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  1. Not fan art but just a fun thing to do with your phone wallpapers. You can create your own transition from classic to modern graphics. Monkey Island mobile special edition!!! Here is my lock screen on my phone: Time to switch to modern graphics! My home screen is: This is wonderful! Do you have an art instagram? πŸ₯°
    4 points
  2. Stupid me... in a way to not get spoiled, I just glanced at these images for a moment, and what I saw on this shot was clearly a room-sized chicken sitting across from Guybrush. And since it's a demon chicken, I was sure this must be El Pollo Diablo. Now I realize it's just a ghost chicken in the foreground.
    4 points
  3. Pretty interesting how LeChuck is being modified during these last months of development. Now the Jolly Roger on his hat has real bones that have been roughly tied together, and his "lips" are more thick, noticeable and green. Here they are for comparison.
    3 points
  4. (not taking my own advice here, I know) I've always thought LucasArts has been ahead of its time with its writing, but that said there is a trap here. Pointing at Elaine and Carla and claiming the slam dunk (which I'm not saying anyone is doing here) isn't ... it, and there's no doubt that regardless of how inclusive they were in some ways, they were all products of their time (struggling to come up with any non-hetero coded character/moment in any LucasArts adventure that isn't played for laughs, even as far as Tales) Being progressive is... well, it progresses. It changes over time. In the early 90s having a token, unusually randy gay character in a sitcom was progressive, now it's the opposite because in the early 90s being represented at all was a big win but now it's happened enough we can afford the 'luxury' of nuance in how that portrayal is done. So that's why it's always welcome to me to know that this is something creators actively think about. I love to hear they're thinking of ways to be inclusive because that is an acknowledgement that their attitude isn't just 'eh, we figured out inclusivity in 1990, solved it, no need to revisit that ever' I know it's tiresome to some, and that it can seem like a constant uphill climb where nothing is ever good enough (again, not saying anyone here has expressed that attitude, just to explain why I personally like genuine nods to inclusivity), but I promise that there are people out there who see the efforts when they are made and appreciate it.
    3 points
  5. Haha, yes, hopefully some people are going to be stewing over how 'woke' ReMI is going to be, that'd be lovely. Weird nerds not understanding what Star Trek has always been (even if it isn't doesn't always do it great) is one of my favourite genres of social media post and I'd love to see Monkey Island get a piece of that action. Seriously though, I actually appreciate talk about inclusivity when it's actually followed up by tangible action. I always appreciated that Tim Schafer took a stand during the whole gramergrape thing and then followed through by actually committing to diverse hires, actually committing to building accessibility features into the game, actually letting it inform how Psychonauts 2 was written, etc. Otherwise it's all just words. I'm going to draw a soft line under this and say let's not go TOO far down this rabbit hole as these conversations have a tendency to go a Certain Way after a while.
    3 points
  6. It's still made from trees I guess, but wafer would sue you for defamation if you said it's as thin. THREE chickens. And I take the memes over the speculation. πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ Murray as a VERB could be cool! πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ I guess the c-word was reserved for "chicken" all along. Uhm ... I admit, I kind of think that it 🐻s repeating. Especially when looking at the unedited versions of comments on Ron's blog or the trailer on youtube, it becomes abundantly clear that a whole lot of people thought it was going to made for cis white males. It really is better to punch these dudes repeatedly in the face with how "woke" something is going to be and how "woke" The Secret of Monkey Island and LeChuck's Revenge actually were back in the day, because they're actually really stupid people. TSoMI was the story of a pudgy guy who knows nothing about the world, who first gets beaten by a competent black woman several times, then attempts to rescue a damsel for two thirds of the game even though she was in control of the situation for the entirety of the game. LeChuck's Revenge shows that "damsel" naming her dog after the protagonist and throwing him out of her house while he's not in any discomfort at all wearing a pink dress (well, it has no pockets). Copy that, paste that, they don't understand even after a thousand times. I'm sure that in some forums, new shitstorms will emerge on that old info, but come release day, they will still be surprised again. Regarding the criticism of modern game journalism, this really is a special case, because the journalist probably handed in his script, and then Ron and Dave said "you can't say that" to a few parts, then Devolver to others, and Disney to all of them. If this feels like shredded bits of wood, it probably wasn't the journalist who did the shredding.
    3 points
  7. This is very fun, because I have fond memories of when Curse of Monkey Island was on the cover of PC Gamer back in July 1997. The cover was similarly big scary shot of LeChuck, and I wonder if Rex's new cover is an homage to that. PC Gamer was a very big deal at the time (in my teenage mind at least), and I could hardly believe that something as niche as Monkey Island made the cover. (I think they also did a big cover feature on The Dig, and another issue had a handful of screenshots of Ron's long-gestating "Good and Evil" project that I spent way too long scrutinizing). I possibly spent more time re-playing the Curse demo that came with this issue than I did with the actual game, but I completely forgot that it came with full versions of Monkey Island 1 and 2! Does anyone recall which versions of the game were on the demo disc?
