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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/22 in all areas

  1. Yeeting Guybrush will be the title of my memoirs.
    9 points
  2. He's, uh... heh... also in his mid-40s these days, which might have as much to do with it as anything πŸ˜„
    9 points
  3. Hello everyone. I cannot not do Monkey Island art while waiting for ReMI, so I made this. Please enjoy. ❀️ Marius
    6 points
  4. (ReMI Trailer spoiler inside)
    6 points
  5. Trailer! I really like it!
    6 points
  6. Keyart in UHD: EDIT And in portrait orientation:
    5 points
  7. I honestly just can't stand when they make these ridiculous claims that Ron is destroying his own creation and then hide behind "its my opinion." Nah, some of these are just personal attacks. Don't like the art style, fair enough, but don't attack the guy.
    4 points
  8. The art and animation looks great in the trailer. I don't understand how anyone could watch that and not be giddy with excitement and positivity.
    4 points
  9. Once they say Marius’ animation they had to release the trailer to stay relevant.
    4 points
  10. Considering that the game has been rated (T) hopefully that means it shouldn't be too far off! I think late summer could be likely. Also looking over that opening with the scrapbook. I wonder if that's how the game will actually begin, or at least be along these lines, cutting back to the scrapbook occasionally in-between acts. The game kindof being told in flashbacks with an "older" Guybrush looking back on his journey of discovering the secret could be an easy way of instituting time-skips in the game. Perhaps Act 1 takes place directly after MI2, and at the end of Act 1, narrator Guybrush says "and so, my quest to discover the secret began. The next twenty or so years were filled with a number of... interesting things... but I never veered from my path... Almost. There was a talking demonic skull at one point, a barbershop trio, chain restaurants, a giant walking statue, a fangirl mercenary, a big sponge... amongst other things... but at long last... after years of searching... I finally had a new lead on the secret..." and the game picks up in the post-Tales world. Also, man, the colour palette of the game is fantastic. Plus the motion in each of the screens really makes the world feel alive. And people are comparing it to MI1SE's art?! No way. This is ten times more cinematic, fluid, alive, visually pleasing, and... well... finished looking... than anything we got there!
    4 points
  11. I bet you're glad you released this yesterday.
    4 points
  12. I’ve always enjoyed the version of the House of Mojo music that plays after you do in Largo, which works the LeChuck theme into it (2:10 onwards):
    4 points
  13. Yeah, when the trailer didn't showed up at that Devolver keynote, I thought: OK, maybe I have enough time to finish the movie before the trailer comes out, that would be incredible! And I think soon after a rumor of a Nintendo Direct popped up. This "maybe deadline" motivated me to get the movie done soon, which I really needed. (Without a deadline it's production was kinda dragging.) I actually wanted to release it earlier, on June 22nd (15th anniversary of the first flash film). Also, if you are part of a Nintendo Direct you have to keep it super hardcore secret. We almost got a slot for our Say No! More release last year, and were told to shut our mouths big time... Oh oh, I don't know if I was allowed to say that... I have to go! If they find me, I--
    3 points
  14. There's a woodchuck joke in here somewhere, but I can't quite find it πŸ˜„
    3 points
  15. Guybrush is so very afraid... of the macOS mouse cursor.
    3 points
  16. Given the trajectory the games were going I thought that LeChuck might just be one giant lip in this game, so I'm glad they've walked that back.
    3 points
  17. A series of random trailer observations (possible spoilers) Wally confirmed (a much more happy and content dude than in the last parts) Swordmaster confirmed (and beefed as EFF) Otis confirmed Voodoo Lady confirmed (an aged variant?) Scumm bar owner/ cook confirmed Ask me about Loomβ„’ dude confirmed Zak McKracken squirrel confirmed (just kidding, or am I?) "control Elaine" section back as possibility fish eating contest probable we have a new shadow shape to figure out crate delivery guy not just in teaser Violin ghost lady NOT spotted 0/11 Damn that LeChuck likes big and scary ships these days Dynamic light source / lantern spotted No other glimpses into UI / game mechanics Guybrush design seems more ToMI than LCR to me (sleeves, blonde, slim) And some rambling "Storybook" may have been the wrong term for the style. But the scrapbook, that idea could have communicated his spark of inspiration better to me. And the fact of the matter is, I love scrapbooks, especially as a travel journal. From Nathan Drake's scribbles on his quest to find Avery's treasure to Jones Sr.'s grail diary. This has always had the whiff of great adventures for me, regardless of the style, because the scrap only ever is a piece torn out of reality, leaving you to remember – or imagine! – the entire rest. And thus, the Ploy of Rex finally makes total sense to me. He could not ever hit a style that would fit everybody's idea of the places and the characters, so he must scrapbook the (s)crap out of this game. Maritza!! The "Power Nap" Maritza!? So glad to meet you again!
