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Name Change Thread 2 - Read the First Post!

Rogue Nine

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hello i would like my username changed to Detective Bart Lasiter please or Det. Bart Lasiter if that is too long thanks in advance


Throwing away such a well established trademark? Oh well...


jmac7142 --> Det. Bart Lasiter on September 22th, 2009

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I have been thinking about this for quite some time... for about a week at least... perhaps longer... I can't remember. >.<


But anyway... I am 100% positive that I want my name changed... and I am aware that it is a permanent name change and I cannot get another name change for as long as I live. I am willing to accept that.


Could I please have my name changed from Ashnan Corri to Godric Volturi


Thank you in advance :)

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I'd like a name change to: Mav


maverick187--> Mav --> September 28th, 2009


I'd like my name changed to: Te Prudii Mand'alor


done! September 28th, 2009...don't blame me for the typos when you try to log: in I merely did a copy/paste :p (change is not permanent but applicable for a minimum of 6 months)

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This is clever, some places use points to have changes made to your account, but any ways.


I don't really like my name a whole lot. It was the only thing I could think of at the time I registered. Now finding this I have a better one in mind:


Could I have mine changed to -> Redeemed Jedi?


Thank you Boba Rhett!

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