    3 points
  8. There are people who do this a lot better than I do, and hopefully there'll be an official version, but either way... Here's the cover without text, etc.
    3 points
  9. The budget on art must’ve been really constrained, they couldn’t afford to draw this guy any pants! Here’s some additional art found in the article. And here’s a chicken, let the speculating begin.
    3 points
  10. Return characters in the style of curse. Think it's probably important to point out that this is in no way a criticism of the return style (which I love) but just a goofy experiment.
    3 points
  11. Oh yeah… and I don’t think he had those epaulettes in the trailer. Although it’s difficult to tell as his beard is obscuring that area. Maybe i’m reading too much into this (in fact, i definitely am because naval captains wore those too) but to me that just screams admiral. Also i just learned the word epaulette
    2 points
  12. I'm convinced that all Last Crusade would need is MI's improved interface, better dialogue hint clues (and maybe an easier fight system/sucker punch option) and it would be far better regarded. It's fun!
    2 points
  13. I guess I just can't think of any Lucasarts adventure game (from Maniac Mansion to Escape from Monkey Island) that would scream: "This isn't very inclusive." I guess Zak McKraken calls the two women college students co-eds... Indy 3 and 4 have all kinds of Nazis and swastikas, even if they're depicted as your enemy... Escape's writing of creepy Guybrush and also Brittany was clearly written before #metoo empathy... and I suppose that even with the vegetarian leanings, the "primitive" depictions of the cannibals on Monkey and Blood Island (Secret and Curse) are arguably problematic. I'd understand if Lemonhead and his tribesman don't return in Return. EDIT: Though one of my favorite jokes in Curse is when Lemonhead downplays the natives' understanding of medicine by bragging about their European-influenced, state of the art BLOODLETTING center. That was irony done well.
    2 points
  14. Ah, thank you! It's sort of frozen in time in all its terribly broken CSS glory. I keep meaning to update it properly -- redesign the whole damn thing and add a few bits of missing information, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! I still say it's a very under-appreciated game... but you do need a guide to get through the dialogue "puzzles" because they're so unforgiving and random. EDIT: Oh wow. Just noticed you said you read the GameFAQs version. The best version is probably this one: https://indyguide.mixnmojo.com/
    2 points
  15. El Pollo Diablo is in this screenshot...it's Guybrush 😜
    2 points
  16. To sort of hark back to Escape being a more suggestive game; as a Brit I find this line way more amusing and rude than the American writers intended 😁
    2 points
  17. Oh man, this is cool: Because your photo is a bit blurry, this looks like a page from an old magazine where the screenshots had that CRT monitor quality.
    2 points
  18. Yeees! First thing I remembered was Stan sells nothing. The ytmnd times were great. https://stansellsnothing.ytmnd.com/
    2 points
  19. Oooh, cool LeChuck cover on the new PC Gamer UK.
    2 points
  20. Converting a day scene to night reminds me that I did the first pitch for converting the opening of Tales from day to night. It was originally a bright sunny day at the start of the game, and I suggested we change it to a dark night with thunderstorm, rain etc, and then have it fade to day as Guybrush washes ashore on Flotsam. The effect animation I made to test this time of day transition looked extremely goofy at 10x speed (which is a common speed to run at in Telltales tools because it has a 10x/1x toggle hotkey for quickly getting through things without skipping over any keyframes or code) because of how LeChuck and the ships bobbled around, and became a video I dumped onto my personal YouTube the day before the game came out
    2 points
  21. Thanks, I really appreciate that! πŸ™ Yes! DREAMM, other than being a blessing in itself, is definitely the one spark which started this new "accuracy wave". πŸ˜› So big thanks to Aaron for that! But I'd like to point out that it's never just me: in these recent times a lot of people (old and new) have an active part within the SCUMM team (and some of them are here! @dwa@TorbjΓΆrn Andersson). We've had (and still have) a lot of things going on, the implementation of old video modes, countless accuracy fixes for even the most small and almost unnoticeable things, the enhancements!!!, and so on. I'd say it's very exciting to be a SCUMM maintainer these days πŸ˜„
    2 points
  22. Mm, there's absolutely no point them releasing another trailer at this stage if it doesn't have a date in it. I'm going to say ... 80% we'll know on tuesday.
