilogy (CMI, EMI and TMI) followed by the Ron Trilogy (SMI, MI2, ReMI) so that MI2 can lead naturally into the new game!


Since it feels strange to begin at Curse, however, I may play the classic modes of MI1/2 beforehand, and then my MI1/2 playthroughs before the new game will be the SE's. (That way, too, I'd be moreorless playing them in the order of release!)


MI aside, I want to have a Lucas/Lucas-esque marathon at some point to celebrate ReMI's release. The DoubleFine remasters. Hit The Road (plus the Skunkape remasters). The other Lucas games. Thimbleweed Park (which I've only played on release and not with the patches). And Broken Age, which I have yet to play.

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5 hours ago, madmardi said:


Which compromises and issues are you referring to?

These are just things that chipped away at my enjoyment quite a lot, and I’d enjoy them being rectified before finally replaying:

  • Reuse of character models, resulting in many looking like lightly modified versions of one another, even major ones like Winslow
  • Similar to above but animations, like that bloody finger clicking
  • Soundtrack was given a cheapo treatment for PC, so excellent Land compositions don’t really get to shine (the Wii version did use proper Land-picked instrumentation but… is the Wii version)
  • LeChuck voice acting recasting, which I think was only rectified for the DVD version…?!
  • Detail can be a bit lacking

My understanding is that a lot of this is down to the game being designed for Wii, which had very strict disk space limitations. So a remaster has a great opportunity to lift the ceiling on some of this stuff.

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2 hours ago, fentongames said:

Definitely going to replay the whole series in the leadup to ReMI, but would prefer to have a release date first so that there isn't a long gap between finishing the original games and starting ReMI.


My plan is to play the Non-Ron Trilogy (CMI, EMI and TMI) followed by the Ron Trilogy (SMI, MI2, ReMI) so that MI2 can lead naturally into the new game!


Since it feels strange to begin at Curse, however, I may play the classic modes of MI1/2 beforehand, and then my MI1/2 playthroughs before the new game will be the SE's. (That way, too, I'd be moreorless playing them in the order of release!)


MI aside, I want to have a Lucas/Lucas-esque marathon at some point to celebrate ReMI's release. The DoubleFine remasters. Hit The Road (plus the Skunkape remasters). The other Lucas games. Thimbleweed Park (which I've only played on release and not with the patches). And Broken Age, which I have yet to play.

Oh my god are we the same brain? I had pretty much the exact plan and thought process. 

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2 hours ago, fentongames said:

MI aside, I want to have a Lucas/Lucas-esque marathon at some point to celebrate ReMI's release. The DoubleFine remasters. Hit The Road (plus the Skunkape remasters). The other Lucas games. Thimbleweed Park (which I've only played on release and not with the patches). And Broken Age, which I have yet to play.


Seems like I'm not the only one that's gotten an itch to go back play/replay a bunch of the LA, and LA-inspired games!


After replaying the MI series, ended up playing both TWP and Labyrinth for the first time. I still have a pretty long list of games that I would like to get through, and all of these I'm ashamed to admit I haven't played before:


DOTT Remaster

Full Throttle Remaster

Grim Remaster

Broken Age (started playing when it first came out, but ran out of free time and never finished)

Psychonauts 2

Telltale's Sam and Max (all 3 seasons, plus the Snunkape remasters - started Season 1 when it was first released, but didn't make it very far)

The Cave


And of course RTMI will become top priority when it's finally released. 😃


I also would love to go back to some of the others again... really want to replay Fate of Atlantis... but I really don't have the spare time like I used to 😑


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Quick update,


I just beat Monkey Island 1 Talkie edition and will play MI2 next.


Other games I completed while waiting for Return:


- Grim Fandango
- Putt Putt saves the zoo
- Pajama Sam 1
- Psychonauts 2
- Darkside Detective


I started but not finished Deathspank and Brutal Legend.

Edited by Toymafia88
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I did a litte stream of the first game (Ultimate Talkie) on Twitch yesterday, my first ever foray into streaming, and OF COURSE I forgot to make sure stream archiving was enabled, boo me. I plan to stream MI2 soon! Will do Curse, Escape and Tales as well, but I've decided to play Return for the first time outside of Twitch. I want to keep that as a personal experience, free of temptation to get hints from the chat...and you just know some dickhead will come in and spoil the Secret, I'm having none of that nonsense. 

Edited by OzzieMonkey
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Two small tips for those who are playing or planning to play some of these games, in case you find them useful:


1) The Special Edition of the first Monkey Island is known to have very long, awkward pauses after every spoken sentence, which completely ruins the flow of the dialogue. Indeed, many people have complained about this in this forum. However, there's a very easy fix for that, which I have never seen reported anywhere: switch to the classic version with F10. Press "+" a few times to max out the text speed. Switch back to the Special Edition mode. Enjoy the dialogue without weird pauses.


