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Getting to know each other

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  JoFlashStudios said:
@Sabretooth; different type of Blender, but that type goes better with ice cream I suppose. It did give me the interesting vision of attempting to get ice cream through my screen into a piece of software.


Now you're thinking with portals.

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  JoFlashStudios said:
@Jai'galaar Bralor, 'fraid not.



  Sabretooth said:
  JoFlashStudios said:
@Sabretooth; different type of Blender, but that type goes better with ice cream I suppose. It did give me the interesting vision of attempting to get ice cream through my screen into a piece of software.
Now you're thinking with portals.


Let us begin experimentation. For science. You monster.

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  purifier said:

Another movie I wish was out on Blu-ray...


:raise: What about us dorky guys/gals. I think your all forgetting about us, you know.

You obviously like Star Wars and vidya to be here... *points* GEEEEEEEEEEEEK!! :p




@ JoFlashStudios: Depends on your definition of social skills lol. "Geeks", "Nerds" and everyone else can be social but not seem like it and then there are just folks who are completely anti-social. There's no real connection other than the perception non-geeks and non-nerds have of them.


I mean, a good example is social networking and the way people view computers... back in the 90s anything to do with computers were the apparent domain of geeks and nerds and anyone who was "cool" (back in school lol) didn't use computers.


Nowadays it's cool to use computers and get online and all that and while people call it the whole "web 2.0" revolution, it really isn't because it's just a popularisation of concepts that existed before they become big in the 21st century.



So, without us geeks and nerds, we wouldn't have airhead girls posting naked pictures of themselves on the internet taken with their iphone which they don't realise can track the location that picture was taken.




...*looks around* what?

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  Sabretooth said:
Now you're thinking with portals.

Well, yes. That's entirely possible. I've had that game on my mind recently...


@Lynk Former, yes I suppose that when stereotypes are abandoned and reality is evaluated, social skills (or a lack thereof) are more or less evenly distributed across the population. But stereotypes are so much more fun, don't you think? :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My name is classified, so just call me Jamozk Ekhiss if you can't call me Mandalore.

I'm a scripter for both KotORs, currently hired for a restoration of K1. Don't worry, my services are free of charge.

By the way, the name comes from a sci-fi strategy game called Imperial Galaxy. You can't join right now because the website is broken, but if you PM me I'll tell you when you can. Then I'll give you some instructions to help you start.

I like bands such as Green Day, The White Stripes and The Libertines (and related bands); but I also like things like Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan.

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  • 2 months later...

*copying the first poster*


Name: Jordan Finch


Age: 14


Location: Somerset, England


Occupation: School


Hobbies: Gaming, Music, Story-writing (when I can pin down an idea in my head)


Favourite Music: Scissor Sisters, Green Day, random stuff really.


Favourite Games: KotOR series, World of Warcraft (sometimes), Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo: Reach, Halo 3: ODST, Fable, Fable: Lost Chapters, Fable II, Fable III, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Star Wars: Jedi Knights II: Jedi Outcast, Star Wars games basically. Assassin's Creed series. I like CoD, but I don't play it a lot anymore, cos, I have taste.


Most Awaited Games: Assassin's Creed: Legacy or whatever it's called. Um.. that's about it. TFU III. KotOR III when they inevitably and eventually make it.


P.S. Eloquent teenager, rare isn't it?

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Welcome to the seat of insanity. Don't worry about the eloquence. We'll beat that out of 'ya.


  adamqd said:
Nope, everyone here is about 12, and far more Eloquent than me and I'm 30.


Nonsense. 12-year-olds aren't allowed on the internet! o_Q

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Meh, I've been here but ive never actually posted on any of these types of threads.


This forum is full of perverts, weirdos, and people you just plain ol' dont like.


We've got pointless threads, people who are too lazy to find answers themselves, and the occasional true n00bs.


Enjoy your stay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there. Please do not care about my dark jacob as my avatar, since I wanted to be a light-side character oO ( am I virtually speaking ? )

So, my name is Thomas Gomez, I'm french, 19 years old ( omg almost a couple of decades ).

My fav games of all times : KOTOR 1&2, Oblivion, Halo ( the very first one ), Baldur's Gate 2.

My fav movies of all time : SW, Star Trek Voyager, Halo : Landfall ( actually not really a movie ) , Lost in Translation, Shining, and District 9.


Actually I'm in some sort of college doing a degree in IT, next year I'll be doing the EVS ( European Voluntary Service ), and next to that I'll be doing a 2-years degree in VFX and 3D animation ( not to mention that I'd like to go to VFS oO , but too costly )

NB : I do not know how to mod, although I've got UDK installed on my pc ( look for the intruder )


Bye !

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