    1 point
  23. LeChuck looks genuinely frightening on that cover and I love how it's a nice evolution of his zombie form while also taking elements from others as well. This might actually be my favorite design of him. I think some people were afraid he would be too goofy based off that initial clip a couple of weeks ago, but if this cover is anything to go off of, I think we'll see something akin to his presence in MI2. With so much appearing to happen in this game, it's nice to see that LeChuck will still have a center stage. The series I feel is more about his rivalry with Guybrush than anything else.
    1 point
  24. I don't think anything you've said here is totally unreasonable, but I'd say (in brief-as-i-can because I don't really want to labour the point and I'm totally not taking my own advice at this point): 1) Sure, headcanons aside guybrush appears to be for all intents and purposes a cishet guy. That's fine. But there are more ways to have representation than in the main character. Not saying we're entitled to it, just saying that it's something when I think back on it that was notably almost completely absent from LucasArts games despite all the other ways they were pretty diverse. 2) Sure, in comedy a lot of stuff is played for laughs but I don't think that's a get out of jail free card. A character might be funny for lots of reasons, but just because they're, say, gay doesn't mean that their gayness has to be 'the joke'. In the early 90s that was about par for the course. It's representation, but it's... not great. But for example in Tales you have the flirtatious but androgynous Mer-people where the whole gag is 'guybrush doesn't know how to feel about their flirting' which I think just about passes for a joke in the 2000s but now might be accused of being ... ehh maybe a little lazy. Not heinous, just... of its time. ---- Incidentally I think a trans read of Largo is perfectly plausible, and I definitely like it more than the (at the time no-doubt deliberate) joke of 'ha ha he's a tough guy but likes to wear bras' joke which is.. ehh. And the thought of that annoying the pants off exactly the sort of people you'd expect it to annoy is delicious. But I'm in two minds about whether I would like this game to tackle that.. I think I would welcome it if there were trans folks involved in the writing of that character who could speak to that experience (okay I WILL try to stop now though, it's just that this is a fascinating topic for me)
    1 point
  25. Yeah… they did say that Ron Gilbert β€œhad taken something of a steering role in Escape from Monkey Island”.
    1 point
  26. Yeah. I don't think that Murray has the "physique du role" to support a role as a main character in the game, so I think that the hypothesis of him working as the hint system might be valid. I really can't tell, but I would assume that this article was simply a piece of their marketing strategy, aimed mainly at informing non-superfans that the game exists. As any communication, it has to be validated by many subjects before being published. Each subject will try also to highlight its own contribution to the project. This is quite normal, especially for projects supervised by big and popular companies. I didn't think about that, it's a nice idea! Like Max was in "Hit the Road". This is a very well-balanced position, that I like and support. Since I'm reading in several posts about inclusiveness focused on the game itself, I will point out that it is also a policy that applies to the entire project. For example, it can influence how people are recruited. How is that even possible? I think that the "premiere" will consist mainly in a trailer, designed to arouse curiosity in those who don't already know that the game exists. I'm afraid that they need to inform new people that this game exists. I have no evidence that Devolver DIgital is investing in RtMI the same quantity of time and efforts that they invested in "Cult of the Lamb" which, by the way, has been managed extremely well, from a marketing point of view. Interesting comparison, thank you for pointing it out! I remember Dominic Armato saying that the developers did a lot of polishing after the first shared screenshots, so these changes might be the result of that.
    1 point
  27. They said there would be more/big news this month. If Tuesday has a trailer and a release date, that's enough for me and would still make that tweet 100% true.
    1 point
  28. This may be a long shot, but is it possible that the "World Premiere" next week is just the game dropping and the trailer we get is in fact a launch trailer to tell people "go buy it right now, it's out"? Also, will there even be a Monkey Island Monday next week? Premiere, to me at least, suggests a release, unless they simply mean "premiere of this specific trailer", which to me feels like being strung along tbh. Either way, whether it's just a straight up drop of the game or a date, I'm at least 80% sure we'll know when it's out by then.
    1 point
  29. This is something that can be overcome in a Lucas style adventure game, but it feels more difficult to imagine in Monkey Island specifically because: 1) Guybrush is our protagonist and our vehicle, and he's been firmly established as hetero coded (only flirts with women, has been seen as identifying/dressing male as a very young child). So that's our primary game perspective. 2) It's comedy, and a huge portion of Guybrush's reactions to his world are comedic. A lot of things are played for laughs. I feel like the most genius types of inclusion are the most subtle ones, but that's hard to pull off because subtlety might not get the message across. As an example... imagine Largo LaGrande comes back, and Ron decides he has always been a transgender male. (I heard a fan suggest this once as an alternative explanation for the bra.) If Ron wanted to canonize this... how would it even be depicted? It's a topic where subtlety is often the best and most beautiful means, but if you're too subtle then the fans accuse you of pulling a "gay Dumbledore" without any real evidence shown in your work. I can stop if this is crossing uncomfortable lines. I think I'm done with my thoughts on it, anyway?