    3 points
  18. Here, have Stan's spritesheet.
    3 points
  19. What if the LOOM-pirate tell us that Brian Moriarty is working on a sequel?? Dreams...
    3 points
  20. "I've been in enough scraps for a dozen scrapbooks." A nod to TMI.
    3 points
  21. Wow. I am delighted with everything I just saw and heard. I don’t know what I was expecting for Guybrush exactly, but this has far surpassed anything I was imagining. I think he looks really good! I find the details and lighting in the game’s art absolutely gorgeous. Everything is just so packed with detail, and it looks like there’ll be quite a lot of bespoke cinematic animation.
    3 points
  22. See, I told you all we'd get a trailer. I may have voted that we wouldn't, but that was just a joke.
    3 points
  23. Well, it is for Mojo, so clearly it’s for excellence.
    3 points
  24. The SCUMM Bar kitchen has stew in the full version. If you add the meat, it returns to your inventory as "stewed meat." Likewise with the herring--guess Guybrush grew up between the demo and the full game! Other foods: MI1: --Fettucini (obviously) --Wax lips (It's food! Look it up!) --Spice cake (One of LeChuck-as-Fester's manglings of "Threepwood") Bananas --Mushrooms (Guybrush hates them) --Lemon (a case could be made for Lemonheads, the candy, as well) MI2: --Muenster cheese (the Men of Low Moral Fiber's rat's name is Muenster Monster) --Potatoes (Bernard the chef is peeling and tossing them) --Vanilla (the color of the envelope with Captain Kate's belongings) --Birdseed ("parrot chow") --Governor Phatt references a lot of different foods when he talks in his sleep--can't remember them all, but definitely eclaires, cheese, and chocolate sprinkles --Whatever the fish is that Guybrush uses to win the bet with the angler --Honey (Young Lindy invested in a restaurant chain called "Gangrene n Honey")
    3 points
  25. That'll be the new "never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game" at the end of this one
    2 points
  26. Admittedly, I was feeling naively triumphant after the trailer was released. I thought 'see? It's brilliant. Everyone will love it.' which of course wasn't gonna happen. So it was a bummer when I STILL saw some obnoxious comments on his blog. Like that one someone posted earlier where that one guy is gonna not play the game to own the libs or whatever. But whatever. It doesn't matter. It's more distinctive, interesting looking and frankly higher production value than I ever expected a new MI game to be, so they can stew in their distaste for all I care. NEW MONKEY ISLAND!
    2 points
  27. I also love that it seems we will also be getting several new villains in this game. Guybrush has amassed quite the rouge's gallery over the years, so it's great to continue and see new antagonists show up. I wonder if Largo will be in the game? I would love for his character fate to finally be wrapped up. If he is, I think that's one of the many surprises Ron will want to keep secret for players to experience firsthand in the game itself, especially since fans have been asking about him since LeChuck's Revenge came out. Also, I wouldn't mind some Governor Phatt lol I'm so intrigued to see how this game will begin. Based off everything shown and said, the beginning will finally reveal what happened at the carnival and serve as a nice bridge into Curse, then jump ahead after Tales, acknowledging things that fit and avoiding anything that would limit the scope of their story. I love how Curse intentionally kept what happened at the carnival vague with Guybrush also fuzzy on the details; almost like was planned lol (I obviously know it wasn't but its awesome how that worked out). It's the best of all worlds in my opinion and I couldn't have hoped for it to work out better seeing as I love all the games that came before this one. Speculation tangent; Maybe the game will open with modern-day Guybrush finally recalling what happened at the carnival, goes into a playable flashback, and the details of those memories serve as the foundation for him to start his new journey. Flash to the present and the new journey officially begins. As for the secret, I'm not sure if I'm in the minority here, but I think it's time. I said before that I'm not expecting to be blown away by the secret simply because its relevance was really only in passing references in optional dialogue trees. I'm more invested in how everything is connected, which I imagine the secret is integral to. So, I say let's roll the dice and risk it. One last thing I will say about the art style; I think it lends itself so well to the overall tone and vibe most Monkey Island games have. They have funny and outrageous characters and situations, but the core storylines are typically pretty serious and spooky. These art style really conveys the foreboding sense of something sinister going on just beneath the surface and is slowly revealing itself more and more as the story continues. This is what I loved so much about LeChuck's Revenge tone in particular so much. I love that I am already getting that same feeling from this trailer.