2) The control scheme of Tales of Monkey Island is usually criticized as well. As a matter of fact, I think this was briefly dicussed in the "Return to Monkey Island" main post, but I'm mentioning it here because it feels more on-topic and so that it doesn't get lost there. There were some comments about how the control scheme feels dated and convoluted, and I was wondering: is everybody aware that the game includes an alternative control scheme that, for some reason, is not mentioned (I think) in the tutorial at all? I agree the hold-the-mouse-botton-to-walk system is not very comfortable. However, you can also use the WASD keys to control Guybrush directly (hold Shift to run). So you move Guybrush with the keyboard, and you control the pointer with the mouse to interact with objects, as you normally would. I actually think this is a great control system, and I even found myself using it instinctively quite a few times when I played the Sam & Max remasters.

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1 hour ago, Groggoccino said:

Two small tips for those who are playing or planning to play some of these games, in case you find them useful:


1) The Special Edition of the first Monkey Island is known to have very long, awkward pauses after every spoken sentence, which completely ruins the flow of the dialogue. Indeed, many people have complained about this in this forum. However, there's a very easy fix for that, which I have never seen reported anywhere: switch to the classic version with F10. Press "+" a few times to max out the text speed. Switch back to the Special Edition mode. Enjoy the dialogue without weird pauses.


2) The control scheme of Tales of Monkey Island is usually criticized as well. As a matter of fact, I think this was briefly dicussed in the "Return to Monkey Island" main post, but I'm mentioning it here because it feels more on-topic and so that it doesn't get lost there. There were some comments about how the control scheme feels dated and convoluted, and I was wondering: is everybody aware that the game includes an alternative control scheme that, for some reason, is not mentioned (I think) in the tutorial at all? I agree the hold-the-mouse-botton-to-walk system is not very comfortable. However, you can also use the WASD keys to control Guybrush directly (hold Shift to run). So you move Guybrush with the keyboard, and you control the pointer with the mouse to interact with objects, as you normally would. I actually think this is a great control system, and I even found myself using it instinctively quite a few times when I played the Sam & Max remasters.

The tip with the text speed is great!


As for Tales: I remember the controls to be a bit clunky too. However, at the moment I’m replaying it on my iPad and think it works really well! Maybe an option for some tablet owners. 🤓

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1 hour ago, BillyCheers said:

The tip with the text speed is great!


As for Tales: I remember the controls to be a bit clunky too. However, at the moment I’m replaying it on my iPad and think it works really well! Maybe an option for some tablet owners. 🤓

Hmm! Does the iPad version have actual point-and-click controls or does it simulate how it’s played with a mouse?

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It the same controls, just with touch. But as you play it directly in the display, for me it works much better. Dunno. 

but it also has some things that are worse than on pc. Like the dialogue menu: you always just see one line and than has to swipe… 😅

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6 hours ago, Groggoccino said:

Two small tips for those who are playing or planning to play some of these games, in case you find them useful:


1) The Special Edition of the first Monkey Island is known to have very long, awkward pauses after every spoken sentence, which completely ruins the flow of the dialogue. Indeed, many people have complained about this in this forum. However, there's a very easy fix for that, which I have never seen reported anywhere: switch to the classic version with F10. Press "+" a few times to max out the text speed. Switch back to the Special Edition mode. Enjoy the dialogue without weird pauses.


2) The control scheme of Tales of Monkey Island is usually criticized as well. As a matter of fact, I think this was briefly dicussed in the "Return to Monkey Island" main post, but I'm mentioning it here because it feels more on-topic and so that it doesn't get lost there. There were some comments about how the control scheme feels dated and convoluted, and I was wondering: is everybody aware that the game includes an alternative control scheme that, for some reason, is not mentioned (I think) in the tutorial at all? I agree the hold-the-mouse-botton-to-walk system is not very comfortable. However, you can also use the WASD keys to control Guybrush directly (hold Shift to run). So you move Guybrush with the keyboard, and you control the pointer with the mouse to interact with objects, as you normally would. I actually think this is a great control system, and I even found myself using it instinctively quite a few times when I played the Sam & Max remasters.

Another thing worth mentioning is that there are bugs in the SEs that can only be fixed by limiting the framerate: 


-The mouse appears before the Part 1 title card so it never triggers and the interface is temporarily gone until you talk to someone in the SCUMM bar


-MI2 has a bunch of areas where the game just hangs

and not even a restart will fix it; you have to limit the framerate.


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I've been playing Kathy Rain. Which has a lot of empathy, a lot of heart, some really decent characters that defy the stereotype, but the puzzle design is unfortunately extremely lacking.


Preposterous thought: Maybe the reason for the demise of the point-and-click wasn't so much that players didn't want to solve those challenges any longer, it's that the developer copycats, who without a doubt still loved the genre, didn't always understand it. 😬


It makes me look forward to Return that much more though, so there's the ramp-up element. Expectation is skyrocketing. 🚀



14 hours ago, Udvarnoky said:

Sounds like a better tip is to just avoid the SEs and play the actual games that shipped in 1990 and 1991.


Unfortunately my AMIGA was killed by a friend of my brother back in 1999. I have these fine LucasArts 10 Adventures CD-ROMs though, but I guess one of these days the aluminium coating will just peel off.

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