    1 point
  30. There's something to be said for low detail. The accidental way that low detail adds detail. Nobody intended for guybrush to be staring blankly at stan as his arms and mouth go wild but the effect is nevertheless there. In ReMI they'd want to have his face react to the things he says, and I've said before I love the animation details this new look brings, but it's... interesting the way that those few pixels allow the mind to read things that were never really put there on purpose.
    1 point
  31. As much as I had some quibbles with Thimbleweed Park, I think it did location very well.
    1 point
  32. I remember in AOL forum days, I had Castle Brunwald down. I was much flakier on the Airport and exit from Germany, but that Castle Brunwald I just enjoyed playing through in various ways. If I wanted to avoid switching uniforms often, I'd just knock out Corporal Kruger (#3), and I'd avoid touching the ale guard (#1, who you can also pass by offering a drink) until I had the officer's uniform. He lets an officer pass automatically without any dialogue puzzle, and then I'd never have to switch clothes... though maybe that doesn't net I.Q. points, I forget. And I recall that, to "clear a path" as your guide described, I needed to fight some guards in a certain order... and I think I even talked to most of them first so that the tough ones didn't chase me down early. Textbook alarm guard (#8) was a Medium (or maybe he was Hard, but the area was large enough I could retreat a huge amount?); I needed to give Mein Kampf to save my energy - and I recall he would start attacking if I'd already knocked out some guards before meeting him. Also his hair color changed if you went to the save menu after punching him out. Painting guard (#4) was also a Medium, but the painting made him disappear so that was nice. The Easy guards were the ones on the first floor (#2, #3) and the nervous guard at the top of the third floor stairs (#9). I'd target them first, and manage to keep full health. Then the Medium hallway guards were the heavyset one at the end of the 2nd floor (#7) and the officer Sigfried (#11), so I'd fight one then use first aid before facing the other. It was a shame that, after planning all that or faking Colonel Vogel with the old book, it still teleported you to the middle of Germany afterward. I wish some of Secret of Monkey Island's contemporaries had gotten modern rerelease treatment. Add a sucker punch option, and Last Crusade is good to go!
    1 point
  33. And you can totally see that in MI1, MI2 and also Thimbleweed Park. You Never get enough of wandering around and just enjoying the atmosphere. πŸ₯°
    1 point
  34. Well it’s not often that monkey island makes a grand return after being effectively dead for over a decade. I think i can make an exception lmao.
    1 point
  35. I didn't even know it was a thing, I just thought it was meant to be a fashion book or something πŸ‘• I beat #Mojole #150 and all I got was this stupid t-shirt. 2/6 πŸ–€πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ–€πŸ–€ πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Mojole/
    1 point
  36. β€œβ€¦ I only redo all the characters of a new game in a different style in a really cool way. Not much. πŸ˜‡β€ Those are really cool!
    1 point
  37. I remember Ron saying something like β€œMurray is a lot in this game!” Murray as a sidekick (if done well) could be cool. And I really like the hint-Murray idea! You’ll get insulted every time you need a tip… πŸ˜…
    1 point
  38. Totally agree! To me it felt like a very nice and cozy vacation place (maybe apart from the guy at the Brimstone Beach Club). The artwork, music and whole atmosphere there ist just: πŸ‘Œ
    1 point
  39. And poor old Mort, the gravedigger
    1 point
  40. Here is something official, with most of the text removed:
    1 point
  41. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/pc-gamer-uk/id451452510 https://www.zinio.com/gb/pc-gamer-m8389#/ Well poo to you!
    1 point
  42. Not just one, but it was an entire fad! There's a ton of these on YTMND. I like this first-person/FPS styled one a lot. https://stansellseverything-thegame.ytmnd.com/
    1 point
  43. Not really an island, but I tried to convert one of the pirate ship scenes from The Curse of Monkey Island from day to night so I could use it as the dark mode header/cover on my website. (The original is an upscale by Laserschwert)
    1 point
  44. That DREAMM has apparently kicked off some sort of accuracy arms race in @AndywinXp's head is really the best possible outcome.
    1 point
  45. The way Guybrush just stands there, with that expression... πŸ˜šπŸ‘Œ
    1 point
  46. There still is! https://stansellseverything.ytmnd.com/
    1 point
  47. I am so happy that we already have a evidence-board-like image with multicolor lines and circles. Thatβ€˜s what I was hoping to see in this thread. I love this forum. ❀️
    1 point
  48. I had the odd thought that maybe the real purpose of the rubber chickens is to be used with a spell that summons a spiritual cable from the ether, allowing the user to glide between any two destinations they please using the conveniently placed pulley. It’d explain how the fortune teller gets around so quickly, anyway.
    1 point
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