    2 points
  28. I feel like the internet is always going to internet about something and complain. I usually tend to avoid online discussions but this pulled me out of the woodwork after lurking on this site/scummbar.com for 23 years. Everyone here is so excited and looking forward to this game, and while I’m probably biased, I think this community is the best and our excitement matters to the team over a smattering of blog comments.
    2 points
  29. I'm trying hard not to engage with the (large minority) of bad comments. But that doesn't mean I can't type them out then hit cancel.
    2 points
  30. @Marius did you have some insider knowledge of when the trailer was going to drop? πŸ˜„πŸ˜‰ Just find it interesting the trailer drops right after your animation releases. πŸ˜‚ Say 1 grog for yes, 2 grogs for no. πŸ˜‚
    2 points
  31. Crazy theory time: what if it's another Guybrush? He says "there can be only one" and just yeets him 😜
    2 points
  32. Two things about the website that make me happy: The screen swerves right and left with the mouse Animated rats in the foreground. We really, really needed that.
    2 points
  33. Why does Guybrushs Nose look like a P&%Β§?
    2 points
  34. Here, have some more random artwork that can't be seen without rummaging through the resources.
    2 points
  35. Here, have Otis' spritesheet.
    2 points
  36. Yeah... yeah. But I just remember: there will literally be no pleasing some people. Some people will only be happy if it: a) looks exactly like Monkey 1 or 2 or possibly 3 with no changes to that style b) looks 'amazing' in some undefined way that they can't actually explain. Fact is, they've gone with a very distinct art style and not everyone's going to love it. But I do hope that any sensible person, regardless of their own opinion of it, will now be able to see that the visuals in this game are done with a LOT of love and detail.
    2 points
  37. I guess I'll be getting it on Switch if it's not coming to Mac. That controller interface better be good, Ron!
    2 points
  38. I always enjoyed the appearance of the LeChuck theme here. Not only is it quoted directly in parts like at 1:00 in the muted trombone but the clarinet seems to answer it at 1:08
    2 points
  39. Well, they did choose to start with supporting Sierra games β€” no wonder! πŸ˜…
    2 points
  40. Someone did try to replicate Grog with all the deadly ingredients removed, but it ended up being just alcohol with a whole lot of pepperoni which is just...awful.
    2 points
  41. Coming right up! Although those screens were posted three years ago, so I would assume they are known...? This is the source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OyanLg There's also some stuff from RTX Red Rock, a couple of Star Wars games and Infernal Machine.
    2 points
  42. Heh, I found this one interesting/funny in one of the JS scripts of the webpage. I'm too lazy right now to breakpoint my way to the point that function is actually called and I can see what the input param contains besides the exports field. Maybe tomorrow.
    1 point
  43. Anyone else notice the music at the start of the trailer is very very similar to this version?
    1 point
  44. That pretty much much sums up my life lol.
    1 point
  45. There are so many animals in this game, I love it!! Hey so, it looks like we play as Elaine at some point, but... looking at this image: What if we also can play as LeChuck? I'd love that!
    1 point
  46. Clearly Guybrush will be investigating Republic trade routes and blockades. I move for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum...er...I mean...Herman Toothrot's leadership
    1 point
  47. OF COURSE. *of course* they put it in the Nintendo direct that I convinced myself not to care about because the 2020 partner showcases were so meh πŸ˜› 2 things: 1. it looks freaking amazing. 2. WE GOT IT ON PAGE 71, LIKE WHAT
    1 point
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